Reverse SKIN AGING (Slow Down Skin Aging) 7 Tips...

Published 2020-08-15
How much money have you spent on products claiming to slow or reverse skin aging?? This video explains how to slow down skin aging and even reverse it! Slowing skin aging is as simple as eating certain foods, and avoiding other things.

Your skin is made of what you have eaten. Eat the right things and avoid the wrong things to reverse skin aging, or at least slow down skin aging. This video will help you and all your friends to have younger looking skin, starting today.

Proper Human Diet Virtual Summit:


Sugar & Skin sag:
Galactose & skin Aging:…
Galactose & skin Aging (rodents):…
Fructose & Skin Aging:
Fructose & Skin Aging:…
Galactose & Skin Aging:…
Fructose & Glycation & Aging:

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PARLER: @kendberrymd TikTok: @kendberrymd

Ken D Berry, MD, is a Family Physician and has been practicing Family Medicine in rural Tennessee for over 20 years, having seen over 25,000 patients in his career so far.
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All Comments (21)
  • For most of my adult life I've had rough ragged callouses on my heels, so bad that they would wear holes through the bed sheets. I was sanding them done once a week. Often I'd have bleeding. After about 6 months on Keto I noticed that I hadn't sanded my heels recently and now over 3 years of Keto and I think I might have sanded them once or twice in that time. I also can now go out in the sun shirtless and not burn. I was never able to tan, always burn, even with just 20 minutes in the sun. Now I can work all day in the sun with no shirt or sun screen.
  • @edjackson4389
    The key to being a healthy human: 1- Eliminate all sugar 2-Eliminate all sugar and last but not least 3-Eliminate all sugar
  • @lornayoung5940
    After I had lost 25 lbs by following keto, I asked my brother if he noticed anything different about me. (I hadn't seen him in a while) the first thing he said was that I looked younger. He is now my favorite brother ;)
  • @leahmiranda8359
    I'm 71 years old and have been Keto for two years. In an age bracket where skin aging is rapidly accelerated, I'm happy to say that my skin is better than when I started. After an 80 lb weight loss, at this age, I could have been a real mess! You were the first person I found when I looked up Keto. Thank you!
  • @jongeoffrey1585
    Thank you Dr. Berry, I have been an avid follower of your videos for over 2 years. I have lost 185 lb on the keto diet. I will now switch over to cheap carnivore to lose the last 20 lb Now working on getting rid of the man boobs 😂. Was 390, 56 inch waist, 6XLT shirt, now 38 inch waist, and XLT shirt. Now at 6.1 ft. 204 lbs.
  • @ronmiller7916
    I'm aging in reverse but I don't want to go thru puberty again.
  • @simplecarnivore
    Just turned 62 and been carnivore about a year.. You would not believe the changes in my skin, hair, teeth and eyes.. Plus im down 45lbs and look and feel great.
  • @mikebrendan3766
    By doing a carnivore diet, for the first time in my life, I've been able to get rid of the rosacea on my face. And I'm 43 years old...
  • @anta3612
    1) quit smoking 10:23✔ 2) get all the sugar out of your diet 10:44✔ 3) get vegetable oils out of your diet 11:23✔ 4) you've got to eat lots of healthy protein 12:22✔ 5) eat lots of healthy fats 13:03✔ 6) go out in the sun and get a tan 13:35 7) eat plenty of collagen14:42✔ 8) get lots of vitamins and minerals15:05
  • @daveben3573
    I am 60 now and for about 30 years I had a large mole on my temple (seborrhoeic wart) which I guessed I was just stuck with. Switched to a Keto diet last year which evolved into Carnivore by the end of the year. During the Carnivore stage this mole suddenly started to change and within a few weeks had totally disappeared. This was the most striking improvement in a few skin issues I had and I couldn't really believe it!
  • I'm 48, just lost a hundred pounds, I still have some more to go. I've noticed my skin feels better. My clothes feel better against my skin. Doing the Carnivore diet
  • My skin looks fantastic after doing keto 8 months. I had someone tell me recently, “you’re aging backward.”
  • @dorcasowens1210
    I'm 74. I eat the keto diet. But I added 3 things that have really improved my skin, hair and nails. I take a collagen supplement (with 5 types). I take 3,000 mg vitamin C which helps the body make collagen and I take a teaspoon of olive oil twice per day. All of the dry, scaly patches on my skin went away. For the first time in my life I no longer have cracked, dry heals.
  • I am amazed that my fair Irish skin can be in the sun longer and not burn since I went carnivore.
  • @rc3291
    Broke my no sugar, low carb diet for about 4 months after an accident and look like I aged 5-10 years. Went back on it and can tell a difference in a month.
  • @deedeem8485
    I am one month into the keto diet. My sugars are stable. My intestinal issues are gone. Gerd, IBS, esophageal ulcers. Wow. 16 pounds down. I was just telling my son about how my skin is exfoliating naturally. I am amazed at the results in just one month. I am being monitored by my docs office once a week weigh in and counseling for diabetes. Nurse believes that if I can keep this going then I can use diet to control my diabetes, my sugars have finally normalized. Thank you so much for getting me going on a healthier way of life.
  • @mclifer
    Someone said I look 10 minutes younger.
  • @PT-tw6kg
    When I was 19yrs old went on Atkins not to lose weight have so many food allergies. I'm now 66yrs old still eat the same way. No sickness. Not to sound but, I look like 40 but never tanned but I do think it's my eating. Thank you, for telling the truth. Most Doctor's don't have much studies on nutrition as you well know!!!!! 👏
  • @327Demi
    It’s 7/2/22 and I began Keto and I.F. 3/20/22 Not only have I lost 50lbs but my face has completely changed. I Look and feel so much younger. My skin feels so supple. Body feels amazing.
  • @HeleneLouise
    I went ketogenic around 15 years ago, mostly because it helped me with narcolepsy. Right away some dental problems cleared up. I had normal sleep without narcolepsy. Rashes cleared up. No more yeast infections. I was surprised to see that I lost weight. I had made up my mind never again to diet to lose weight, because I always ultimately failed. Over time it has really surprised me to see people my age that I haven't seen in a long time and hear them say, "Why do you look younger than me?" I've been told everyone seems to age but me. What witchery did I do? I tried carnivore, but without green leafy vegetables I don't function as well. That's just me. Sometimes I think I was fortunate to be be more or less forced into the keto lifestyle. I never expected this benefit from keto. Keto is also good for bone health and muscle mass.