New climate data shows global temperatures continuing to rise sharply | DW News

Published 2024-02-20
For the first time the world was 1.5 degrees warmer compared to pre-industrial times. It was actually anticipated that this important threshold would only be reached in the next few years or the next decade. Recently, scientists expressed "alarm" over the latest findings that the so-called AMOC, a system of ocean currents in the Atlantic, is about to shift due to rapid ice melt. If it were to fail, Europe would see a dramatic drop in temperatures of up to 10 degrees on average. In southern hemisphere countries, warming could intensify, and in the Amazon region, the rainy and dry seasons could be reversed. Sea levels would rise at a speed that would make it impossible for humans to adapt in time. Have we already exceeded the key 1.5-degree limit agreed in the Paris Climate Accord for good?


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All Comments (21)
  • "Yes the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders." - Humanity's Epitaph
  • @A3Kr0n
    In the fifty years I've been watching this, nothing has been done to stop it and I don't see anything being done that can stop the collapse of the ecosystem.
  • @damirbubnic5056
    Rich people will NEVER renounce their yachts, private jets, numerous villas, pools etc. ... NEVER
  • @tordkarl
    The politicians gave themselves a warm applaus in Paris. They are good at talking and praising themeselves. They are not so good at making things happen though.
  • @aum82
    Humanity today is like a waking dreamer, caught between the fantasies of sleep and the chaos of the real world. The mind seeks but cannot find the precise place and hour. We have created a Star Wars civilization, with Stone Age emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology. We thrash about. We are terribly confused by the mere fact of our existence, and a danger to ourselves and to the rest of life. ~ Edward O. Wilson
  • @rafhadalto
    People really don't understand exponential growth and completely underestimate the impact of doing nothing
  • @nononsense2731
    In the supermarkets in europe I see so much use of plastics and foam for packaging of everything. A pack of biscuit will have a outer plastic wrapper, then a hard plastic shell inside, and then again small plastic wrap for each pair of biscuits. Same goes for many other things. Are there any restrictions imposed on how much packaging is too much?
  • @geifler
    I fear for my 17yo daughter and all young people tbh 😢😢
  • @stevejamson
    Looking on the bright side, we now have a wide range of extinction choices: ecological armageddon, WW3 armageddon or Artificial Intelligence armageddon, all likely in the next decade 😅.
  • @flpReges
    I can tell you that things are bad! Here in Brazil each region is facing different problems: in the north the heat and droughts are as severe as ever, the Amazon River is drying up (which is to be expected, but not in the current proportions); while in the south the rains are causing major floods. Both el niño in the north and la niña in the south have intensified the already absurd climatic phenomena.
  • @normanchan2001
    Money is like crack. So long as we worship money, there is NO way to stop this energy intensive economy. WE ARE F'D.
  • @DoomSprite236
    Everyone who has the authority to do something about this is too old and greedy to care about the future of the planet.
  • Maybe human race will be gone. Planet will be just fine. It survived literally billions of years without us.
  • @nicktw8688
    It will get much, much, much, much worse before serious change.
  • @ANTheWhizkid
    If we don’t give up capitalism and the principle of infinite growth…. No chance.
  • @jcoxdj
    Winter snow seasons are getting very very short.
  • @mrparts
    Everybody wants cheap food, cheap vacations overseas, nice air conditioned houses and offices. Turns out there are limits to growth and now we are starting to see those limitations.