Europa Clipper in Danger // NASA Cancels VIPER // Dune Style Space Suit

Europa Clipper might be delayed. NASA is cancelling its VIPER lunar rover mission. Mapping the dark matter in a dwarf galaxy. And a real-life stillsuit.

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00:00 Intro
00:14 Europa Clipper in serious danger
03:11 NASA cancelled VIPER
04:56 Dune-style suit for space
06:58 Falcon 9 failure
08:17 SpaceX's ISS de-orbit vehicle
09:24 Flight 5 SuperHeavy static fire
10:05 New Glenn Legs
10:48 Vote results
11:25 Why is the Great Red Spot shrinking
12:34 Mapping dark matter
14:16 JWST updates
17:32 Weird state of the launch market

Host: Fraser Cain
Producer: Anton Pozdnyakov
Editing: Artem Pozdnyakov

Read by 70,000 people every Friday. Written by Fraser. No ads.
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コメント (21)
  • When Scott Manley says it's dumb, it settles the matter. Poor VIPER 😵
  • @Knaeben
    I work in the facility where the VIPER is being developed and am very sad it's being cancelled.
  • Fraiser and team, your presentation of space news always lifts me up and makes my life richer beyond the obvious interest in space and science. Thank you!
  • Thanks for all the news, Fraser! 😊 Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
  • Going to the toilet have always been an opportunity to relax a little, get away from a boring job, check the news etc, perhaps send a few messages, but with such a stillsuit this will soon be history, we must do our business at the desk, still working, only now with a tank in the suit filled with warm liquid splashing around when you go to lunch
  • This new moon endeavor by Nasa is weird. It started as a sequoia, but by the end of the decade we'll have perhaps a bonsai
  • Great update information, Frasier, but those little otters were the real stars!
  • For the SpaceX 2nd stage problem, it was the vacuum engine that had a RUD, not the 2nd stage itself. So the stage stayed intact, it didn't create dozens of smaller pieces that all need to be tracked. Also, the 30 thrusters on the ISS de-orbiter are quite small in width, and will easily fit.
  • I worked on a component for Europa Clipper. It is super sad its going to be delayed. Very excited to see this mission work
  • If the fish and otters don't get in on the vote, I'm going to be disappointed!
  • Small transistors out of spec, big consequences. So delays for Europa Clipper, unfortunately.
  • Thank you very much for those good objective journalism. Its very appreciated.
  • There is a meme in SF of a sublight generation ship being launched and when they arrive at their destination the planet is already settled by people who used a "hyperspace" vehicle. The Europa Clipper was supposed to be launched by SLS on a faster trajectory. Moving it to Falcon Heavy added two years to its trajectory. However by 2026 Starship will be available and it can launch the Europa Clipper on a direct flight to Jupiter. So a launch delay need not necessarily delay arrival at Jupiter.
  • Angry has a great point that it would be far better to auction off the resources aboard ISS and keep in orbit. This would help develop salvage capabilities in LEO, as well as make all the resources and equipment that still has a lifespan available to other projects in space. The only cost to tax payers is keeping ISS in a stable orbit.
  • The interesting thing about Dark Matter. Is the bigger a galaxy gets, the less dark matter it has. It's thought that because it has "zero" interactions with normal matter. That when Galaxy's collide, the Dark matter just keeps going. Like a head on collision, with the drivers not wearing seatbelts. (The Car is normal matter, the drivers are Dark Matter)
  • @joshmiller7870
    Hi Fraser. I read Curiosity exposed some rare sulfur crystals, and many "news" outlets make it out to be something of great amazement. I'm curious about what your take on this is and what it means for us. You put things in a clear, concise way. I greatly appreciate that.
  • God damn it, I knew it be delayed, but I guess its better been broken here than Jupiter
  • "a video of a family of otter that my wife captured" Do we want to know why your wife captured the otters? That is something that she otter not do again. Thanks for the great video, Fraser. Keep up the wonderful work. I am really looking forward to the "JWST year-in-review - Mk.2" video. It was terrific last time; this time should be, too.
  • @ReggieArford
    Vacuum tubes! It's hard to radiation-damage something that... isn't there. No, not glass envelopes; but in the 1980's there was work done with miniaturized thermionic devices on "chips". 🤨