China & Uighurs: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Publicado 2020-07-26
John Oliver discusses the human rights abuses the Uighur people are facing at the hands of the Chinese government, and why those atrocities are worth our undivided attention.

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @JaredFont
    When people ask how was Germany able to do what they did, this is how. Nobody will do a thing.
  • @ariestheram5693
    "It's completely possibly for two things to be wrong at the same time" is a sentence that people these days desperately needs to hear
  • @merissaj4518
    I feel for that mother. I burst into tears when her daughter said "I missed my mommy." I don't know what I would do if I was forcibly separated from my child.
  • @DavidVT23
    "The largest collection of shoes since the Holocaust" isn't an example pulled out of nowhere. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum actually has an exhibit of 4,000 shoes from Majdanek. Auschwitz has a photo of one day's collection: 25,000 shoes.
  • Why do people use the softer term “forced labour” and not “slavery”?
  • @jrg2866
    So much for "never again." We're always willing to ignore human rights violations as they're far enough away, aren't we?
  • @luislozano6073
    "Human rights should be completely non negotiable" read it carefully while giving your money to FIFA and Qatar while watching the World Cup.
  • @ZONEDINN528
    Almost a year since this video, I think we need to do another one, Jon. Please.
  • @kpop06
    This is where Disney filmed part of their scenes in Mulan?? And Disney was *unaware? Hollywood is such a sellout.
  • @PeeyushBhatia
    "Human rights are non-negotiable". This phrase summarizes it all.
  • @azhar8598
    My heart literally got broken into pieces and I started crying when I saw the bold little baby girl pampering her mother not to cry 😭😭😭
  • @anniewhite5707
    As a mother of a young child, my heart completely broke for the woman who was separated from her little girl for 2 years. This is fucking unconscionable.
  • @dansstreet
    Never again. Unless the perpetrator is the second biggest economy in the world.
  • @Joker-lt3vm
    We need more brave people like you in this world, those who raise their voices regardless of nationality, race and religion, wherever an innocent person is wronged.
  • @leohumbarelly861
    As a German it makes me sick to see how the world is again watching history repeat itself. Especially us Germans should act and react upon it. EDIT: Didn't want to spark a national debate. We're all Humans after all.
  • @XX-fp8bp
    Finally someone with a big audience who talks about this
  • @cmillerg6306
    Why is it that 24/7/Breaking News! outfits like CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC, etc. don't regularly inform us of this and 50 other issues that a comedian somehow can find the time to do? Our McAction News(TM) fails us every day, slobbering over celebrities, etc.
  • @bazingaburg8264
    Imagine being seperated from family by some fucked up re-education camp only to be welcomed home by your youngest, who has already internalized that showing emotions is bad or dangerous. I'd be inconsolable too.