5 FAKE Superfoods & 5 Real Superfoods (You've Been Tricked)

Published 2022-03-29
Looking for a list of superfoods? What about fake superfoods? Here's a list of real superfoods and fake superfoods you need to know. The term Superfood is a marketing term that is most concerned with super-sales and super-profits, not with super-health. Don't fall for the marketing!!

Look up your Superfood: fdc.nal.usda.gov/

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Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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All Comments (21)
  • I'm a 62 Year old Retired Navy Seabee/Sniper. I saw one of Dr. Ken Berry's videos on the Carnivore diet 3 months ago. I only wanted to lose my gut i weighed 260 pounds at 6foot 2. I eat 7 eggs every morning, i eat costco ribeye steak for lunch and one ribeye steak for dinner. I went cold turkey and cut all carbs and sugar completely all out. Three months later i'm 215 pounds and getting back my 6 pack abs that i had as a Navy Seabee from 1978-never felt better and my Doctor is against what i'm doing. Thank you so much Dr. Berry for putting these great videos out for us to learn and get vital information from. Joe H Navy Seabee/Sniper😁😁😁😁😁😁
  • @tomdixon1213
    Dr Ken you deserve a lot of credit. I am off all meds and down 33 pounds and still losing. I have. Learned so much from your videos. Thank you.
  • @scwheeler24
    I grew up in Florida, my dad was a big fisherman we’d go fishing almost every weekend and feast out that evening. It was always something, salt water, crabbing off the pier at night, scalloping, fresh water fishing. It was a real treat if we got some roe. I’d always watch dad clean them and look to see if there was any roe inside. Those were the days. Good memories
  • @chrish2879
    A few years ago I sat through one of those motivational speeches given by a guest speaker at a company AGM. The speaker was the CEO of a company that makes granola bars and other 'healthy snacks' here in Australia. The company had recently launched a new granola bar that happened to contain blueberries. Sales were bad, so the marketing team got together to see how they could boost sales. Some bright spark noted that the product contained blueberries, which are an alleged super food, so all they did was write SUPER FOOD! on the packaging and lo and behold, sales went through the roof. The speaker told us this as though we should all be impressed, but really all they did was reveal how empty and shallow these food manufacturers really are, and how gullible we all are. This trick could never work with real super foods because they don't come in boxes.
  • @FractalMelody
    I eat almost solely beef (Have been salting to taste), eggs, bacon, sardines, oysters, (Edited: I no longer eat olives or cook with EVOO) and salmon (sometimes poultry), and certainly no grains, sugar foods or drinks, and do not use or eat anything with vegetable oil for about 2 months now and I must say: I feel physically far better than before, with more energy, and having greater mental clarity, and also lost 23 pounds so far (UPDATE 10/30/22: 80 pounds and counting) (started at 316 lbs). To me, your knowledge on the content is nearly if not completely unparalleled and I wholeheartedly appreciate who you are and what you do. Thank you Dr. Berry!
  • @NintCondition
    Starts @ 3:45 Fake Superfood 1. Whole grain anything 2. Dark chocolate 🍫 3. Kale 🥬 4. Manukau honey or any honey 🍯 5. Pomegranate or Pom Juice 🥤 Real Superfoods 1. Eggs with the yolk 🍳 2. Sardines and anchovies 🐟 3. Liver of any kind 4. Fishrow, caviar, fish eggs 5. Mussels, clams, oys
  • @wendyfeist60
    You talk just like I do Dr Berry.😂 I love it. I am from Central Texas my whole life. Thank you for you're caring for humanity and what we all needed to know. You're helping humanity to feel better and be happier and saving people from a life of misery and deceit. God bless you and yours❤
  • @BlackSeedOil20
    20 years ago I was new in the Americas and I watched the Oprah show. She said I needed 11 servings of grains. I could not eat all that much but I increased my grains. I wondered how anyone could eat all that! About 8 years later, I was diagnosed with celiac disease.
  • @rod7944
    just before covid I was 271 pounds. I said to myself, enough is enough. I listened to Cywes, Fung, and Berry. Cut out most carbs. I eat mainly eggs, dairy, meat, and some non-starch veggies. 205 now and loving it. Tri/Hdl down from 4.5 to 1.2. Never going back.
  • John D. Rockefeller first monopolized oil and gas, and then when he learned that petroleum could be used for synthetic drugs, he monopolized healthcare as well.
  • @mdwayne741
    Dr. Berry, I love your no-nonsense approach in your videos. Thanks for the great information. ❤
  • @barbarahoule6372
    Gosh, I absolutely love listening and learning from you. Thank you so much. You are providing a much needed service to everyone willing to open their minds and listen.
  • Im 300 poundsish. I've been doing keto the Dr. Berry way for just two weeks now and I already feel a lot better. Can't wait to see how I feel in 3 months.
  • @jasonsmith4483
    Thanks Ken. Here in Ireland we are very lucky to have such and abundance of organic grass fed meats and poultry and eggs available as well as being surrounded by oceans full of the best seafood in the world yet we have an obesity epidemic. The worst in Europe. People work ridiculous hours, eat frozen and take away foods. Insane amounts of carbs. It’s terrible to watch. We are constantly told to eat less meat and eggs and dairy and try to have one or two vegetarian/vegan days per week. I feed myself and my kids bacon, eggs, meat, dark greens, peppers, kefir, sauerkraut, cheese everyday and my kids never miss school due to illness. Both my daughters and me and my wife did not get Covid despite everyone we know getting it. I’m rarely ever sick or lethargic. I do indulge sometimes in chocolate or crisps as do my kids but the way I see it. A little of what’s bad won’t do too much harm when you have a solid foundation. Thanks for the videos.
  • @SeanTWright
    You are a legend, Dr Berry. I love your no nonsense approach to nutrition. Thank you
  • @jaydemay7
    So spot on! Love the honesty and passion about true health!
  • I'm 52 years old and have been eating 2 eggs every day for at least 40 years and my coronary artery calcium score was close to 0 when I had it done last year. I have had high cholesterol and LDL for at least 20 years. Eggs are the healthiest food
  • We raise chickens and sheep, so I was sooo happy to hear you say pastured eggs and liver. I took one of our sheep livers and shredded it in the food processor and froze in an ice cube tray. Any time I make ground meat I sneak in a couple cubes of liver. I absolutely love our rich orange eggs, too. 😍
  • @vinpaw6159
    I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your effort’s to get the truth out. I’m thankful that I found your page. I’m learning so much after just a few videos. I intend to watch them all.
  • @johnthomas3264
    One of the better videos on this subject sir. I especially am glad you mentioned bioavailability which is a major pain, and leads the support for a natural source of nutrients when possible. I never thought phytonutrients were essential. It's easy to know this as even webmd (picked this as commonly known) states "Phytonutrients aren't essential for keeping you alive, unlike the vitamins and minerals that plant foods contain. But when you eat or drink phytonutrients, they may help prevent disease and keep your body working properly." like most things in scientific journaling, and media sources everyone is presenting for the sole intent of making money and/or wanting to keep the I'm-right-your-wrong challenge everyone so dearly loves these days.