Skeptic: Whistleblower claim on UFOs isn't 'accurate' | Elizabeth Vargas Reports

Published 2023-06-07
Air Force veteran David Grusch claims the government is covering up UFOs and that he has seen evidence of a secret crash retrieval program. He alleges the U.S. has even retrieved bodies from other species. Grusch spoke about these claims exclusively to award-winning investigative journalist Ross Coulthart, reporting for NewsNation. Contradicting Grusch's claim is science writer and conspiracy theory debunker Mick West, who tells "Elizabeth Vargas Reports" that what Grusch is saying isn't accurate and that "the video evidence doesn't stack up."


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All Comments (21)
  • @HAL-vu8ef
    Mick West is a video game developer who runs a sceptics website. Not a scientist.
  • Mick west is an adult child whose mother told him that Santa wasn’t real at an early age so he’s holding the worlds longest grudge
  • Mick West might be the most closed minded person on the planet. I mean I’m not even sure if the whistleblower is telling the truth but I trust Mick less than anyone on the planet.
  • This guy conveniently forgot to mention that Grusch filed a whistleblower complaint with Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General which supposedly included "extensive classified information". He filed this complaint because of retaliation he received for going public, and he is represented by a lawyer who served as the original Intelligence Community Inspector General. Grusch is obviously limited on what he can say publicly because of the whistleblower complaint and classified documents he filed with Congress. At this point in the game these debunkers are about as creditable as marsh gas...
  • @ken209
    This skeptic had no answers or rebuff for anything! Liking this news reporting! Finally
  • @sliedogg
    I trust the whistleblower more than the sceptic, and I'm on the fence.
  • @cqtaylor
    Mick West would deny seeing a UFO even if it landed on his car, house, and left foot.
  • @TalkinKush
    Didn't he brief Congress about this under perjury law? Why would someone think he's throwing serious claims like this around just for 15 minsutes of fame? Mick West has to do serious inqury into this case. Charming as ever.
  • @JanHell666
    I get a feeling this guy loves him self and this attention more then searching for truth
  • @Jan96106
    Mick West and Jason Colavito are the only sane people discussing this topic. I had no idea that this is what happened to WGN. Sad.
  • @qbertatx
    As soon as possible Aliens need to give Mick West a butt probe. Sort this dude out once a for all. 👽
  • @cqtaylor
    4:02 Okay, the point about Grusch not "actually" seeing the spacecrafts he mentions: this is a meaningless argument. When Retired U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Alex Dietrich saw the "tic-tac" craft, skeptics dismissed her DESPITE seeing the vehicle. It's like they're moving the goalpost.
  • Well, you have to give Mick West one thing; he is consistent. He is sure that everyone is lying.
  • Debunkers often point to people like Bob Lazar and David Grusch making some amount of money as proof of a profit motive. The problem is debunkers also have a profit motive. It proves absolutely nothing.
    So we’ve been waiting for someone thats legit been in those rooms to spill the beans and now we doubt him lol
  • I love how the "debunker" is a game analyst and the whistle-blower is a high ranking officer lol
  • @_GOD_HAND_
    Imagine how arrogant you have to be to think your current understanding of the universe is literally perfect and unchanging.
  • @johnbravo7542
    Why does the media give Mick West a platform,the guy is a joke