SNK's Failed Capcom Crossover - SVC Chaos

Published 2024-05-03

All Comments (21)
  • @megamix5403
    Fun fact: If you play as Zero in arcade mode, you'll get the Warning screen from the MMZ GBA games when facing bosses. Someone at SNK was a Mega Man fan lol
  • @kitoro
    i love this game because demitri is in it with snk quality sprites
  • @QBTheInkling12
    I don't think people give this game enough credit for having WAY more franchise variety compared to Capcom's SNK crossovers like Mars People from Metal Slug, classic Athena, a ghost and goblins enemy, Tessa from Red Earth and Mega Man Zero alongside making the bold choice of choosing Dimitri over Morrigan including his Midnight Bliss form
  • @Joey-fm1jh
    It’s so jarring that SVC Chaos’ story is literally just the world is destroyed, everyone is dead
  • @stevenwhuntva
    What's funny is the follow-up "Self vs. Self" titles are the other way around. NG Battle Coliseum is kickass but Capcom Fighting Jam is gross.
  • @UltraZeroX7
    Here's a fun factoid worth bringing up regarding this game's development: Falcoon (one of the SNK artists) stated at Twitter back in 2017 that Dante (from the Devil May Cry series) was among the planned playable characters during SvC Chaos' early stages of production but he eventually got ditched out. Side note, the pixel artist who was initially assigned to work on Dante eventually did Demitri.
  • @Hieropink
    Couple things worth noting from the SNK nerd side : While the grim stages are all this game's own, the "more realistic artstyle" is more or less because that's mostly what the KOF sprite artstyle was throughout the NEOGEO era, pretty much anyone who was in any of the NESTS era games in these besides Kyo swapping back to the classic uniform are all using their sprites from those games. Balrog's not the only trace job here. All the shotos looking... strange is because they seem to be using the original sf2 shoto sprites as a base, complete with their weirdly bent legs. Also Hugo for his SF3 sprites, which is why he's noticeably larger than the other SF characters than he was in those games thanks to the scaling carrying over. Funny enough, as far as I can recall hearing, it was actually Capcom as the iniator on this game, as apparently the deal had included both sides making at least X number of games, they got mad SNK apparently hadn't matched them on that end as per the deal, and then immediately marched over as soon as they reformed post bankruptcy, and demanded the final game from their side. Given the already stressful circumstances they were already under, this apparently did a good deal to re-sour the relationship between the 2 companies for at least the next decade or so.
  • @AfroRyan
    Dan's interactions are worth an entire video all on their own; there's so much comedy and in-jokes that are a joy to see.
  • @Wolfedge75
    It's fascinating to think that the whole Capcom-SNK crossover bookends with games made by the latter. The SvC Chaos iterations of Geese, Goenitz & Orochi Iori were backported into the PS2 port of KOF '02, and for some reason that was enough for the former two to be added in the UM ver. as bonus characters as well. Most of the non-KOF characters from the SNK side here (Genjuro, Shiki, goddess Athena & Mars People) were also given another chance to shine in NeoGeo Battle Coliseum, which is a game that's worth covering another time.
  • @max-d8105
    CVS2 gets a ton of praise for its aesthetics despite the fact that the majority of the Capcom cast are reusing alpha sprites that do not blend very well with the updated "CVS Style" spritework. Game looks great when you got Maki or Kyosuke fighting the rival company, but it looks low budget when Morrigan or Sagat was on the screen. Those sprites date back to early CPS2 titles. At least the SNK style sprites look consistent. You could throw the Capcom cast into an old-school KOF game with a little touch up work.
  • @Zwyrx_Hgqfyggz
    This game is a cursed masterpiece and I love it to death. Serious Mr Karate is a walking AoF reference (one of his winposes and quotes reference his original winquote as well as the 3 Bonus Games) It takes place in purgatory and your actions send you to heaven or hell... The amount if weird details is hilarious
  • @kazamino
    "NO ESCAPE, FIGHT!" is one of the best round start voice clips
  • @dragons_hook
    8:50 definitely has vibes of Benimaru's "Lambs are tougher than you" win quote from KOF 95. Lol
  • @DanLink9000
    Gameplay aside, the fact that you could have Ryu fight Gouki/Akuma on an MVS would explode people's minds if you time-traveled back to 1994.
  • @kingdomsend3126
    it's so funny that no matter the game and his design zero is always top dog even when capcom isn't at the wheel
  • @MagmaMKII
    It is speculated this game was already in development before SNK's bankruptcy, so when they came back they just dusted off what was already done, made some adjustments and released it to make a very needed quick buck.
  • @TheBirdSolution
    NGL I really like the proportions on the SVC Chaos sprites - always felt like an attempt to go back to the vanilla SF2, rather than do Alpha's look like most of the other versus games
  • @Mario_bland
    I don't understand this game at all but I love how terry engrish is the announcer voice.