Construction worker making $74hr

Today I sat down for a cup of coffee with a dock builder who makes $74hr on the days that he dives, on all other days his pay is $59.50hr, Vacation pay is currently at $9.90hr an annuity is at close to $12hr. Thinking about starting a podcast to upload the full conversations
#construction #dayinthelife

コメント (9)
  • Yeah union workers get paid good. Also, an annuity is not like a 401k. It's actually an insurance product where you have a vested interest in the investment the insurance product makes and what this allows you to do is pay into a 401k and have all that tax advantaged money on your own if you want to be extra prepared for the future. And since corporations are forced to auto enroll 401k plans for their workers now, your company might offer 401k, Roth, or super backdoor roths If you're a high earner.
  • @grandcanyon2
    at 3:20 electrical workers work hard its just that its more skill based so their is alot less physical labor, comapred to other trades, basically electrical workers do maybe 25 percent physical labor comapred to the other trades.
  • Are dock builders carpenters? Definitely motivate me to want to get back into construction
  • @KBoogiie
    Hey bro, you know anyone from 1556 i can talk to & ask some questions? Im doing a UBC pre-apprenticeship right now & applying for H2H. Just wanna know how things are with that local, if its slow, hows the work load. etc
  • @MnqTrader
    Yo Rubin thanks for these great videos brother. If you have sometime I have a few questions for you. 1. Will Local 3 have apprenticeship applications sometime in 2024? 2. Is there any other way to enter local 3 without going through the traditional application process? 3. Do you recommend apprenticeship for someone who is in their 30s already? I have a million other questions but would appreciate any information or advice you might have for me. Thank you 🙏
  • @hyperdunk1152
    Do you know building works is shorter now? And also do you think that I can make a career out of becoming a union carpenter or are things looking bad? I heard non-union are getting more jobs now so now I'm not sure about union... what do you think ?
  • @teetimes2318
    U need to talk about nyc big problem non union taking over all the work