Anencephaly infant loss 1

How we got the news we were having an anencephaly baby. Some words of encouragement.

コメント (11)
  • Almost 5 years since I had my son. I'm glad I found this post, it's comforting listening to other mothers stories and knowing I'm not alone. 💙
  • I'm so sorry for your loss. My son and daughter in law lost their pregnancy when their second son (my second grandson) was stillborn. He had a neural tube defect as well called occipital encepholocele in which the brain was protruding from an open skull and he had severe cardiovascular anomalies including a hole in his heart. We are all still grieving (this happened 9-15 of 2021 just 9 days before my birthday). Ecclesiastes 12:7 was the only comfort I got - it reads "The dust shall return to the earth but the spirit shall return to God who gave it". I know our sweet baby Alex is with Jesus now.
  • @SS-lb5dk
    My doctor walked in and said, there’s something wrong and there’s a 50/50 percent chance you’ll have to terminate. So we’re sending you to a specialist to confirm. Nothing else
  • Thank you so much for sharing your story. My husband and I found out on May 5 2017 at 19 weeks our baby girl had anencephaly. My heart was and still is broken. I delivered her on May 6 2017. Hardest thing I have ever had to do.
  • Thank you sooooo much for that prayer! I lost my son and a husband so I know the pain very well, but I know that I couldn't have made it without the Lord. God bless you dear sister. I needed that prayer today. 🤗🤗❤❤🤗❤
  • Thank you so much for sharing your story. On June 8th my husband and I went to our 21 week ultrasound to make sure our baby was healthy. But our hearts were broken when the nurse said that there wasn't a heartbeat. He passed away a couple of days before the Ultrasound. Our baby boy was diagnosed with anencephaly. I delivered our sweet baby boy on June 11th.
  • Sorry to hear that! Do you have other babies after that abortion? I’m 19 weeks pregnant. My baby boy has an anencephaly. I’m still thinking about best decision. For him, myself and my family! I need to hear someone’s good history! It’s my first baby. I’m scared of my future 😞
  • Thank you love for praying for me and I'm praying for you much love from one mama to another