What if The One Ring was an Ancient Sith Artifact?

What if The One Ring was an Ancient Sith Artifact? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

Darth Maul sits alone in his chambers on Dathmor, reading through ancient holocrons that his troops recently recovered. Although he still leads the Crimson Dawn, this criminal empire is a shadow of its former self.

All his attempts to strengthen his hold in the criminal underworld face heavy resistance from rival gangs and Palpatine’s new empire. His only hope to gain the upper hand is to find Sith artifacts. But few of the relics are of any real use. At least until now.

With the most recent temple raid, the Crimson Dawn discovered some documents from the Old Sith Empire that detail some of their artifacts. Among them was a legendary ring of immense power. It was located on a planet far away from known space, at the very edges of the Old Sith Empire.

This means even Palpatine may not know about it. Maul decides to set out to the planet known as Middle Earth. On this primitive world, Maul begins learning about the ring.

Eventually, he learns of a place called the Shire where an individual named Bilbo supposedly can turn invisible. Maul decides to confront the Hobbit. When he arrives, he sees that he isn’t alone as inside the house, an older man is talking with Bilbo about the ring.

Maul smiles and kicks the door open.

Maul: Good evening, I could not help but notice your disagreement about that ring. Please, allow me to take it off your hands.

Gandalf: I assure you, friend. You want no part of this ring.

Maul: Oh, I believe I do.

Maul draws himself up to his full height, feeling the dark energies of the ring. Even without wearing it, he feels it feeding him, lending him its power. The wizard senses this too and conjures his staff.

Gandalf: Begone from this place, monsters!

He slams it down and sends a shockwave that throws Maul out the window.

Maul crashes through the window, landing on the cobblestone street below. He quickly regains his footing, his eyes blazing with fury.

Maul: Impressive, old man. But you'll find I'm not so easily defeated.

With a snarl, Maul ignites his double-bladed lightsaber. The crimson blades hum menacingly as he charges at Gandalf. The wizard meets his attack head-on, parrying the saber with his staff, which glows with a radiant white light.

Gandalf: You shall not pass!

Gandalf swings his staff, sending another shockwave that pushes Maul back, but the Sith Lord uses the Force to cushion his fall. He snarls and lunges again, using a combination of saber strikes and Force pushes. Gandalf deflects the strikes by summoning a protective shield and counters with a powerful fire spell, sending bursts of flames at Maul.

The duel rages on with Gandalf advancing on the Sith Lord, swinging his staff in one hand and unleashing spells with the other. Maul was not expecting to fight such a being and Gandalf gains the upper hand, his spells keeping Maul at bay. But Maul is relentless, his rage fueling his attacks.

Maul: You underestimate the power of the dark side, wizard!

With a sudden burst of speed, Maul closes the distance and uses the Force to grab onto the wizard's staff. He lifts it with Gandalf holding it and slams it to the ground, sending the wizard groaning.

Before he can get up, Maul uses the Force to begin choking Gandalf, lifting him off the ground.

Gandalf struggles, gasping for air as Maul's grip tightens. But suddenly, Bilbo comes stumbling out, holding the ring before him .

Bilbo: Please, take the ring, but spare his life!

Gandalf: No Bilbo!

Maul's eyes gleam with triumph. He releases Gandalf, who falls to the floor, coughing and gasping. Bilbo reluctantly hands the ring to Maul.

Maul: A wise choice, little one.

He leaves the two behind and returns to his ship where he puts on the Ring. Almost at once, Maul feels a surge of power course through him. The darkness in the room fills the night brother with power.

And then he finds himself transported to the Wraith World where he faces the ancient Sith ghosts. Among them is the great Sith Lord Sauron. The spirit of ancient evil looms over him.

Sauron: It has been an eternity since a Sith Lord possessed my ring.

Maul: And one worthy of its power.

Sauron: That remains to be seen. Tell me night brother, what do you desire?

Maul: To claim what is rightfully mine. To rule as the master of the Sith and to accomplish our final goal, the domination over the galaxy. Lend me your power and I shall spread the dark side to all corners of the galaxy.
Sauron: So it shall be. You shall be my champion in the mortal plain. Seek out my lieutenant, Saruman the White, and take control of my armies. Together, we shall conquer Middle Earth and then the galaxy.

But as Maul takes this new power, the Ring sends out a strong presence in the Force, alerting old enemies of this development, Obi-Wan.

The former Jedi Master senses the great evil through a vision and journeys to Middle Earth. Gandalf

コメント (21)
  • Saruman: “You are too late. The power of the One Ring is ours.” Obi-Wan: “Count Dooku?” Maul: “That’s what I said.”
  • So Dracula, Dooku, Saruman, and Lord Summerisle walk into the Mos Eisley Cantina....
  • Could you imagine Sidious coveting the One Ring: "Myyy precioussssss, Sheev loves the precioussss..."🤣
  • How could Obi Wan not realize that Saruman looks like Count Dooku.
  • It would be cool if Maul had Darth Talon as a secret apprentice around the time after order 66 in that 16 years of his life not explored enough.
  • Dude... Sauron himself is like a handful of changes away from being a full-fledged Sith Lord. And Morgoth is like a manifestation of the Dark Side itself. And the One Ring... Well, let's just that any Sith Lord who got their mits on it would certainly become far, far more powerful than ANY Jedi without the backing of somebody like Ayru(Basically God in Tolkien's legendarium).
  • @Luci_71
    I would love to see a version of this where instead of maul finding the ring, it was anakin
  • If you do crossovers then how bout what if the Borg arrived in the Star Wars galaxy? (The Borg are from Star Trek.)
  • 5:38 Nice reference, Sauron never takes what is "yours", as in his eyes, he already has claim on everything. He's just taking it back
  • I wish you gave Maul the win Maul deserves a happy ending it would’ve been incredible to see him use Saurons ring to destroy and get his record on not just Obi Wan Kenobi but his true enemy the one who caused him more suffering than anyone else in the galaxy the one who took everything from him Darth Sidious
  • This was a dope crossover give me more like what if john wick was a bounty hunter
  • Dude deserves WAY more subscribers, 7.6k is blasphemous. He should be at 100k at the very least, and even that's a lowball.
  • The ring is a sith artififct?! You are a total mad lad! Wonderful! What if Ainz Ooal Gown from Overlord was a sith lord? What if the Imprium from Warhammer 40k was a third faction of the galexy since the old republic? What if the roles were reversed? The ancient aith lords were Jedis, and the Jedis were sith lords? What if Anakin was trained by the ones since he was born?
  • Best one to date please do more Star wars/middle earth crossovers
  • @TonyAncom
    What if Revan wasn't found in stasis until the first year of the clone wars? That would mean that Revan in his prime would be alive and well, and Darth Vitiate's spirit would still be dormant since Revan didn't awake his spirit at Yavin.
  • Better than that I expected I must say 👍