you're distracting yourself with these low vibe habits FOR WHAT?!

Published 2023-08-26

All Comments (21)
  • @ElleRosher
    A massive eye-opener for me was learning that I was already living as though I tried and failed, when in reality, I hadn't even attempted the first step.
  • @goldenhippie1984
    Jealousy is a lack of self confidence and hoarding and obsession of possessions
  • @Adhdwildwomen
    A book called Digital Minimalism helped me stop doom scrolling! Very good. Puts things in perspective without demanding you leave social media.
  • @davidjarmain1175
    Real life conversations always make me feel better than talking to people via apps/social media
  • @jasabro
    ive noticed the days I am most focused and happy are the days I follow my rule to not even touch my phone the first hour I am up. shut alarm off (if needed) spend first hour hydrating, skin care, journaling, its a set for the day <3
  • @Talalovee
    As a upcoming YouTuber I definitely needed this! I just hit my first milestone of 500 subbies 🎉 and it’s definitely due to dropping my low vibe habits. I used to sit on YouTube watch the girlies instead of working on my own craft. Now that I’ve been consistent and really putting the work in and stopped procrastinating I can say we def can hold ourselves back. As always you drop the gems Bria. Needed the reminder ✨💕🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽✨✨💕
  • @jasabro
    we love a girl who can call out her own BS!!! <3
  • @kennydree6007
    Sometimes I force myself to not be on my phone when I’m around people to make myself be present, no matter how awkward I look or how much social anxiety I have, I literally go crazy internally during this process, but I hate being that person that’s all on there phone in a room, and I’m a 90’s baby so I’m not sure where the anxiety and phone addiction came from but I use to be supper social.
  • @SpiritEZ
    Once we let go of these low vibes we will ascend!!
  • @ayshagrasty1365
    Something that helped me with doomscrolling was I literally threw my phone away AT THE DUMPSTER!! I went a week without it and realized I can go without my phone and it's only a tool not my life. And I also leave my phone in the car while I'm at work, we can't go outside for break, but it helps, I'm actually reading a book on my breaks, which previously I would be scrolling through Facebook or Instagram or YouTube shorts and get no where.
  • @JocelynAnnmarie
    I was just saying a few of these things to myself the other day. I’m working on having a better relationship with food, money, & staying on top of the things I need to do . Sometimes I get drained but I understand it’s okay to take time for myself & I have to remind myself to be patient as well. This was a great video , thank you ✨💕
  • @user-yw2hp7sm7b
    perfectionism omg the biggest low-vibe. learning to make mistakes forcing myself to make mistakes so i can accept myself fully flawed and without perfection
  • @deenyables
    😏My low-vibe behavior is waiting for everyone to be on my side and being angry when they are not. I'm learning not everyone you know is your people.☺ Thanks for this bestie I needed it.
  • @ChanelAnice
    I swear we are all connected. The collective consciousness is wild 🤯because these are pretty much all the things I’ve been confronting the last few weeks. I decided September will be a hard reset because I’m sick of my shit. Thank you for sharing!! We got this bestie 🫶🏽🤍
  • @JewelPressedRecord
    Forgiveness I can definitely do. The person I'm forgiving, however, may still find themselves in the trash bin.
  • @Keilitza
    Oof letting go of gossiping. Low low vibe. The self-deprecating humor. Letting goooo. Great video as always ❤
  • @mcourtois75
    I do this kind of procrastinating where I research the hell out of every little detail of something before I do something... is that a thing?
  • It’s number 1 for me. Whew chile. Lemme just pick up a book instead.. I KNOW I’ll be better for it 😂
  • @mariamimi8497
    It’s all about priority, if you prioritize your phone over yoga for example or pleasure over your health then the result you’re going to get is bad. Know what’s more important and then do it.
  • @eboneivory
    I would love a video about procrastination. And in that video can you discuss how perfectionism can be a type of procrastination or lead to it.