Wolverine and Masculinity

Published 2024-05-08

All Comments (21)
  • @armorbearer9702
    Wolverine's mental endurance is just as impressive as his superhuman endurance.
  • One thing I don't think most people know is how wolverine's mutation works. He has animal like senses. With animal like tendencies. He's always agitated and in high alert. Making it hard for him to fall asleep. When he does sleep. He's plagued by nightmares. After more than a hundred years of living. We would all be more than grumpy.
  • @AdzzieMac
    Wolverine's fearlessness towards his enemies and his instinct to protect seems like masculine traits to me 🗿
  • I say the penultimate sadness for me was the death at the end of the "Dead Man Logan" mini-series when the Old Man Version of him had been fatally wounded and burned out his healing factor. He's missing an eye, and lost 3 of his metal claws. He requests to be taken to the graves of his last wife and their 2 children (previously murdered by the Hulk Gang). And while kneeling there he addresses their grave markers: "You know, I thought about this a long time. Thought that maybe when I left here, I could move on. But... every time I closed my eyes, all I saw was the three of you. I wasn't sure I was ever going to be able to make it back here. Almost gave up on the idea. But any time I thought that way, any time I was ready to give up, I thought about this farm. No matter how tough life got here for us. No matter how little we had. Least we had each other. I'd... I'd never been happier in my life. I love you so much. I'm sorry I didn't fight for you sooner. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me most. I'm sorry I let you down. I just hope... that when I see you... you can forgive me... please..." and the image fades to white only to cut to another panel where a 4th marker is alongside them. It really hits home that the character lived nearly 250+ years and despite growing jaded and even being a dick. He just was a kind soul at heart that life had twisted up. And seeking redemption.
  • @jahrusalem3658
    This reminds me of a scene from one of my favorite Marvel movies, X-Men: Days of Future Past. TLDR, Logan is talking to the disillusioned younger version of Charles Xavier and is trying to convince him to help stop the Sentinels from being created. At first Charles is very against it until Logan gets him to enter his mind and by extension talk to his older self in the future to get a pep-talk. But that's not what makes this scene one of my favorites. That comes when Charles is looking through Logan's memories and sees all the horrific things he's gone through in his life. The death of his father - both of them -, the countless wars he's fought from the Civil War to Vietnam, all his dead lovers, Weapon X, Sabertooth, Jean , all of it. And Charles - currently a broken, drug-addicted shell of his former self in the worst period of his life - sees all of it, from Logan's own mind. And all he's says in response to this slideshow of horror is: "You poor, poor man..." I dunno, something about it just gets to me. Doesn't help that Jackman and McAvoy fucken killed it as both those characters.
  • @krono5el
    For me as a kid the Wolvie Spidey crossover High Tide always showed me the perfect example of Wolvies masculinity and morales. also anything before the 2000s.
  • @Mightymikehero
    This is why wolverine is one of my favorite heroes, not because of his masculinity or the fact that he has claws and he could slice and dice, but i can relate to him when it comes to loneliness
  • @BaiLong45
    Excellent analysis! Wolverine’s empathy coming out of loneliness, choosing to do good regardless of trauma, yeah I like those aspects of Wolverine’s masculinity. If possible, I’d like to see your analysis on Rocky from the Rocky films or Ryu from Street Fighter. Keep it up!
  • @jordanloux3883
    Logan's masculinity isn't in the violence, but when he drops the act to remind people that he has a heart and just wants to help people to not hurt like he does.
  • Sabertooth is the otherside of the coin he seeks vengeance cause life ain’t fair and the world is mean but Wolverine is just seeking peace
  • @BerserkerX
    I love this video, bro. I just subscribed with both channels. Wolverine is such a great relatable character. We have his flaws and his good qualities. But deep as long as we see every opportunity to be better and take it head on. We'll inspire and teach and learn from others.
  • @willpickett9284
    I need a Nightcrawler and Masculinity vid, this was a good analysis
  • @DannyBedo
    Dude I love your videos. Actually healthy man stuff. Serenity, wisdom, and grace. These things make a man.
  • I loved it when Rogue and Lara brought out his compassionate side. Beneath his gruff exterior is a good man who genuinely wants the best for his friends and the people he loves.
  • @Mardanzo
    make a video about Kenshiro from the Fist of the North Star series
  • Def gotta do one about spider man! This video and the Boy Scout videos were fantastic!
  • @KernowEDC
    Well said and analysed. I look forward to your Khabib video I’ve just seen/saved for future viewing. Thanks