last moments of life.

Published 2023-09-11
last moments of life • an escapism playlist
My Channel is a non-monetized music channel on YouTube, created and operated by one anonymous individual under the alias Navo159. My Goal is creating the ultimate escapism music library on YouTube, for people that need to escape reality, even for a second. I also network with artists and labels, so that their music can be heard and supported. Every Artist name along with the track title is always in the description of every video. So, if you want to support the artists, go and support them on their respective streaming platforms as well. Furthermore, all of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. And lastly, thank you so much for being a part of a wonderful community. Never thought I would be able to help so many people. Let's escape this reality together, at least for a moment. I will never stop making these videos. I just love music, and love sharing it with others who love it too.

💛 Mental health helplines:

🔎 Contact me, for anything:

▶️ Listen to all the best tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist: (Daily updated)


⭐ If you choose to donate on PATREON, the money will go towards buying new music for the channel so that everyone can benefit from your generosity. Donation is completely optional and I only made this Patreon so that those who feel the need to do so may have that ability.
Thank you for your continued support, and most importantly, thank you for listening!

📝 Want your music featured on my playlists? Do you think it will help other people? Email me • [email protected]

👀 Let me review your music:…

song list:
00:00 daniel.mp3 - green to blue (slowed + reverb)
03:06 Hisohkah - School Rooftop (Intro) (Slowed & Looped)
11:53 Other Nothing - Ww
13:24 Papii Don 777 - Number 7 (Outro)
14:29 MADEBYGODES & Sedogy Bedam - dreams
16:16 Øneheart & reidenshi - snowfall (slowwwed)
19:07 Maltex - Homesick
21:26 tomcbumpz - braincells
22:24 reidenshi - it feels like i’ve forgotten something.
24:27 Disasterpiece - The Sound of Myself
25:41 MADEBYGODES & Sedogy Bedam - forgotten thoughts
27:07 instupendo - comfort chain

#sleepmusic #sadmusic #sadmood #sadplaylist #3am #playlist #darkambient #ambientmusic #dreamscape #snowfall #ambient #4am #reidenshi

All Comments (21)
  • @yoghurt_fraise
    We did it, it's 2024, we sirvived another year and I'm proud of all of us.
  • @malorane2980
    I feel alone and useless. I don't know what to do with my life. I feel like I'm constantly wandering, waiting for something that doesn't happen. As if I were in a train station and had to take a train without knowing my destination. I don't know how to live, or at least, how to feel alive. To all the people here who feel alone... We are together ♡
  • @domleconte4003
    I just want to lay down in a field with someone and talk about life, I’m so alone
  • @mariqueen77
    The fact that strangers care about us more then people we know hurts.
  • @Carrot_tree.
    Im a week sober, 3 days clean and i ate today. Proud of myself.
  • Сегодня у меня умерла моя собака. Сейчас сижу и вспоминаю все моменты с ней, почему то вспоминается только хорошее. Животные не наносят нам столько боли, они скорее лечат нас от неë. Последний месяц она была очень больна, скулила и жаловалась мне, а я ничего не могу сделать с этим. Ветеринары сказали только усыплять, но даже на это не хватило денег. Ей было очень больно, она умерла в муках. Появилась в моей жизни, когда мне было 7 лет. Моя бабушка работала охранником и там ошивалась эта собака. Дед отвозил меня к бабушке вместе с велосипедом. Жуля (так зовут собаку) постоянно гналась за мной во время моей езды на велосипеде. У собаки была трудная жизнь, до меня ей прострелили ногу, с тех пор Жуля боялась каждого шороха. Бабушке пришлось уволиться, а нам оставлять еë в опасности стало жалко. Вот так она стала частью нашей семьи. Каждый раз, когда мне грустно и чувствую себя в одиночестве, Жуля подбегала ко мне на трëх ногах и вылизивала ладони. Мне становилось в эти моменты лучше. Я никогда не забуду еë, это лучшее воспоминание в моей жизни. Покойся с миром, моя любимая Жуля, мне будет очень не хватать тебя. 😭 Я проливаю уже десятый литр своих слëз, печатая этот комментарий. И он не наберëт ни одного лайка, просто дайте мне знать что вы его прочли
  • @realdaggerman105
    My little brother passed away today. Drug overdose. It’s his birthday tomorrow, and now he will never get to be 19. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me, bro. I love you.
  • @jaiichan.
    i love your smile i love your laugh i love your personality i love your hair (or lack thereof) i love your insecurities i love your accomplishments i love your failures i love your eyes i love your beauty i love your handwriting (or the way you communicate) i love the way you dance i love you on your happy days i love you on your sad days i love you on the days you feel lonely i love you on the days you feel helpless i love you on the days you feel like no one cares i love you on the days you feel forgotten i love you on the days you feel unmotivated i love you on the days you feel loved i love you on the days you feel sick i love you on the days you feel motivated i love you on the days you feel depressed i love you on the days you feel stresses i love you on the days you feel crazy i love you on the days you feel hopeful i love you on the days you feel cuddly i love you on the days you feel clingy i love you on the days you feel amazing i love you on the days you feel beautiful i love you on the days you feel like a failure i love you on the days you feel angry i love you on the days you feel aggressive i love you on the days you feel horrible i love you on the days you feel safe i love you on the days you feel unsafe i love you on the days you feel vulnerable i love you on the days you feel weird i love you on the days you feel ok i love you when you're healthy i love how you sing (or hum or feel the music) i love your taste in music i love your taste in movies i love your taste in tv shows i love the way you move i love the way you act i love you when you cry i love you when you're kind i love you when you're mean i love you when you're alone i love you when you can't feel i love you when you feel too much i love you when you can't take life anymore i love you when you feel like it's too much i love you when you're asleep i love you when you have nightmares i love you when you have dreams i love how you believe i love you when you believe in yourself i love you when you don't believe in yourself i love you when you hate yourself i love you when you love yourself i love the way you think i love you problems i love your solutions i love how you support i love you when you're in pain i love you when you're hurt i love your promises i love your secrets i love your attitude i love you sass i love your creativity i love your voice (or lack thereof) i love you hand gestures i love your stories i love your wounds i love your scars i love your face i love your past i love your future i love your present i love your outfits i love your style i love your art i love your honesty i love you when you lie i love you when you're tired i love you when you're energetic i love how you look i love how you cook i love you when you're adventurous i love you when you're scared i love your imperfections i love your perfections i love you when you worry i love you when you talk (or communicate) i love your opinions i love you when you have a headache i love you when you have a stomach ache i love you when you help others i love you when you need help i love you when you're mature i love you when you're immature i love you in the hard times i love you in the easy times i love you when life is meh i love you when you're responsible i love you when you're irresponsible i love you when you fight i love you in your darkest moments i love you in your brightest moments i love your heart i love you in the day i love you in the night i love you at midnight i love you at 3 am i love you at all times i love you at your best i love you at your worst i love the little things you do i love all of you i love you when you're you i love 𝙮𝙤𝙪. (not mine but pass it around, everyone deserves🫶
  • I'm 21 currently and since 18 i'm living a period happier than my teen years and especially than my childhood. Being adult doesn't mean end of the life, it gives you many more oppurtunities and paths in price of higher responsobility. Don't feel depressed because of growing up
  • @St3ely
    surviving isn’t living.
  • @Moonlighplaylist
    "The most Painful Thing in Life isn't a Cut or a Burn. It's Seeing People You have made Memories with turn into Memories."
  • @kush18001
    I am 22, i lost my girl few days ago i loved her more than anyone we were in a relationship for 3 years 3 months and 19 days. I don't think i can ever move on, i feel like I'm cheating on her when i see other girl in streets or in class. I loved everything of her, i just want to be with her Edit: she didn't left me she passed away
  • My Grandfather passed away today, made it to 90 years old…almost 91, Im gonna miss you Pop-pop!
  • @dewek1591
    My worst fear is dying. Not just dying, though. Dying without a purpose. Dying without fulfilling my dreams. Dying without having fun. Dying without anyone to care. Dying without a mark on someone else’s life. Dying without someone by my side. Dying without something to live for in the next life.
  • @ifoundlovzl
    “What do you want before you die?” “Peace”