Equity: The Thief of Human Potential - Thomas Sowell

Thomas Sowell (born June 30, 1930) is an American author, economist, and political commentator who is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Sowell is the author of more than 45 books (including revised and new editions) on a variety of subjects including politics, economics, education and race, and he has been a syndicated columnist in more than 150 newspapers.

Sowell was born in segregated Gastonia, North Carolina, to a poor family, and grew up in Harlem, New York City. Due to poverty and difficulties at home, he dropped out of Stuyvesant High School and worked various odd jobs, eventually serving in the United States Marine Corps during the Korean War. Afterward he took night classes at Howard University and then attended Harvard University, where he graduated magna cum laude in 1958. He earned a master's degree in economics from Columbia University the next year and a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago in 1968. In his academic career, he has served on the faculties of Cornell University, Amherst College, Brandeis University, the University of California, Los Angeles, and, currently, Stanford University. He has also worked at think tanks including the Urban Institute. Since 1977, he has worked at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, where he is the Rose and Milton Friedman Senior Fellow on Public Policy.

The full speech of the audio in this video can be be seen here.    • Thomas Sowell - The Quest for Cosmic ...  

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コメント (21)
  • I would rather fail and learn something than pass and learn nothing.
  • @kirtpurdy3796
    As a teacher, I am forced to live with this every day. It's so sad, as the kids who actually put in the effort end up getting similar results (pass the course) to those who only show up for 30% of the classes in a semester. We are going to, eventually, kill work ethic because of this. There will be no need to strive for excellence. Kids aren't stupid - they will figure this out and will behave accordingly, and our society at large will suffer.
  • Equity could theoretically lead to the dystopian nightmare depicted in Kurt Vonnegut's story "Harrison Bergeron" where anyone who excels in any area above the rest is deliberately and forcibly handicapped by the state or the authorities to make everyone perform exactly on the same level. In his story, this discouraged the expression of beauty, art, creative expression, innovation, and greatness just so that no one would ever be offended by becoming jealous or resentful of anyone else.
  • @markmccormick
    One of the greatest thinkers, philosophers, and writers in the history of humankind. May God bless Dr. Thomas Sowell.
  • “It’s amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites.” ~Thomas Sowell~
  • "If there's anything worse than unfairness, it is make- believe fairness." ~ Thomas Sowell
  • @chrno269
    I just had to endure equity and diversity training for work.....came here to heal my soul
  • @leascaart
    Damn!! I can NEVER get enough Sowell. He's just so brilliant.
  • I find it astounding that in the 24 years since he made this speech, things have only gotten worse, much, much worse...and every prediction made by this speech has come true.
  • What I love most about Thomas Sowell is his fight for "reality" against "ideology." It's the common thread in all his books.
  • @chuckdavis8016
    My children give me much of the credit for their education. School became just a place to go, so the overseers could keep track of their whereabouts during the day...even into their late teens they were excited about coming home to crack the books!!!...they are very successful now. So, when i look at education I look at truly gifted people who dropped out and I am grateful to them for sharing.....
  • @ASMRDoodlez
    This did an outstanding job of explaining what I'd recently realized: one of, if not the, biggest divisions in societies right now is the conflict between people who want to optimize their own lives and communities, and those who want to shape the world in a way they deem perfect. The latter group believes that given enough control, they could eradicate poverty, hunger, and discrimination, but in trying to take from some and give to others, they directly come into conflict with the people who are trying to build up their little corner of the world.
  • If there's anything worse then unfairness its make believe fairness. Wonderful statement all in its self.
  • We need more Thomas Sowell in our society. He is not just a "black" philosopher, his words have power for everyone on the planet.
  • @pamelasloan1664
    This is a man with common sense i could listen to him all day without becoming bored the world has lost this Art
  • @bowhunter1115
    Spot on Thomas. I coached football for 20 plus years. Our team policies were never intended to be fair, whatsoever. But we were faithfully committed to being consistent. If you were late to practice, you crawled on your belly for 100 yards. You may have stopped to help an elderly person who fell and needed medical care. We honor you for your goodness. Get your crawl in. You stayed late in class to make up a test. Great job. Get your crawl in. It was the same for all, always. We never wanted to know why you are late and we never held it against the player. Just get the crawl in and join us. If you cussed at practice, coaches included, you had ten down ups. Refuse the down ups meant turning in your gear. You could say ten f bombs. We did not care. That will be 100 down ups. If you did not bring a butt pad or any piece of gear needed to be legal to play in the game, you did not play. I still cry when I think of a kid who was from the toughest background imaginable. Mother abandoned him. Father drug addict. His bed was the closet of a ram shackle hut. Coach he said, I cannot play tonight. Why not I asked. I forgot one of my knee pads he replied. Choking back tears I said well Brandon go tell John he is the starting center tonight and do all you can to support him. End of story? Brandon is successfully driving truck for a major firm and is a successful family man and killing it in life. Same rules for everyone causes those who need the same standards the most to gain the most from them. Low standards perpetuates the pity party but does nothing to build character or confidence or ability. You might feel good inside because you think you are a great person with such compassion because you gave a disadvantaged individual a break. All you are really doing is breaking them. Real love is saying my friend by holding you to a high standard I am loving you even though it is hard for both of us. This is not only the best way, it’s not only the most helpful way, but it’s the only way to lift another with wisdom.
  • Observe that he said all this in 1999. Obviously, his words have fallen on deaf ears, for things have progressed in the opposite direction all this time. Still, his words are there to be heard and read. We can only pray that the people who need his wisdom will find it. Videos like this will certainly help.
  • In 1999 this would have come across as completely outlandish. All these years later, I can't believe how accurate he was...let alone why we're still having to deal with it.
  • @re1v3r
    Huge Sowell fan, I love his Anointed Ones book. I wish he was a more common household name. Massively underappreciated 😢
  • Started listing to Thomas Sowell a few years ago and now I am glad that I did especially when I watch his videos and listen to some of his audio teachings throughout his life. Still can't believe he is in his 90's and still educating people to this day.