Inflation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Publicado 2022-07-24
John Oliver discusses what causes inflation, what we’ve done about the current round of it, and, of course, makes the smartest investment of all time.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @xXtheStrayXx
    As a grocery store employee , I love being yelled at and blamed personally for prices, one lady went on a massive rant on how I was evil and how we should all be ashamed for robbing everyone, me and my broke minimum wage self just nodded and smiled knowing I can no longer even afford to do groceries as regularly or even get half of what I needed.
  • @mostmelon8243
    6 minutes in and he’s definitely gonna buy that frog.
  • @davidlamb1107
    "It must be so frustrating to retire, think you're done, and then have to go back to work. That is the absolute worst case scenario of retirement." The failure to show Jon Stewart's headshot is a TERRIBLE missed opportunity. 😂
  • The Emmy was once again well deserved— you do a public service by explaining these crucial topics, and you make us laugh at the same time! Almost as amazing as that frog fountain 😂
  • @stratecaster547
    The fact that corporations can all collectively price gouge everyone and convince them that the government is the cause, which leads to electing republicans that will allow corporations to price gouge even further is genuinely horrifying.
  • Fun fact, I used to build retail websites, most of those "3 left in stock" messages are fake. They use them to create a false sense of urgency.
  • Groceryflation up here in Canada is still horrific, and as people have been digging up, corporate greed is a big, big, big part of it
  • @ChrisCypher
    After studies have shown 55-60% of inflation has been due to corporate price gouging, I can't believe it barely got a mention here
  • Somebody, somewhere, who a year ago was doing their insane job creating giant size frog statues just got the payoff of the century tonight.
  • As a gas station employee I can confirm most of the job is indeed trying to convince people that I personally didn't somehow steal their gas while they were pumping. I even had someone call the police
  • @alexsteven.m6414
    Market declines, soaring inflation, a significant increase in interest rates by the Fed, and rising Treasury yields all point to additional losses for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the present market turbulence? I'm still debating whether to sell my $125,000 ETF/Growth Stock portfolio.
  • @creature7310
    I haven't paid rent utilities property taxes or had to deal with landlord bank or neighbors for the past five years because I've been living in my van and have never felt more free and happy about it.
  • @GhostHelwig
    After so long on the air, I have to wonder if whoever at HBO oversees the budget of this show still gets surprised. “Not one but three giant frog statues for an episode on inflation? Makes total sense, approved.”
  • @Turbo_Waitress
    The HBO Accounting Department must live for this show and their itemized budget requests. “You want to buy a WHAT!? Three of them!? For one segment!?”
  • @nugsnjugs9954
    My wages increased by $300 at the same job per month in the last 2 years but in the last 9 months my rent has spiked $600 and I am seriously considering living in my car and showering at my gym at 4 am before work.
  • After spending my childhood watching my parents put things back and never asking for things bc we had no money, getting to this point in my adult life with my own kid is emotionally exhausting on a new level.
  • John excitedly yelling “I am good at business!” is one of my new favorite moments on this show.
  • @cloudyblaze7916
    With markets tumbling, inflation soaring, the Fed imposing large interest-rate hike, while treasury yields are rising rapidly—which means more red ink for portfolios this quarter. How can I profit from the current volatile market, I'm still at a crossroads deciding if to liquidate my $125k bond/stocck portfolio
  • @Riggsnic_co
    Understanding personal finances and investing will most likely lead to greater financial independence. By being knowledgeable about money and investing, individuals can make informed decisions about how to save, spend, and invest their money. A trader made over $350k in this recession influenced market
  • One of the saddest aspects of shrinking product size is the unfortunate result that the packaging-to-product ratio goes up. Making efforts to reduce the waste stream more difficult. Also, if the supply chain for the packaging itself is disrupted, the cost of packaging can force prices higher more rapidly than the actual commodity cost would do otherwise.