In Conversation with Amanda Lang: The gig economy & return to the office

Published 2024-01-12
This is the fifteenth episode of The Hub's bi-weekly series featuring Sean Speer in conversation with award-winning journalist and best-selling author Amanda Lang. The two discuss some big labour market trends in Canada as we enter 2024 including the rise of "gig work", the growth in the federal government's employment footprint, and whether Canadian workers will face pressure to return to the office more regularly in the coming year.

The Hub Dialogues feature The Hub's editor-at-large, Sean Speer, in conversation with leading entrepreneurs, policymakers, scholars, and thinkers on the issues and challenges that will shape Canada's future at home and abroad. This episode is generously supported by the Linda Frum and Howard Sokolowski Charitable Foundation.

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All Comments (4)
  • @barryhaley7430
    How do you manage the “racialized” issue of the gig economy? New immigrants have always had the least desirable lower paying jobs. The Italians in the 50s and 60d, the Irish and Jews before them. The only difference was they were white. The “racialized” rhetoric is just a red herring. They are just experiencing the same as all immigrants.
  • @barryhaley7430
    Might the increase in the civil service be a necessary make work program as government policies since 2015 been investment and job killers?
  • @rosswatson9144
    Too calm, too cool, too collected… this shocking increase in the public service, it’s corresponding relation to tax increases and government control of our lives should be an issue requiring more vitriol, more impassioned criticism..our niceness politeness has become our undoing.