The Worst Street Fighter Character

Published 2024-04-30

All Comments (21)
  • @SaiyanHeretic
    I'm convinced Twelve was designed by somebody who really wanted to make a Darkstalkers game but never worked on any of the Darkstalkers games.
  • @reflectivejade
    There was a clip somewhere of a Twelve full parrying Chun SA2 but he didn’t have a bar so the punish was literally just raw H Axe EDIT: Turns out I misremembered and he did have a bar. But I guess he didn’t want to spend it, and raw H Axe is in fact Twelve’s max damage meterless combo
  • @cltmck
    Twelve's best attribute is he's an absolute pain in the ass to fight even if he's so horrible. I'm not in a good mood when I beat him and I want to chuck my monitor out the window when I lose to him.
  • @bw4708
    Between 12 and Q, the Third Strike Weirdos must have some of the best idle animations of all time 😆
  • X-copy would be so hype with a few tweaks. Imagine if you could start a combo as twelve, X-Copy in the middle as an extension and finish the combo as your opponent's character... and imagine if you could cash out the rest of the X-Copy bar to use your opponent's super, making changing back safe! It'd probably be busted as hell, but it would make X-Copy the coolest super in the game.
  • @supervoltekka593
    >Most unique design of any Street Fighter character ever, even the EX ones >Insanely fluid animation >X.F.L.A.T. is just Maximum Spider with an Ippo-style jet engine sound effect >Speaks in binary in the winquotes >Has a win pose where he actually shouts "YIPPEE" while a circle of other Twelves surrounds your corpse And this guy is the worst Street Fighter character HOW exactly???
  • @PerfectPencil
    Unrelated to how he plays: twelve is easily the most beautifully animated character in 3rd strike. It really shows how amazing capcom had gotten at this stuff before they made the switch to 3d. I don't think we've reached the level of mastery at 3D as they did with 2D, yet.
  • HI, I'm HERTZ, I'm glad I was able to play against you, it was fun, it's a shame I lost because of that grab, thanks for the FT, it was very fun, greetings from Colombia, I like your content :D
  • @jennyinutil2018
    Bafael made an interesting observation which is that Twelve and Chun Li are similar characters Great neutral, bad combos, bad damage The biggest difference being that Chun Li has Chun Li SA2, which is powerful enough to negate the last two issues
  • @101Bettis
    You can use other character's taunts in XCOPY too- and they carry over. So in a Q matchup, 12 can taunt 3 times and get Q's defense bonus that lasts after XCOPY ends. Still, not a great consolation though. Still doesn't make XCOPY useful lol.
  • @FayeOkay
    the "roundhouse punishable by chun-li SA2" is, if i had to guess, at least in part due to a guide from WAY back in the early 00s "thong of rage" by thongboy (no i'm not joking). It's a beautifully edited streets of rage style video that explains a ton of useful twelve knowledge. it shows footage of chun-li SA2 punishing roundhouse on block, but the text also says this works on hit. at least, that's where i got the misinfo from and people who think twelve is cool should check out that guide.
  • @spawnytheistic
    I want Twelve and Sean in Sf6 so bad, Especially Sean. I’d love to know how that guy is doing.
  • @Polymathically
    I've been playing 3rd Strike since 2004, and have mained Chun-Li, Akuma, Sean, Hugo, and Elena. But I also picked up Twelve a few years ago for the change of pace. I've written extensively about it on various places online, so I'll mention some major things that you (and pretty much everyone else) overlooked: -Most of its aerials/instant air dash enders can combo into its normal attacks. All of its fierce, roundhouse, strong, and forward enders can combo into its weak/short normals. Basically, all of its best combos start off as aerials, and go in reverse priority compared to the other characters. That's why a lot of players have trouble using it, because they don't realize that its combos are inverted. Twelve's ground offense has only a few useful pokes, corner juggle variations with EX NDL, and SA1. But it has way more options in the air; his aerial combos can go from heavy -> medium, heavy -> light, medium -> medium, or medium -> light. It depends on the matchup and the timing/spacing can be tight, but it's all about getting that extra little bit of damage in and letting it build up over time. But more importantly, they can also combo into its neutral medium kick. It's that awkward knee attack with little range... but it also inflicts high stun. Seriously, fire up training mode and see for yourself. Not only can you easily rack up stun and keep the opponent on the defensive, but it also hit confirms into SA1. This is absolutely essential for pressure tactics. Aerial medium punch does the same amount of stun as standing medium kick, but it's slightly harder to land. Also, its heavy and medium aerials can hit confirm into SA1. You can also hit confirm on the ground by comboing into crouching light kick into light NDL to SA1, but that input is needlessly convoluted. Also, notice how far the attacks push the opponent back; they're intentionally designed to get the opponent into the corner quickly and force them into defending against Twelve's seemingly unpredictable guessing game. SA1 and SA2 can also OTG Hugo if done immediately after a neutral throw. It's obviously very risky, so I rarely use it. -Its back dash has some unique properties if your opponent is in the corner and you're using aerial attacks. Let's say you try go in for an instant air dash and end it with a fierce, roundhouse, strong, or forward. If your opponent gets hit or blocks, watch Twelve's animation carefully. As soon as it lands on the ground, input a back dash immediately. If done correctly and depending what attack you used, it'll backdash somewhere between half and all the way across the screen. This can be used to discourage opponents from trying to counterattack on block. When combined with the combo ability of its aerials to its normals, it becomes clear that Twelve's strategy was never about high damage; it's about maintaining pressure, keeping the opponent off balance via unpredictability, racking up stun (which is very easy to do with the knee), and finishing with a super. -Also, SA1 can counter pretty much any projectile super, like Akuma's standing Messatsu Gou Hadou, Sean's Hadou Burst, etc. It will also go through Urien's Aegis Reflector, Oro's Yagyou Dama, Chun-Li's Kikosho at certain distances, and beat out Necro's Electric Snake. It can also counter Remy's Light of Justice, but you need to be mid-range and trigger it before the second wave of projectiles come out. Also, both NDL and SA1 can stop Akuma's KKZ. You have to space and time it perfectly, so doing it in a real match is really difficult. I hope you utilize this information in another video and/or matches. Have fun!
  • Is XCOPY the most disrespectful super of all time? You pick a bottom 2 character, play most of the round without EX moves, and then finish them off with their own character, under time pressure!
  • @user-jn8eh1sq9g
    I'm a Twelve main mainly because of a video of yours. I say this in the most respectful manner possible, but I started playing Twelve after watching you get your ass handed to you with sauce and cherries on top by a Twelve player (you were playing Ibuki). I found that fome me, some of the worst matchups for Twelve are Ken and Makoto (not even Chun 'cause she struggles so much with Twelve's airborne nature). Even the best Twelve in the world will have a lot of trouble dealing with tatsus and Makoto's air shenanigans and ridiculous damage but and you handled them beautifully. That just goes to show how good of a player you are! Thanks for taking the time to explore my favorite character in the entire SF franchise and spreading awareness about the struggle of Twelve players. We are a proud people! Love you man!
  • @Dabear3234
    twelve suffers from the same issue as Remy. He's not bad just in the wrong game
  • @danielolsen8490
    Fun character to casually play against people that aren't used to playing against him: The goal is to zone and control space, he can be a major nuisance and frustrate the heck out of you 1. EX needles is juggle-able, anytime you land ex needles, throw a standing RH or if they are too far, try a regular needle - underrated extra damage 2. Standing FP is incredibly good for shutting down jumping opponents on their way up on the jump (or crouching mp when they do jump) - it knocks them right out. If you're the right distance and you whiff because they don't jump, the recovery is usually fine. If you're playing a solid 12 zone game, you'll have your opponent in the corner looking for a way out and you'll cripple them when they try and jump flee 3. Spam air movements - don't just jump or air dash at enemies, that's as easy as any jump in to handle. Instead, air dash back FP into the wall, this immediately cancels the air dash allowing 12 to repeatedly become a backwards flying maniac that's building meter. Keep doing this and start mixing stuff up, EX needles when you land, you'll be surprised how often you'll actually hit your opponent while they're throwing out normals to build meter after they've watched you dash back into the wall 3 times. Lure them closer and start mixing it up with ex air dive, this move is incredibly fast, decent damage, and I think it's safe on block. It also works as anti air if they're trying to jump chase you down while back dashing into the wall. Any good 12 is spending a lot of time in the air 4. EX tentacles is the best straight up damage move
  • Talking about a bad character and discussing the cool stuff they do have is always more interesting than simply writing them off from the get-go.