UN climate report warns of ‘code red for humanity’

ABC News’ Maggie Rulli reports on the new U.N. climate report on the dire threat warming temperatures pose to the planet, as fires and extreme weather events spread globally.

コメント (21)
  • The little people are told to make changes. The rich and powerful, who mostly cause it, left to continue
  • @ent1pe691
    As long as companies and businesses are making money, they don't care.
  • I used to believe this was a conspiracy but In my 24 years in the same town, I’ve noticed less caterpillars, fireflies, and sadly - stars. The sky seems more dense. It’s honestly painful to think about how much more fresh it was just 10/15 years ago…
  • “We humans” things will never change until we hold those whom are actually responsible accountable. And stop! covering for them & trying to make us believe we the people are apart of the problem instead of the corporations and plantations.
  • The problem with humanity is that we never listen. And we only learn when it’s too late. Corporations put profit over people and will likely continue to do so. Prepare while you can. Time is running out ..
  • I’m from a tiny island in the Caribbean called Roatan. We have a zero plastic policy. Over the last two years every business and corporation was forced to alternate their plastic products, for glass, cardboard, paper, or recyclable aluminum. This includes soda cans, beer, straws, and even plastic bags at the grocery store. Everyone must take their own shopping bags,and if you don’t, cardboard boxes are available for purchase at the checkout. We have noticed a huge improvement in the overall well-being of our island.
  • This is what made me want to get a Geology degree and pursue a career within this field in order to study this beautiful planet more and do whatever I can to save it. This is the only home we have and we need to do a MUCH better job at taking care of it.
  • @wcr2265
    What makes me boil, is we’re at this point and people are still saying… “climate change isn’t real”.
  • Why don't y'all give the same advice to all the corporations, celebrities, and others in power who have contributed to all of this more than the regular citizen?
  • @Jared_09
    “War isn’t going to kill us, Earth itself will do the job”
  • It’s scary because as a kid you always thought old folks were joking when they were talking about days like this coming now it’s unfolding right in front of our eyes…
  • Everyday citizens are much, MUCH less to blame than the corporations and the rich. PUT THE BLAME WHERE IT BELONGS.
  • They gotta stop ending they’re points with. “But theirs still time” no there isn’t. Saying that will just incline people too continue to do nothing cause “they have time” too not worry about it.
  • One thing we all noticed is that if there is a global crisis that requires everyone to work together we are doomed
  • Everyone with a brain saw this coming, problem is we can't overrule the elites that want this to happen. In Jesus Christ I pray for the safety and healing of all those in need
  • From being a kid to now I can notice a huge difference in the climate especially being from somewhere like Michigan where we have all four seasons… winter brings no snow anymore :/ sad our planet is dying & we are doing nothing but fueling it’s death
  • The end times are here people. Don’t be afraid that you’re going to die but, be grateful that you’ve been alive. See y’all in the after live, God Bless🙏🏼