The World's Biggest Geode Is A Literal Cave

If you were really into gift shops as a kid, you probably loved to look at all the shiny geodes. But those little geodes are nothing compared to the mother of all geodes, found is in Put In Bay, Ohio. So let's talk about how this geode formed and the gorgeous sky-blue celestine crystals that we find inside it.

0:38 Oops! "Lake Erie" is spelled incorrectly here.

Hosted by: Hank Green
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コメント (21)
  • I’ve been to Put-in-Bay multiple times, I literally know people who grew up on the island, and I’m so upset that no one told me about this rock
  • Went there years ago with my wife. We spent the day driving around the island on a golf cart, drinking many bottles of wine. We came across this geode that is part of a winery, went for the tour, and was jammed with 30 other tourists in this geode. It was absolutely gorgeous, but hot and cramped. After the tour guide gave his speech, and opened up for questions, my wife immediately asked in a thick Russian accent, “ YES WHEN CAN WE LEAVE “
  • My family took a trip up to Put In Bay when i was a kid; it's a really pretty area and the geode is genuinely as cool as you'd think. I'm pretty sure they still do tours. Good Rock.
  • I heard the SciShow intro and Hank’s voice from the other room and was deeply confused because I’m the SciShow watcher in this house. It turned out to be my 7 year old daughter who shares my YouTube lol. I’ve watched SciShow for… well, as long as I can remember learning things on the internet, and there’s something special about knowing that my 7 year old will now get to experience that, too. I’d never watched the show with her because she usually isn’t into my infodump types of shows. And despite that, apparently she likes SciShow. Realizing she knows who Hank is when he’s been such an influential part of my own upbringing made me weirdly emotional. Anyway, I just want to say thank you to Hank. For everything. And thank you to the rest of the SciShow team over the years who’ve put so much effort into providing these videos.
  • I would watch a Sci show video of Hank excitedly running around a geode.
  • @IanGrams
    I've lived in Northern Ohio all my life and somehow never once heard there's a giant geode on PIB. Never really had any interest in visiting the island before but now I'm definitely going to have to plan a visit.
  • Oh my god. I live in Put-in-Bay for most of the summer and I work at the business right across the street from Crystal Cave!! (Perry’s Cave which is a limestone stalactite/stalagmite cave) It is so surreal to see this video as a long time fan of the channel!!
  • @fmbga
    I visited South Bass Island and Put-In-Bay in 2023 to check it out. It is definitely super cool, bucket list material! If crystals fascinate you, you will love it. Winery upstairs, gift shop also upstairs. They give tours in regular intervals. Those crystals are not very translucent, but definitely huge, light blue, and many have amazingly sharp edges. I commend the owners for not ripping it apart to sell the crystals, but instead preserving this natural wonder and making it accessible for everyone who can pay to see it.
  • Seeing Hank again is what keeps me coming back. His journey to keep teaching throughout his challenges is downright inspirational.
  • What defines a geode exactly? Why isn't something like the The Cave of Crystals in Mexico the largest geode? Is a geode a cave but a cave isn't necessarily a geode? Or simply is a geode a type of cave? Also, I've been loving the new sets over the green screen. It feels more like we're sitting down for a conversation rather than sitting down for a lecture and it promotes a comfortable learning environment.
  • I've been to Put In Bay, It's funny because the winery and geode are under the cutest little house, you would never expect such a geode under that house.
  • @VoMFilms
    Something about unlikely circumstances creating beautiful things fills me with a spiritual warmth. It reminds me of how lucky we are to exist at all.
  • @silentben
    This may be the first time I've heard chalcedony pronounced out loud. I've always assumed it was CHAL-suh-doh-nee, so when you said it kal-SED-uh-nee, it took me by surprise. You learn something new everyday!
  • I was there a couple of weeks ago. Would definitely recommend.
  • @ligh7foo7
    Hank is the evolution of the Pokemon Geodude. Geodedude.
  • Editor made Lake Erie a little spookier that day, a little Eerier you might say
  • I used to live about 30 miles east of there most mylife. Never visited the islands until I moved to Missouri and told my family about it and we took a vacation there. I wish I went there earlier, it's a beautiful and geologically rich area.
  • @dom7668
    1.19 update finally released, huge changes in world generation and cave systems found
  • My great grandma had a tiny fraction of a huge geode in her house. The fragment was about as big as a 13 years old.
  • Wild to start a video excited about what new thing you’re gonna talk about, and the realize wait… I’ve been there!