HDSA Films presents Her Mother's Daughter

In the fight against #HuntingtonsDisease, FAMILY IS EVERYTHING!
Her Mother's Daughter is a powerful #documentary of family, love and hope - across generations and against all odds.

Directed by Rae Maxwell
Produced by Huntington's Disease Society of America

コメント (21)
  • What a strong grandmother, I can't imagine having all your children and grandchildren suffer from this, sounds like an absolute tragedy, I suppose she had to get strong.
  • Heartbreaking story. I worked in a nursing home back in the 1970's. One of the patients had Huntingtons. I never forgot that woman. I watched her children watch her and I could see the sadness on their faces wondering if they had inherited the disease. They were grieving for themselves and their mother. I hope and pray that one day a cure will be found.
  • This is the epitome of unconditional love, and strength that I cannot even imagine. God Bless you, grandma...
  • @4winds773
    I care for my 43-year-old daughter who is in the middle stages of this disease.My husband and his family did not talk about the disease and there was no genetic test at the time I became pregnant. I cry every day when I see her. Despite that I work and strive to give some meaning to this suffering and make sure she has the best life possible.
  • This woman is a rock, a hero, a mountain of strength and an example of profound grace. She has more strength and wisdom in her little finger than I have ever had, period.
  • one of my best friends had this dreadful disease. I was the first one she called after the gene came back positive. Watched her decline; nursing home at 40 years old to her final death at 50. So, so sad.
  • This grandmother is just the most fantastic human being, to be hit with such tragedy and still manage to function as such a kind and loving person and keep smiling would be beyond most of us im sure.
  • I thought I had a hard day today … I just realized that I don’t even understand what hard means. Love, respect & compassion to everyone affected by this terrible disease.
  • I ha e so much love for this family . The Grandmother is a rockstar!
  • What a horrible universe that allows a child to have this hellish disease. Wishing with my whole heart for a treatment and someday a cure.
  • @pam164
    The only way to stop it is for them to stop having children naturally, as it will just go on and on for generations. So sad.
  • my sister in law has Huntington's. She found out after she and my brother got married when her dad was diagnosed. She is now 58. Her symptoms are getting more apparent. My brother takes care of everything and works full-time. I offer to help.. she no longer drives and won't go on a plane now. My brother talks about it and she talks about it more, but my brother hesitates to ask for help. I cont tell him we are here for him.
  • Bless you for having the fortitude to take care of both of them. I have one child with a genetic illness and it's all I can do to get through some days by myself.
  • What an amazing and loving Grandma. I wish her all the Blessings and Happiness she can get.
  • Bless this mother and daughter.. so hard to watch. So much love, laughter and caring, so sad.
  • When I was young I took care of a man in the nursing home, with this disease. In the end they had to clear a room, put thick mats on floor. He laid on those mats, and just let him kick. He was all over the room, It was so sad. My mom knew his family and had been a friend of his sister, she had died early from Huntington's.
  • @snicky58
    This is such a horrific disease. I've seen it progress all the way to death in an acquaintance who left behind a husband and young son when she died. I'm sure this will offend many people, but why do people who know there's HD in their own or their spouse's family have children? I think to do so borders on cruelty considering how strongly genetic HD is. I mean if one parent has it, their child has a 50% chance of getting it -- not very hopeful odds, to put it mildly.
  • I can't believe that only 327 people gave this documentary a thumbs up! It was extremely informative, even if you didn't have Huntington's disease. It clearly demonstrated how it can be such a destructive illness, which slowly steals your independence and robs you of your dreams. Gob bless to all of you for taking part in this documentary, very moving but tragic but clearly only reaches those who have been diagnosed with Huntington's disease.