Remembering Pat Tillman: 10 Year Anniversary Special Report (2014) | Outside The Lines

On the 20th anniversary of former NFL player Pat Tillman’s tragic passing, take a look back at our 10 year anniversary documentary detailing the circumstances surrounding his untimely death. Initially attributed to enemy combatants, it was later uncovered that Tillman fell victim to friendly fire— a truth concealed from both his family and the public, sparking significant fallout and raising profound questions about honesty and accountability.

コメント (12)
  • You can appreciate this man even if you are not an American!
  • I hadn’t seen this one before. (I do think that they had him taken out because he was going to come back and talk.) So unfair.
  • The US government used him, got scared of him coming home and talking to Noam Chomsky, then chose to play the cover your a$$ game, which destroyed that platoon. But they picked on the wrong family. John McCain was the worst offender, considering his experience in Vietnam, and what was McChrystal thinking? Obviously not about force morale or his own complete lack of character. J'ACCUSE!!
  • There are much harsher interpretations out there. But there is no excuse for the officials in the USG that sought to lie.
  • Hi I’m pat Tillman I got tackled by my own teammates 😂😂😂