What do Biblical Unitarians Believe?

Published 2018-11-27

All Comments (21)
  • @alysellin686
    I’m Muslim and cane here to learn about this school of thought. Tbh this is the only Christian who has made Christianity make sense. Happy to know you guys believe in one God and Jesus peace be upon him as a human.
  • Hello there my brothers and sisters!!! I'm from Texas y'all and I'm Daniel Turcotte
  • @endor8witch
    i've always felt this. just wasn't sure i was the only one
  • I'm gonna invest my time to do research. My interest in Christianity grows rapidly since pandemic started.
  • @silveiranews
    When God revealed this to me after 50 years as a Trinitarian believer with a College and Seminary education plus over 2 decades in ministry it was instantly obvious and unquestionable to me. Blessings.
  • Honestly, i can respect this view of Christian's faith more than the Trinitarian. These one actually made sense. Im a muslim, and please, no hate to you all Unitarian. Peace.
  • As a muslim I found this really interesting to watch and learn about Thank you for uploading this :)
  • I had never hear of a Biblical Unitarian. Thank you for the video. I was raised in the Roman Catholic Church...did they invent the Trinity?? Well it has taken years for me to erase and shake off the traditions and falsehoods of that institution of which the Trinity is at the top of the list to unlearn.
  • @MsNayoNayo
    Thank you for this explanation, I am finding my place in the unitarian faith, and these videos are really helpful. I also appreciate that other perspectives are presented in the comments, very unitarian. 🤗
  • @yusufzaman3331
    I'm Muslim but it's nice to see Christians who worship the one and only God.
  • @laysensei
    Thanks for this clear explanation. I did learn a lot in 10 mins. Salam aleykum
  • @HisLostSheep
    YES! I have been so confused as a Christian with the whole Trinity matter. My way of thinking very much aligns with Unitarianism. I will definitely go deeper into this. Thank you for this video, God bless!
  • @2Anonymous42
    Thank you so much for making this video to explain this non-trinitatian belief. I hope you will in the future perhaps post more Bible studies or sermons or anything diving into the depths of the ancient language translations if that is possible. Thank you so much for making this video. God bless you.
  • @ishmael4489
    What churches do biblical unitarians attend? All the churches in my area (Methodist, Catholic, Church of England/Anglican, United Reformed Church etc.) are all - as far as I'm aware - trinitarian churches. Are there specific Biblical Unitarian Churches? EDIT: also, do biblical unitarians read the same bible as other Christians like the King James Bible or Good News Bible?
  • @big662
    Glad i found this video. I didn’t believe in the trinity so i was ready to follow Islam because i thought all Bible readers believed in the Trinity. Unitarian might be the way for me based on my beliefs.
  • @ayse7308
    I feel myself gratefully to believe Jesus when l get unhappy l read a little bit bible turn to me safety relax