What if the Jedi Anticipated and SURVIVED Order 66?

Published 2024-07-15
What if the Jedi Anticipated and SURVIVED Order 66? Let’s explore the depths of this scenario in the video.

After their mission to Oba Diah, Anakin and Obi-Wan return to the Jedi Temple with troubling news. The Darth Tyrannus who commissioned the clone army is Count Dooku.

Anakin: That doesn’t make sense, the clones have been nothing but loyal and they’ve never helped the CIS.

Obi-Wan: We must consider the possibility this happened before Dooku fully embraced the Dark Side.

Yoda: Possible, but great is the risk of not considering the threat. Compromised, the entire clone army might be.

Mace: Master Yoda is right. We have no idea how deep Dooku’s influence goes. While they might be allies to us today, there’s no telling what might come in the future, especially with this war.

Shaak-Ti: Wasn’t there an incident a few weeks back of friendly fire with a clone executing a Jedi?

Anakin shifts uncomfortably at the memory. Not only was that one of his soldiers, but the resulting investigation led to Fives nearly killing the chancellor and being executed by the Coruscant Guard.

Anakin: Yes, one of my men killed Master Tiplar. I still don’t know exactly what happened, but one of my men claims that the clones have chips programmed into their heads.

Mace: The one who tried to kill the chancellor?

Anakin: Hesitates. Yes. That one.

Despite the shaky source, the Council understands the threat and wants to look into the clones. However, another problem is the mysterious Darth Sidious. Although they’ve known about this dark lord since Geonosis, they have no clue about his identity beyond being an influential government official.

He will likely try to halt their progress if they try to investigate. But there is also an opportunity to lure him out into the open. The council agrees to petition the chancellor to launch a senate inquiry into these inhibitor chips with Jedi supervision. They reason that if a Sith Lord like Count Dooku is involved, the Jedi have a stake in this development.

The chancellor and senate are reluctant to launch any investigation, reasoning that they must present a united front, and an investigation like this might anger the Kamonioans. In turn, this infighting might cause other groups to join the CIS.

Mace Windu remains adamant, reminding them that the Sith have now infiltrated the clones, posing a security threat. He takes this further by threatening to pull the Jedi Order’s support in the war.

This bold move is controversial as Palpatine makes it seem like the Jedi are abandoning their duties to chase shadows. Much of the senate rallies alongside them as do the Kaminoans. They claim that the Jedi want to prolong the war to gain more power.

However, others support the Jedi’s actions, especially when heroes like Mace Windu and Obi-Wan support the decision. As tensions escalate, many Jedi begin to leave the front lines. At first, it is the Padawans, the elders, then those in the temple. Soon Jedi knights depart and then the masters.

The Order does this gradually, leaving in small groups over several weeks. This ensures their disappearance isn’t obvious until it's too late to stem the tide. Most Jedi meet up in Dagobah, though a handful of Jedi remain on Coruscant.

Taking a page from the Sith, they decide to work from the shadows to figure out the identity of Darth Sidious. Each Jedi spies spy on a senator suspected of being the Sith Lord. Among them is Anakin who was given the most important task of all, to keep an eye on Palpatine.

However, this also allows him to spend more time with Padme. Palpatine meets with Anakin regularly, being the only Jedi in his inner circle. Still, he does continue his mission to spy on the chancellor.

As the two meet, Anakin notes how much the chancellor is trying to turn him against them. He sees small hints of Palpatine hinting more and more that he has dark side abilities. He reports all of this to the Jedi who demand Anakin continue spying on them.

Palpatine: My boy, I am so glad you have not joined this farce of a protest the Jedi have launched.

Anakin: Of course, I must admit the Jedi raise many valid concerns. You’ve seen what happens when those inhibitor chips malfunction.

Palpatine: That was one incident amongst millions of clones. Surely you’ve seen their loyalty first hand. Can you truly say they are traitors?

Anakin: Well no, but Tup, the trooper who killed Master Tiplar acted like he could not control himself. If all the clones could be told to act that way, it would be disastrous.

Before Palpatine can respond, the room shakes violently. An explosion echoes through the corridors of the Senate building, followed by the distant sounds of blaster fire and the unmistakable hum of lightsabers. The office doors burst open, and clone troopers rush in, with their weapons ready.

Commander Fox’s squad hurries to secure the office while Anakin ignites his lightsaber.

All Comments (21)
  • @DarthTheorist
    SPOILER Explanation below: The fact that Anakin had a smoother turn to the dark side without any emotions burdening him, and the fate of his children at stake, he could embrace the dark side more making him stronger. With only the safety of Padme and his children on his mind with Palpatine pseudo-blackmailing him, he became even more tunnel-visioned on the task at hand. Cutting down 3 powerful masters also made him arrogant, attempting to turn Ahsoka and leaving himself vulnerable. The events that occurred also allowed Ahsoka to give in to the dark side slightly. At the end of the day, nobody knows Anakin's fighting style quite like Ahsoka and Obi-Wan.
  • Its funny how Palpatine said 'I'll never leave it to chance' though his ENTIRE plan is basically relying on if the jedi and senate does what he need them to
  • @Acoolnamme
    It has been 0 days since Palpatine has said "my boy" to anakin
  • @mphoramathe1801
    So he suspects Palpatine, hasn't had dreams of Padme dying but still goes dark side against Grievous? Forget Sith lord, I sense the presence of an Edgelord
  • He pronounced it “Shedule”, Dooku is officially the evilest mustache twirling man of all times.
  • @ScrepterWrites
    What I don't like is how dumb anakin is. He doesn't think, he doesn't even make the slightest connection that if Palpatine is Sidious, then he was behind everything, even the assasination attempt on Padme. And with how he betrays the Jedi here.... He is absolutely dumb.
  • @mikecotto1167
    I seriously doubt that Anakin would be able to defeat both Dooku and Windu in the same confrontation. The main reason Anakin beat Dooku in ROTS was due to Palpatine telling Dooku to get Anakin angry so that he feeds off the dark side and feign defeat.
  • Anakin does not last a minute in a 3v1 against dooku mace and ahsoka
  • @NegiTaiMetal011
    While this is good, I feel that Mace and Dooku could still survive.
  • @DaddyHensei
    D’awww dooku recognized Anakin as a master. The nicest Sith Lord.
  • @KingCodd
    What if Palpatine told the senate he was Sidious when he was elected (not illegal by the time of the prequels)? What if Padme didn’t trade Anakin for grievous when they were both captured on naboo What if Anakin used force lightning in various moments throughout the clone wars? What if Palpatine sensed vadar’s betrayal in return of the Jedi? What if Gungi stayed with the bad batch? What if Caleb joined the bad batch when his master died? What if Caleb survived the fire on Lothal? What if Ahsoka got to coruscant with maul before Mace windu left for the chancellors office? What if Ezra found luke instead of obi wan on Tatooine? What if Illum gave Anakin a red kyber crystal? What if Obi-wan brought the twins to his family?
  • @AlexPerez-yp1mz
    This one was action packed and i saw the power of Anakin when he killed Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Mace Windu and Dooku and how Ahsoka defeated Anakin in his stomach and the Jedi lived on Dagobah.
  • @marcusisgod2592
    As we know darth vader was a natural engineer and could use mechaguru or whatever so what if he used skill to create nanobots to repair his lungs and burns while also making limbs that could conduct the force to make lightning. This could relate to inquisitor baris as she used nanobots in the bomb and he may remember nanobots and their uses. He could could also conduct experiments diguised as torture to fool sidious, learning to heal wounds, make force sensitive droids/limbs and using nano bots to manipulate mididclorians to strip or enhance the force in individuals. What I was thinking was that he used nanobots to remove scar tissue especially around the lungs and he would be dipped in bacta or bacta would be applied this would allow him breath which means he can meditate more deeply. And for the limbs, it is possible to make material force sensitive and I was thinking he make limbs skeletal looking like in attack of the clones but would then cover the we either grafed flesh from his body or flesh made from his blood and other ingredients like perhaps kyber crystal this would make the force flow from him easier and perhaps with the sith alchemy in the limbs making his force lightning more powerful. Basically an uber vader who is perhaps stronger than full potential anakin.
  • @dianesinger9729
    Sad that Ahsoka had to do what she did but Anakin left no choice
  • This was a wild theory.... AND I'M HERE FOR IT! Great video, as always, I didn't expect the ending with Mace and Plo and Ahsoka doing what she did. Top tier vid.
  • The only thing u left out is either Obi-wan or Ahsoka, before her exile, she'd tell Padme. It would be a confession cause if her guilt, but just like the canon funeral she would feel like she owed it to Padme
  • @joeramsay6269
    Would love to see What If Ahsoka Joined Vader in Star Wars Rebels
  • @ldungey6972
    I was done around 21:30 because it felt like by this point there was no change in the story. Anakin still turns and the majority of the council still died even though they made preparations beforehand. So it just felt like things played out the same