Nyiragongo, one of the world's most active and deadly volcanos, could erupt at any time

Located in Democratic Republic of Congo, at the border of Rwanda, the volcano Nyiragongo is considered to be the most active in Africa. Its permanent lake of lava is the biggest of the planet. This volcanic phenomenon, rare and unknown, has been revealed to the public by Haroun Tazieff in 1958 in its movie “Devils’ Rendez-Vous”. Its devastating eruptions threaten the 1 million inhabitants of the city of Goma, which is located at its bottom. The most important was in 1977. The most recent, in 2002, bothered the scientist community because of its violence.
For the Volcanologist Observatory of Goma, it’s a big challenge: increase the knowledge to anticipate the future eruptions and avoid catastrophes. It’s a very complex objective in a very instable region, geologically but also politically. Moreover, to go down inside the crater is very difficult and needs very special competences and experiments.
A team of French and Swiss volunteers, specialists of volcanologic expeditions has taken up the challenge: they go the closest to the boiling lake of lava, in the very heart of the volcano, in order to make samples and analyzes, and to install measuring tools.
This documentary tells the adventure of this exceptional collaboration between passionate volunteers and scientists in a place as dangerous as mythical."

0:00 - Intro
02:20 - Nyiragongo
51:25 - Credits

#science #documentary #volcano #africa #congo #nature #earth
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Nyiragongo with its world's largest continuously active lava cannot be described as calm. This fascinating and dangerous volcano is a perpetual threat to the life of the city of Goma, located at the bottom of the mountain where it dominates. Its eruptions have and continue to cause numerous tragedies and disasters. In 1977, more than a thousand people were reportedly killed in the lava flows. In 2002, molten rock destroyed one fifth of Goma, leaving a hundred thousand people homeless.
Jacques Durieux, a volcanologist, was sent to assess the damage and prevent future eruptions. Accompanied by many enthusiasts, Durieux led expeditions to the mythical volcano, but some of them were failures due to the extreme conditions and political instabilities of the country. It was the volcanologist Haroun Tazieff who was the first to descend into the crater of the Nyiragongo volcano, revealing the fabulous spectacle it contained. His work has shown the importance of gas in the eruptive phenomena. Since then, studies have multiplied in an attempt to understand the functioning of energy flows and the convection movements that drive them. The conditions are extreme, the scientists are exposed to heat, magma upwelling, acid rain and the vagaries of the weather. However, they continue their research to unlock the secret of the volcano.
By following the scientists and volunteers closely, Oliver Grunewald tells us about this incredible and rocambolical adventure worthy of a Jules Verne novel. This documentary shows us exceptional images of Nyiragongo and its lava eruptions.

Original Title - Nyiragongo: Journeys to the Center of the Earth
A film by Olivier Grunewald

© 2015, Licensed by CPB Films


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コメント (21)
  • @sangitajudge
    This is one of the most amazing documentaries I’ve watched! The volcanologists and scientists have made such massive strides in researching how volcanoes act etc, which will help to save lives in the end. I have immense respect for these brave souls. Thank you very much 🙏🏽🙏🏽
  • I've said it before, I admire their courage and dedication; but volcanologists are CRAZY!
  • @patsmith9360
    I didn't think ASMR was real until I watch this I was hypnotised.
  • @Srt3D01-db-01
    Not only the challenges that is descending into an active volcano but the political dispute in the country .. Thats quite a challenge. Top notch documentary cant say anything else. All who made it possible I salute you
  • @fipitt4100
    Respect. These people have GUTS. First class doco. Thanks
  • Massive respect to people who risk their lives for knowledge and to save others ..Magnificent documentary ❤
  • @EraX52
    This was one of the best documentaries that I have ever seen. The whole team even the people who helped bring the materials equipment, they all deserve it. That lava lake is massive and the closeup on the shoreline was mesmerizing . Thanks to them, they can monitor data and changes on Nyiragongo which can help save thousands of lives. Great documentary!
  • @billotto602
    Considering that Africa is splitting apart, it doesn't surprise me that A volcano, if not MORE, aren't ready to explode !
  • @quinnabun1173
    This is tremendous dedication to all that took part.!!!❤Beautiful amazing people ❤
  • I remember seeing a news report on this, and it was the funniest beaurocratic red tape fail ive ever seen. Elected officials were like "Citizens of Goma, give us a few minutes, we'll create an evac plan." After the plan was planned and they went back out... to announce it...to crickets. Everybody had already walked across the border into Rwanda and i thought i was going to pee on myself laughing.
  • Pretty cool how the video quality keeps improving with every new expedition.
  • @Ulfhednir9
    these brave scientists risking their lives fot science. I wonder how they feel about drones doing that job now
  • @mazer4112
    Mother Nature...OUR PLANET IS AMAZING!!! This is a wonderful documentary, beautiful and thrilling
  • @GeoffreyWare
    That is so scary I would never go into a volcano