Why the Left's Vision of Equity Is Flawed | Douglas Murray

Published 2023-04-19
Douglas Murray explains the heart of the Meritocracy debate and why the Left's goals are fundamentally flawed. From the 2023 National Review Institute Ideas Summit in Washington D.C..

All Comments (21)
  • I can pretty easily imagine why tolerance has fallen out of favor. Give an inch, lose a mile. Tolerance only works if it's reciprocal. Otherwise, it's just one group taking advantage of another.
  • @Fisherpriest
    Tolerance has limits. That's why engineers measure it.
  • @Matiyahu
    Murray is 100% right, here. Conservatives must become creative, offering answers and not just reactions.
  • As someone who used to be a die-hard leftist. It is really sad to see the party I grew up a part of lose touch with reality so heavily.
  • I love that image of "equity." It inherintely assumes a supperiority/inferiority in one and the other. It doesn't help the little one grow to be bigger, it just always assumes the little one is always little.
  • I 100% agree. On "diversity bingo" I check off "woman" and "disabled", so some companies or HR people might feel obligated to hire me and I find that deeply insulting. I'm not hired over competition with men or other women because of my skills, education, intelligence, or experience - just because I have books and your workplace quota is low on that?! Oh yes, how "equal", how "loving". 😡
  • @xiaoabrose
    A man who makes me proud to be British. An extremely rare occurrence in these strange times.
  • @maximeb190
    Putting big government (including legacy media) and oligarchies in check, healing trauma, raising healthy families and educating mindful citizens seem to be what we should all strive for.
  • @boldertash
    Not much Equity in the construction industry, mining industry, steel works, sewage works, best person for the job and if its hard work reward them appropriately
  • @mrkisukes
    The problem with equity is that it will always result in everyone being at the bottom because there's no other way to force the same outcome for all. You cannot force someone into success, only into failure so the only option is to cut down everyone who strives for the top down to the level of those who won't.
  • @t_c5266
    Equality of outcome isn't helping the underdog until they succeed, it's hurting the success until everyone is a failure
  • @tchai91
    Always love Douglas’s sarcasm. ‘We need more trans road-layers’. 😂
  • " Diversity means conformity – it's a terrible word. " - Morrissey, 2022
  • @KeithOlson
    One note on 'tolerance': both tolerance AND intolerance are helpful, neutral, AND harmful, depending on the specific circumstance of each and every unique situation. Should we tolerate someone making basic mistakes as they learn? Of course we should! Should we tolerate someone making basic mistakes if they declare that they are an expert and lives are on the line? Of course we shouldn't! (I also can't help but notice that those who most loudly call for tolerance from their foes are also almost always the most INtolerant people in the room.)
  • @projectalice8119
    Most people do not exist on an extreme and do not want to exist on an extreme. Those of us who lie somewhere in the middle, slightly left/slightly right are the only ones who can fix this. Those who lie on either extreme are nothing more than a distraction (and becoming a real threat) that is preventing the rest of us from focusing of what really matters. They do not represent the majority, and yet the rest of us have allowed them to steamroll over us and take control of every aspect of our lives. It is time to put our trivial differences to the side; focus on what we all have in common; come together as a United front; and say NO to the extremism. Until we do, this will only continue to get worse; and the longer we put off addressing this, the less likely we are to overcome it and the greater the price we will all have to pay.
  • @KM-pq7sr
    Murray is one of the greatest thinkers of our time.
  • Culture and choices in life deliver outcomes. This guy and Thomas Sowell are able to articulate it well.
  • @parzival1958
    The problem is that these days, it's all about box ticking. The right person for the job should be the best, most capable, most experienced/qualified. But what we are seeing is that there has to be a given percentage of female/ethnic/trans, etc, for it to be "fair." Even if these groups dont want to be in that role or are not suited to the role or are incapable of performing it. I used to recruit for an aerospace engineering company, and our annual apprenticeship scheme was open to everyone regardless of race, sex, etc. In 10 years, we had 1 non white person apply (who we set on due to his aptitude for the job). And 1 female (who didn't even turn up for the 1st interview). Consequently, if an outsider looked at us, they would criticise us for our lack of diversity. Should we drag female and non white people off the streets and force them to apply for the sake of ticking boxes?
  • @Chris-um3se
    My tolerance for tolerance is finally INTOLERABLE! I started my slow slide back into the light of rectitude when I realized Obama made Race hustling his Number one priority.