This Is What Convinced Me Jesus Is Not God

Published 2023-08-24

All Comments (21)
  • @bosse641
    Jesus has a God. That is all I need to know that he is not God. God does not have a God.
  • @socketman
    Its amazing how much un-biblical language you have to use to support the trinity. The more they try to tackle these obvious contradictions, the less scripture is used. Its almost like the trinity isnt in the Bible at all 😅
  • What convinced me was that Satan offered Jesus the world. If Jesus is god makes no sense for Satan to offer that to God since everything belongs to him unless Jesus is not God
  • @wanye1947
    It's so obvious. Pastors around the world confuse themselves on the podium trying to keep to the Trinity cause they themselves know it makes no sense but won't commit to adopting the truth
    Good for you, what convinces most people that Jesus is NOT God is when they pick up their Bible and read it wthout their pastor telling them that Jesus is the almighty !
  • @getx1265
    Very nice explanation of such a troublesome doctrine. I grew up only knowing of a trinity God until the past few years as a senior. Once the light went on, it seems so easy to read my Bible and have it make sense how Jesus always defers to His Father and worships Him and is about His business. I never understood the convoluted explanation of three parts of god and one with two different natures, yet the Jesus of the Bible always referred to himself as a man.
  • @plotinus393
    The Infinite God of the Universes does not die. Nor did he incarnate in the middle of nowhere as a Hebrew Carpenter.
  • This a very good presentation. Good biblical research. Once we have this foundation established, I want to take it further. What do you now say about the subject of the Sovereignty of God.
  • @TidiSr
    Absolutely true. Deity of Jesus is a false doctrine. Goes away from the simplicity of the Gospel. The Gospel is accessible to everyone to understand. When the theology is too complicated so that we have to go to special human beings with more Brain to understand then it's a warning. Jesus be like a little child. Do not complicate the truth.
  • Well said brother! Thanks for all the work you guys do! The persecution I've received on this topic alone shows me there is something spiritual to it. Maybe that's why the Bible says that the antichrist were people that deny the Father and the son. To merge them denies both and creates a belief that aligns with what the Spirit of the antichrist is said to do.
  • @varor4786
    Very good explanation on the "death" issue. There are also many others as well, even Jesus's own statements that prove his humanity. If I could ask, could you or anyone reading this recommend me a Biblical Unitarian Church in the Dallas,Tx area where me and my family could congregate? I would definitely apreciate it. God bless.
  • @DavidKenady
    I agree with your theology. But how does Col 2:9, Is 9:6 and Mtt 1:23 fit in with your understanding. Though Jesus is not intrinsically God, the Bible says He will be called "God with us", "the Mighty God", "the Everlasting Father" and the fulness of Deity dwells in Him. Could you help me understand how you see this?
  • @BooserBoi
    Wonderful to see uploads on this channel again!
  • @johnspartan98
    I was a trinitarian for 42 years, but some of those years I was growing in doubts about the trinity. Then, about 17 years ago I finally became a fully convinced Biblical Unitarian. I have been teaching the Biblical Unitarian since. I have written commentaries on all the verses the trinitarians misrepresent as proof texts for their false doctrine.
  • @Roz-zi1ye
    "For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,.." 1 Peter 3:18
  • @patanthony9286
    If any one grew up being taught the Bible then the best thing to do is get completely away from all of them you grew up around for several years and clear your mind by renewing it, forget all that you was ever taught and open your Bible to the beginning and tell Yehovah God to send His Spirit of Holiness to teach you the truth and read through the Bible without studying just read word for word until you complete your Bible and then start over in the beginning and read through again and continue, this way you will know that truth and you will be free from man’s imagination and adding to sweeten it up with lies and then you will be able to catch all error from others and you will be able to correct reprove and rebuke according to the Word of Yehovah God and the teachings of Yeshua ha Messiach, The Spirit of Holiness will lead you into all truth, guide you in the way of Messiach, teach without error, comfort with assurance of your salvation, and warn you of things to come
  • One of the first things that convinced me Jesus is not God, is when Jesus got baptized God spoke down from heaven saying in my son I am well pleased. Jesus did not speak down from heaven to himself saying in myself I am well pleased
  • @powerant1914
    What convinced me that Lord Jesus is not God because He says in the Bible that He is a man Who spoke the truth of God. Simple.