The Witcher 3: Gwent - High Score (Northern Realms) / 590 points match - 560 points round


コメント (21)
  • @luisb9862
    Imagine being a tavern owner just wanting to relax playing gwent after a hard day of work and some mf witcher pulls out this little number
  • @wexxel
    Congratulations, you win 2 x silk.
  • peasant: “help me sir Witcher!! a monster tis attacked our village!” Geralt: Gwent? Peasant: nods head
  • This Gwent Game felt like the cold war with the amount of spies that was involved.
  • Imagine doing all of this and they had weather cards.
  • This guy playing Gwent: *Gets really cool cards from spies* Me playing Gwent : *Gets 2 weather cards from a single spy *
  • Gwent is one of the best mini games I have ever seen in a single player rpg. I wish the official gwent game was more like this version.
  • @Spr7ritus
    To be honest, I couldnt play like this, without getting half my deck scorched by the burning card.
  • @yasssica
    I’m a gwent fiend. I eat, sleep, and breathe gwent. What’s a Witcher? What’s this about a war? Who is Ciri? My geralt exists only to play gwent.
  • @Ordecaos
    You know you’ve played to much Gwent when all the cards are in German and you still know what they say and do...
  • For the newcomers wondering why there are 5 blue stripes commandos. There were originally 5 at the games launch, but they ended up reducing down to 3 in a patch
  • I like how 90% of the power each side has is because of the other's spy cards
  • @ismathem
    Wow this is a battle of spy cards lol
  • @andmaarup
    Villager: So, you lost. Guess I'll have a card from you then? Gerald: No. Villager: But... If you won, you would have gotten one from me? Gerald: Yes. Your rarest one. Let's play again!
  • @qzoid3060
    Now I think Witcher 3 is a great card game. The adventure game aspect that revolves around it I think makes the card game more alluring