xQc Is Absolutely Addicted to Marvel Rivals

Publicado 2024-07-28

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • As a big Overwatch fan i’m so happy this game is coming out. Not only because it looks fun and the characters are great. OW doesn’t care about their players at all and this game will make them need to step it up. It is a win-win situation
  • Understanding xQc's callouts = impressive.
  • This is one of the most badass Thor designs I've seen in a while
  • Ngl this is one of the only new hero shooters that genuinely looks good and tries to be somewhat unique >>>>LOOKS<<<< good (I haven't played it myself) and >>>>>>>SOMEWHAT<<<<<<<< unique holy shit, reading comprehension nowadays is at an all time low it feels like
  • @thatguyklye
    With how he got hooked on Overwatch it's no surprise. Good to see you back at it X. Just don't say anything sketchy if there's an esports for this😭
  • @ykiikii
    I'm so glad they're not just using characters and especially designs from the MCU. Thor's design is great :)
  • I'm loving this game and I'm glad creators are enjoying it as well. I know the company doesn't have a huge track record for live service shooters yet but as long as they can push out meaningful content and truly listen to the community (the regular community not the community that complains about everything) then there's a solid place for this game in the shooters space
  • No need to charge dash all the time it's on such a short cooldown insta spam it in fights to cc n close the distance and gain shield melee and throw hammer n use Odin force sphere to gain more force don't use ur three hammer ability in the middle of it's a waist, use it when u can or out of fight or poke, when ur engaging make sure ur in line of healers
  • I forgot that xqc was an overwatch pro
  • Good lord Punisher looks dominant😳 his ult is CRAZY
  • I still wonder how that nsnxi guy types a full, in context message, with an emote every like 10-30 seconds while watching the streams every xqc stream
  • I can't wait for this game to come out, it looks so fun
  • As am I. I don’t want the beta to end. (But def need role queue comp)
  • The ending:face-green-smiling::face-purple-crying: