If You're Not Doing This, People Will LEAVE Your Videos EARLY

Published 2023-09-18

All Comments (21)
  • @ThatNateBlack
    Howdy howdy everyone! What are you working on this week? Also what the heck is with the clicking sound?! Turns out it was my headphone (the one dangling) hitting the desk in front of me. My apologies. If only I wasn’t moving around so much 😂
  • @TheWordN3rd
    I was a theater kid and the, "It's better to tell you to dial it back than to you be flat" is such good advice.
  • @nadimKholmi
    I had 50 subs when I started watching you Nate! And now look I’m almost achieving 1000 subs.🎉 thanks to you for advice and prop to me for not giving up!❤
  • @TheCreateOutdoors
    I recorded a whole video yesterday and found my mic was not transmitting audio to my camera. You are going to make mistakes, we are human. Don't let it stop you from achieving your goals!
  • In the beginning, I was talking to a camera. Now, I am talking to friends - people I have come to know from my chats and comments. It has made a big difference.
  • @Penguinandpear
    I wish YouTube gurus would show a range of ways to perform that work. Yes high energy works for a young audience but there’s lots of examples where slower paced works too. But we wouldn’t know it if only looking to gurus for advice. Content is more important than high energy in most cases.
  • High engery is not what a lot of people are on YouTube for. I find it exhausting especially when it just doesn't fit. There are channels that I used to watch that I can't anymore because the pace induces anxiety. A peaceful morning garden tour doesnt work with the same kind of energy as this video for example.
  • @BigSpud
    As a UK person born and raised: poking fun at the tea thing is fine. Encouraged, even!
  • My first video compared to my last one is day and night! I couldn’t believe I was that boring 😂
  • @hnnhml
    OH MY Nate I'm so happy you started this channel. I'm bingeing all 35 videos and man I feel like I haven't learnt this much (new, actually seemingly very helpful stuff) about youtube growing in my whole 2,5 years of youtube growing research. thank you!!!
  • @NathanMcMasters
    What I love about this genre of YouTube is that as you’re learning new pieces of advice about being a better creator you can see them using their own points indirectly in their own content. So advice you heard a week or two ago you’re continually getting more examples of it down the line.
  • @RoySFord
    So glad you took the time to address this Nate. So many Youtube advice channels don't touch on the "performance / personality" in the videos. Thank you for taking a step back from the numbers, and the cameras, and actually talk about the PERSON.
  • @TechMeshX
    All YouTubers Don’t give up you’re near to your success zone Be consistent and upload quality content and also be strategic that’s all Thank you 🙏
  • @lys_is_me
    I hate that I've been waiting and hoping for a new nate video but yay
  • @SeanMunger
    Nate, thanks so much for this! I received a negative comment on one of my videos recently, which was to the effect of, "I'm afraid your channel will never take off because your personality is extremely unpleasant, condescending, off-putting and arrogant." After wondering why someone would take time out of their busy day to tell a complete stranger something like that, I put it behind me but I can't help but have a nagging fear about how I come across on camera. You've confirmed here, with evidence, what I have originally thought just on intuition, that "be yourself, only more so" is the way to go. Thanks for the boost in confidence.
  • @stephenpetro411
    Nate, thanks for talking about so many of these soft skills that it seems no other YouTube guru talks about! We learn so much about the tactics, but it's easy to forget we must be in love with our topic, our niche, our audience, and be authentic to ourselves. And that's the missing ingredient for so many of us. I really appreciate & resonate with your philosophy, and keep the awesome content coming!
  • @eliandkate
    I think this can be really a personal thing about what we think is engaging rather than sometimes a bit much. We need to be ok with that. We can’t all be everyone’s cup of tea. I know sometimes I can be too loud and bouncy for some people and other times people love it. So it’s good that you broke it down, you didn’t say she was engaging because she was bubbly or moved a lot, you broke it down to movement but returning eye contact etc. It’s not easy to find your natural state on camera 😊, it takes time
  • @Alien_Bob
    This realization is actually what got me to start streaming a couple of years ago. I had seen an early video of a creator and noticed how awkward they were and realized that the only way you stop being awkward (which is what I really, really wanted for myself at that point) is practicing letting yourself just be yourself! And if I compare myself on camera now to how I was 2 years ago, yeah, it totally makes a difference.
  • @GMAceM
    Hahahahha the spiffin Brit is great. Also, the energy thing sounds similar to what something Hillier Smith quoted from Steve Hullfish: “the energy of a video can’t always be a 10, you need peaks and valleys and dynamics within the action itself.”
  • @LewisPsychology
    Great video Nate. Yes, us Brits certainly drink a lot of tea ☕️🫖