Robocalls: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Published 2019-03-10
Robocalls are a growing problem. If only we could make the FCC care a little bit more about fixing it.

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All Comments (21)
  • @jakemarsing2615
    “I am a real person” (laughs) That’s the scariest shit I’ve ever heard.
  • @Bzuhl
    "Hey Tom, could we set up robocalling to spam the fcc? We have a 5000$ budget. - It would take 15min and 10$ a month. - f**k, what are we to do with the rest of the money, build a giant finger to give them?"
  • @karensmith6074
    I'm disappointed the giant finger wasn't the middle finger.
  • @makareone
    The " say I am not a robot" call reminded me of when I was calling for a state health study and this guy would NOT believe I was NOT a robot. I insisted I wasn't a robot and he insisted that I was. Finally, I said, "Sir, I am NOT a robot." and he shouted, "That's just what a robot would say!" and hung up on me. I went home that night, had a drink, and an existential crisis.
  • @parasocialyte
    I love this petty man and all of his petty antics so goddamn much
  • @AlwaysANemesis
    It gives me so much life whenever John dumps ass on his parent company.
  • @GyzelE
    The thing that I love most about John is that he isn't all talk. He actually fucks with people that desperately need it.
  • This aged well after watching the USPS one where he actually sells stamps lmao
  • His tone on "It's ringing! I think it's for you!" is filled with such gleeful spite. I'm so glad we stole this man from Britain.
  • @Ace-1525
    In another life, John would have made a phenomenal super villain.
  • @sumobowler3790
    gotta love the irony of generations of people who made prank calls in their youth being terrorized by robocalls as adults
  • @matthewmuir8884
    Legend says that, even though the calls ended long ago, Ajit Pai still hears them in his head every 90 minutes. The laugh, the pause, the bagpipe music; it all haunts both his nightmares and his waking thoughts.
  • @alexsilva28
    I picture a bunch of HBO lawyers smoking nervously in a conference room waiting to hear John's next idea for an episode
  • @blueblade8075
    I work at a relay call center. It's our job to help deaf people process phone calls. When a client calls us and wants us to connect them to someone else, we have to give the receiver of the call a standard introduction, which usually sounds like this: "A person who may be deaf or hard of hearing is calling you through the (state) relay." But thanks to robocalls, there are a lot of times when people think they're getting a robocall from us since we, the operators, are required to adhere to scripted language set up by the FCC. So then they just hang up on us. Sometimes this prevents our clients from being able taking care of important business, like setting up a ride or refilling a prescription.
  • @RedRiotRoss
    would love an update on this i'm losing my mind
  • "That's right business daddy, you inherited a problem child... Let's dance" 😄🤣😂
  • @originpulse4234
    That bit about “never buying stamps” is infinitely more hilarious knowing that he started selling Last Week Tonight stamps in 2020. I mean, it was for a good cause as I remember, but still.
  • Robocalls are so frustrating when you’re looking for a job. Your phone goes off: is it a job interview? Or a robocall? Sometimes a robocall happens while your actively setting up your interview