In Conversation with Amanda Lang: Bell’s layoffs and Canada’s productivity woes

Published 2024-02-09
Award-winning journalist and best-selling author Amanda Lang and The Hub's Editor-at-Large Sean Speer discuss Bell Canada's announcement of layoffs in its media business and what they signal about the unwinding of the "grand bargain" between business and government in protected sectors including whether we may ultimately see the opening up of these parts of our economy to greater competition.

The Hub Dialogues feature The Hub's editor-at-large, Sean Speer, in conversation with leading entrepreneurs, policymakers, scholars, and thinkers on the issues and challenges that will shape Canada's future at home and abroad. This episode is generously supported by the Linda Frum and Howard Sokolowski Charitable Foundation.

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All Comments (11)
  • @ianleslie6971
    It's hard to blame business for infrastructure investment when we view the disastrous government for the last 8 years. The combination of social/ emotional invasions has left a destabilized base. The ignorance of outside criminal forces imposing its will ,with a shrug from the most senior policymakers. "It's complicated "
  • This conversation was good as far as it went. It is fair to characterize the current Lib government as driving towards bigger, more Interventionist, with the social goals. But the absolutely key statement is that if that is what they are doing then that bigger government needs to get it right. That is where it breaks down. Sure, some things such as the Child Benefit and Dental Care have merit, but those programs do not explain the ridiculous growth of the civil service, or the taking away of personal responsibility and rights. As has always been the case, bigger government doesn’t “get it right”. It is time to try less government. The Conservatives had better really deliver that…it can’t be just a slogan.
  • @TheTruthAlways
    20:28 we had child benefits before this government. Reduced poverty? 2 million people lined up at food banks, and record high wealth and income inequality.
  • @ToeKneeOooo
    This is what you get when the government chooses for people instead of people choosing for themselves: a mediocre to less than mediocre country that can't even play second fiddle.
  • @wdhewson
    Face facts guys, business runs away from high cost and high tax zones..........which describes Canada. Ain't no more complex than that!!
  • @user__100
    Canada uses Newcomers to pay pensions of old Europeans through tax
  • @howardloewen7222
    The media needs attention and often create that attention by stirring up controversy where none exists. This idea that there is a conflict between business and government is complete fiction. I have run a small business for 30 years and never have I felt the Canadian government does not have my back. There have been times when I’ve been asked to pay more taxes this has always been reasonable. For example the changes in donation tax credits are long overdue. The previous credits were incredibly generous. Too generous. So they’ve been reduced a bit. Taxes on luxury purchases are a great idea even if they don’t collect much revenue it still goes to fairness in the system - an important goal on its own. I can think of many policies being enacted or planned by the liberals that are going to have positive and far reaching impacts. The drug benefit, child tax credit, carbon tax, dental care, legalizing cannabis, settling long standing First Nations issues, rather than just kicking the can down the road. Trump and the pandemic were handled exceptionally well. Contrast Trudeau to the Harper government. I’m hard pressed to name any accomplishments other than muzzling scientists and ignoring evidence so they could pander to their base. The deficit is a concern but remember, we are suffering from environmental deficits as well as deficits of human potential. I would argue the latter are of more concern than the fiscal deficit.
  • @rickveleke6966
    Civics education in school gets the attention of young minds as they age as they had become educated to the whole system