Wait, Are There Actually Aliens?

Published 2023-06-29
It’s an age-old question in America: Is the government lying to us? According to David Grusch, a former intelligence official who recently alleged that the U.S. government is secretly storing alien spacecraft, the answer is yes. He is, of course, not the first person to make a claim like this, but lawmakers appear to be taking him far more seriously than previous would-be whistle-blowers. So, what’s really going on?

On this week’s episode of “Matter of Opinion,” our hosts discuss what the government is and isn’t telling us, and what the obsession with classified cover-ups says about our complicated relationship with power.

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All Comments (21)
  • @Andoroid
    I just can't listen to a discussion where people are continuously giggling over their preconceived notions rather than talking about it objectively
  • @vmhutch
    I wonder if it's time to move beyond belittling people who think it's time to be transparent on this topic. One of the journalists is over the top in her contempt for considering the topic as worthy of employing her very large intellect.
  • @Urfman
    Obviously the people at NY Times are clueless.
  • @laurel5755
    lmao it's like they haven't actually looked at any of claims with objectivity...
  • The NY Times is really dropping the ball on this. So messed up...............
  • @gogogo94815
    This lady is clueless and hasn't seen any videos regarding the issue. If the theory is a US cover up, then why is the entire world witnessing this "phenomenon" ?
  • @MarkS-gm3sf
    The only reason that I subjected myself to this garbage is because I want to see how they react when they are shown to be wrong. Certainly, their pseudoskeptic mindset is a big part of the problem, but another part of the problem is that The New York Times actually had this story fall into their lap, and the leaders of The New York Times turned it down. They don't want to have to admit that they work for a paper that turned down that which could be the biggest story of all time, so they are hoping that this story crashes and burns.
  • "Im trying so hard not to laugh" she says. Not bringing any baggage to this conversation.
  • @tgthorson51
    Yeah .. laugh it up. Stand by to have your world rocked!
  • @franklin519
    We aren't listening to the government (official). We are listening to certain people in it(whistleblowers).
  • @Algorhythm1.0
    It’s almost like the reason why interest is bipartisan is because there’s significant classified evidence presented to them?
  • @jesuskristoSD
    Opinions are like belly buttons everyone got one and these NYtimers are really stinky that haven’t been paying attention
  • The first video on uap with Ezra was a great one . This one ya flopped it. Completely calling all the witnesses liars basically is what this video did. Whack.😮
  • why do they think this is funny? these are suppose to be top tier journalists, surely the obvious data shows serious allegations and claims backed up by video, radar, testimony from the top
  • @lindahoza678
    The WHY question is: Why would Grursch and other legitimate, high level officials, destroy their reputation lying about this? They wouldn't. So....
  • Keep take your money from the government, and at least shut up about it ,if you are not intrested în it
  • The secrecy and coverup is very plausible considering the subject matter is profoundly disturbing. Hundreds, if not thousands of people worldwide have reported encounters in the last 70yrs, and we chose to treat them all as deluded or liars because the possibility that it was true was too upsetting. It’s simple denial, and the governments probably took advantage of us not wanting to know. We did not want to believe in many concrete events until they were big problems. Look at the pandemic: The status quo was maintained until it was too late because it disrupted the economy, and the idea of a real worldwide pandemic was too awful to consider. Only now is the lab origin not being mocked as well as vaccine injuries being taken seriously in strict normie places like Germany. UFO Disclosure would shock everyone, including UFO enthusiasts, and expose the govt s and media as liars.
  • @fuzzle9392
    The individuals in the video are undoubtedly naive whilst lacking the self awareness to understand just how deep their naivety reaches even if they were aware. They are actually a fine example of just why there is so much secrecy and misdirection on such a subject as "little green men". Let's just say that the secrecy and misdirection is in order to prevent billions of psyches, systems of control along with the potential collapse of entire cultural and religious belief systems. Let them scoff, the fact that they do shows how little that they understand, it is for their own good as well as a vested maintenance of national, international and global stability.
  • @SloMo7
    aye this is complete doodoo 💩 its crazy that the NY Times broke this whole thing open back in 2017...now this 📉