Give Hyra a creator code.


コメント (21)
  • Hey guys, would be grateful if you could check out the related video and subscribe! I put a lot of effort into my videos and I can't wait to do giveaways once I reach 5k subs. I love you all and have a blessed day❤ Subscribe to Hyra : Edit: before you comment about Hyra being toxic, I am aware. This video was posted before most people realised how toxic he was. Sheesh y'all are insane though, the Hyra controversy made y'all comment more and get more views xD
  • @PRG_piyushh
    Money Doesnt Matter.Trophies Doesnt Matter Too. But Behaviour Matters.
  • I’m a Muslim too. But I don’t swear or have toxicity inside me. Alhumduillah…
  • He swears, he's toxic, he doesn't have any respect for his friends Should I continue the list?
  • A real Muslim does not swear or be toxic, he’s a kind and loving person
  • hyras toxicity is probably a reason why he doesn't get a creator code
  • Jit wants a code and he's gotten banned more times then we can count
  • @SolarStarBS
    never, he‘s a clown. i lost respect in him again cause of the snake drama.
  • @cincis_YT
    Him:I have done so many things you cant. Us:We dont wintrade like u😊
  • @Flickosx
    Hyra is so toxic, I don’t even wonder why he doesn’t have a code yet. Lex, OJ, Kairos etc. etc. at least have a great relationship with all the other Tribe creators, this dude doesn’t even have respect for his friends
  • Him being a muslim doesn't have to do anything with it, they didn't gave him code because he is toxic and use 18+ or abusive words what creators don't use..grow up and don't always say they didn't give me this or tha just because I am a muslim.. it's so immature
  • @ZIGGYhi
    I am Muslim and I’m a small creator and this guy needs respect pls supercell give him a creator code
  • @YuhanLK
    He'll get a creator code if a video on Hyra swearing for an hour straight dosent exists
  • @nottrus
    Hyra thinks he's cool and he should not be surprised that everyone hates him. Imagine thinking you're a king being a recorder in a pixel game what 5 years later will be nothing. I hope Hyra won't get one.
  • Hyra is not a true Muslim exposing people in front of the world even if snakethug committed the crime of poedophelia just for content!In the Quran you shouldn’t just call out someone for money or fame you should do these stuff because Allah told you it’s wrong and try lead someone to the right path!