Daniel Day Lewis breaking character in There Will Be Blood (Outtake)

Published 2014-02-23
I have the blu ray edition of There Will Be Blood and this was one of the extra's. I'm sure this is a rare moment for him :)

All Comments (21)
  • @ziqiantan4118
    Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't break characters, he's just giving the character a break.
  • @brandonwei2430
    I worked at a running store and Daniel came in shopping for a christmas present for his son. I knew that he had just announced his retirement, so while helping him shop we made small talk, talking about our holiday plans and such. A few months later, he came back to the store shopping, saw me, and asked how my Christmas trip to Mexico was. It sounds silly but something minor like that realized how astute he was and thoughtful as well.
  • @JQLLC
    This man's retirement from the movie industry is a tragedy
  • @rnjesus9950
    I’d be terrified to work with DDL as a full grown man. That kid is an absolute champ.
  • @Terbyn
    I thought he only breaks character once every five years when it's time to get an oscar.
  • @jackhurricane7
    He doesn't break character until he's done the dvd commentary
  • @tindo21
    If Daniel Day Lewis had done A Beautiful Mind he wouldn't have won an Oscar... They would have given him a Nobel Prize in Economics.
  • @bigmac51290
    He is the most charismatically intimidating actor to have ever lived.
  • @Haleyboy007
    Tell you what. That young lad will never forget working on that film.
  • @sign543
    We should all pay homage to that kid for never breaking character and not being scared out of his mind to be sitting next to the greatest actor alive today 😂
  • @Harlin67
    Kid learnt more about acting in a 2 minute scene than 6 years of drama school will ever teach him. Master craftsman at work.
  • @sbraypaynt
    Such an incredible actor that I couldn’t even tell when or why he broke character
    Daniel day Lewis looks like he wasn't born in this century
  • @mattpope1746
    Chilling. Anyone who has ever known someone with a drinking problem can feel this scene. The way Daniel Day Lewis inhabits a character is staggering. Kudos to the young actor too for really selling the wanting-to-be-anywhere-but-here awkwardness of being in public with a drunk.
  • @papabaer6069
    He is an amazing actor. The entire movie I was on edge because he seemed capable of anything at any moment
  • The fact that both Daniel and the kid laugh at the same time immediately after that cut I find really adorable😂
  • I wish Daniel Day Lewis would dress up like this again and then go to restaurants to troll random people with this character. It would be pure gold!
  • @johnnydtractive
    The contrast between the relationship of the characters vs the obvious relationship of these two actors is incredible. To go from pretend nightmare that seems so real to the genuine warmth & connection they obviously have--wow. A magical little moment in time.
  • No one even mentioning how the kid doesn’t break character until Daniel does, at which point he busts out laughing. That’s some talent right there. Edit: some people in the replies really hate complimenting kids and really like being mean to each other so proceed at your own risk. ❤️