The Disturbing Mystery of Lost Characters: Vol. 1

Today, we will talk about lost characters such as Graggle Simpson, or Scripulous Fingore. Much thanks to Bright Side Euan and Edgar Bro for footage of these mysterious creatures who are very much real.
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コメント (21)
  • I have been trying to trick my friends into believing that Graggle Simpson has been there all around. I’m getting close to them believing it
  • I could see Graggle Simpson working in a Simpsons Treehouse of Horror special, like maybe the family and town have memories of Graggle coming back to them and it turns out he was taken away by Men in Black who made the town forget about him. Regarding Fedora Kong, considering that Cranky is DK’s granddad, were it not for mandates, it’d have been cool to see a grown up DK Jr. appear in New Donk City in Mario Odyssey.
  • I remember in the Amazing World of Gumball, a character named Molly was there in the background and with sone minor roles, but then she disappeared for a long time. But, they had a whole episode of bringing her back from an in universe void where forgotten things go. Something similar in the show happened to Tobias’s sister Rachel. She only had one major role in an episode and then was completely forgotten about and it was like she was scrapped completely. This time however there was never an explanation for her disappearance. I suppose you could theoreze that she’s in the void too but I don’t think they ever really wanted to do anything with her character after her big episode. So much so that they just scrapped her.
  • Such a Graggle stan tbh. Loved that one Graggle episode where at the end he gives a PSA to the audience about the harmfulness of drug usage. That PSA was able to convince my father to stop taking heroine and convinced me that crack was lame. Graggle saved not only mine and my father's lives but our family as well, and I have nothing but gratitude for one of TV's most nuanced and well developed characters.
  • The best example of a lost character is Cartmans dad in the South Park pilot, alot of Cartmans personality and traits comes from the lack of discipline his mother gives him and she treats him like a best friend and not like a son
  • Here’s some other interesting lost characters: Bagan from Godzilla, who was planned to appear in at least FOUR separate films but was scrapped from every single one of them. Miranda Piker and Marvin Prune from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Though we know a great deal about Miranda as her chapter can still be read online, information about Marvin is scarce because his chapter was lost. Gorochu, a scrapped Pokémon from the original games meant to evolve from Raichu and thus the final form of Pikachu. It was supposed to have fangs and horns. Sister Sonic. Sometime in the 90’s, Sega was planning to localize some JRPG but reskin it into a Sonic game (a la Super Mario Bros. 2) starring Sonic’s Sister. The game was simply called “Sister Sonic”. But after backlash, Sega scrapped the reskin plans and just localized the game in its original form. Sister Sonic has never appeared in anything since. Bond Man from Mega Man. The original Mega Man only had 6 bosses instead of the usual 8, and Bond Man was supposed to be the seventh until he was scrapped for technical reasons. He and his stage were supposed to be glue-themed. And my personal favorite, Warupeachi who was a character brainstormed for Mario Tennis for the N64 by Camelot as a “Wa” version of Peach in the vain of Wario and Waluigi. Miyamoto shot down that idea because he “didn’t want to know what that would look like.”
  • the only way the simpsons putting gumbly in an episode could be funny is if they just rip off their own roy joke. just have him show up, everyone act like he's always been there and then never acknowledge him again.
  • 2:38 Cranky Kong is actually DK’s grandpa. He’s been incorrectly described as his dad in a few instances, but he is the ape’s grandpa, not his dad.
  • The most legendary example of this, one that easily out-Chuck Cunnighams Chuck Cunningham, Has got to be 12-year-old Bobby Martin in the Soap Opera All My Children, who one day in 1970 left the room saying he was going up to the attic to get his skis and was never seen or mentioned by his parents, siblings, or any other characters on the show ever again. No quick dialog patch explaining how he had to be shipped off to a mental hospital or return to his home planet, he just suddenly had never existed to begin with. Decades later, almost certainly long after every other character from Bobby’s era had left the show by more conventional means, the show finally acknowledged the by then legendary lost character when another character was rooting around in the attic of what happened to be that same house, and they had her uncover a skeleton holding a pair of skis. (Although of course she then never mentions it to any other characters or the police but instead just goes on as if it never happened.)
  • Graggle's catchphrase "It's Gragglin' time" was always plopped in at just the right time, honestly.
  • I don't think I've heard anyone who's watched Steven Universe say that Mayor Dewey was a highlight for them, but I respect that. I think the Beach City citizens in general were underrated as most fans seemed to only care about the gem stuff.
  • My favorite Half-Life character is Jackson. His role as Kleiner's wacky assistant brings a nice comic relief into the series and his sacrifice was heartbreaking
  • Ms. Pac-Man is another example of this. Namco lost the rights to her and now they have to pretend that she never existed. Opting to replace her with Pac-Mom in every subsequent rerelease of each game that she stared in since the lawsuits/buyout.
  • You guys remember Larry the Lion From Fnaf 2? He was one of the Broken Animatronics, He was there all along He was always there He was always there He was always there He was always there He was always there
  • @hotfart
    I love how That 70’s Shows does a “Chuck Cunningham” with Donna’s sister. She appears in 1 episode, complaining about Donna throwing a party. And we never see her again. The show even mentions, “What Happened to Donna’s sister?” In a different episode where there was some cliffhanger.
  • It's terrifying to think, but uhh... Chuck could have been a case of the Korean war or Vietnam war taking a life, and the family trying to put it behind them. See, happy days takes place in the 50s, and there was only a 2 year period, from late 53 to early 55 that peace was active in the US, and we were not involved in a major war. Chuck could have been shipped off to 'Nam or possibly love to Korean if he was drafted. An in-universe reason that is... waaaaay too unsettling to think about.
  • @Iceclaw77
    Another infamous example of Chuck Cunningham Syndrome happened on the show Family Matters. In that show, the youngest daughter, Judy, was completely written out in the fourth season despite being a pretty prominent character in the first few ones because the actress, and her family wanted a better salary, and the rest of the cast acts like she never existed. The parents even say they only ever had two children just like what happened on Happy Days.
  • @Rosyty
    I can't believe people thought Graggle wasn't real. He's basically the backbone of the show AND has all the best moments from it.
  • Chuck Cunningham really reminds me of Lyman from Garfield. while he's not really a "lost character" per say, he certainly had a similar situation where he used to appear in comics regularly as Jon's roommate, but then slowly stopped appearing until he was reduced to a cameo appearance every now and then, and then poof, he was gone, and has never reappeared in the strip since. and yeah he did have that one appearance in The Garfield Show, but that's clearly not Lyman, the eye shape and hair is completely different, he's an impostor!
  • @wumpus976
    Sparky was the scariest FNaF character for me, especially with his howling in FNaF 4, and the cameo he got in FNaF 6.