I Have to Talk About This...

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Chris Stuckmann discusses Sony's Spider-Man Universe, and the poor treatment of writers and directors in the film industry.

コメント (21)
  • @AngryJoeShow
    Chris, I have to say this man after being a follower and subscriber of yours for as long as I can remember. Never feel bad about or straight out REFUSE to criticize something harshly when that piece of media deserves it. The second you do that you are no longer a reviewer. And thats not "bashing" Madam Web. Thats telling it like it is and you need to continue to do that to maintain credibility. People will question if you are being kind to something else for other reasons besides the merits of the media if you refuse to criticize harshly when warranted. Madam Web is a bait and switch, its a waste of money, its a blantant cash-in from untalanted hacks with some of the most shockingly bad writing in any superhero film to date. People need to know that. I feel that because you are a filmmaker you act as if you cant do certain things anymore or cant now do your job as effectively anymore, which shouldnt at all be the case. YOU CAN DO BOTH STILL CHRIS. Who are you worried about offending so much? This video was so much soft trending when its not warranted. You talked about everything else BUT this steaming pile of crap. When we want to know what YOU thought of it. That why we clicked. Thats why we watch your videos. Never forget that for every shitty writer continuing to do movies like these there are 1,000s of other writers and directors (like yourself) who are trying to make ends meet who are far more talented getting passed over. You owe it to your audience to review something harshly when it deserves it, not tip toe around it or side step it. And just because you "bash" a film doesnt mean you are "bashing" the person or people who made it. Sometimes its warranted so all those involved can do better or step out of the way so that others can take their place. Dont be afraid to say what needs to be said Chris. We want to be Stuckmanized. ❤
  • @datacipher
    If you won’t give a negative review your positive reviews are meaningless. In addition, If you place all then blame on the studio for a failure, you better give them all the credit for a masterpiece.
  • @Steven-sd2zi
    I rather live in an honest world than an overly sensitive one
  • @Pinworms666
    Its funny how Dakota Johnson was a harsher critic of her own movie than Chris Stuckmann
  • @BudJr
    So I should feel bad about sending rotten food back to the kitchen at a restaurant? Because running a restaurant is hard?
  • What? Okay. 1. Criticism is not bashing. 2. Putting effort into something does not make the creator or the product immune to criticism.
  • @乂
    If you see BS happening, nothing wrong with calling it out
  • @emberblaine
    There's a difference between bashing creators and criticizing art.
  • @TheNichq
    Why is telling the truth "bashing the filmmaker"? If the movie sucks just say so. Thats your job as a reviewer. All movies should be treated the same.
  • @berraloks
    Quentin Tarantino knows how hard it is to make a movie and bashes bad movies all the fucking time
  • @shawnwbronx
    Someone owes an apology to all of the people who worked on Jaws: The Revenge.
  • @ErikVanRent
    This guy really wants people to know he made a film.
  • @wesside-333
    Movie critic refuses to criticize movie, sells crappy psychotherapy instead. Did you know he made a movie?
  • @hyroproto4364
    Chris..If you have a conflict of interest in this field, and cannot even criticize a movie..then what are we doing dude?
  • But does he know how hard it is to run a movie studio? How dare he bash them, they are just people who have to answer to investors. Imagine all the stress they are under.....
  • @beegnutzz
    Take a shot every time Chris mentions that he's a film maker 😂