Xbox One with John Trent

Published 2013-06-15
Sí, algo tarde, pero aquí está. La verdad nunca me gustó mucho el Xbox pero esto... ESTO es demasiado... Pobres fans... La verdad, ni siquiera puedo creer que hayan hecho tal porquería. Y el PS4 no quedó tan mal al final, pero para lo que terminará siendo, prefiero esperarme a que baje más de precio o que mejoren de alguna forma... Pero, no sé. Al final, LA ÚNICA FORMA DE QUE VEAN QUE NOS HAN DEFRAUDADO, ES NO COMPRANDO. Así nos tomarán en consideración. Prefiero seguir usando el PS3, Xbox 360, PC o el Wii (que al parecer, no va tan mal).

Yeah, a little late but here it is. Honestly, never really liked the Xbox, but this ... THIS is too much... Poor Xbox fans... Actually, I can't even believe they made ​​such crap. And the PS4 was not so bad at the end, but to what it'll end up being in the end, I prefer to wait for price to drop more or improve in some way ... But I don't know. In the end, THE ONLY WAY TO SHOW THEM THAT WE'VE BEEN DEFRAUDED, IT'S NOT BUYING THEM. So they'll take us into consideration. I prefer to keep using PS3, Xbox 360, PC or Wii (which looks like not going that bad).

Xbox One es propiedad de Microsoft y PS4 es propiedad de Sony Computer Entretainment. In the Mouth of Madness es propiedad de New Line Cinema. No me pertenecen ninguno de los derechos.

Xbox One is Microsoft property and PS4 is Sony Computer Entretainment property. In the Mouth of Madness is New Line Cinema property. i do not own any of the rights.

All Comments (3)
  • @Vesohag
    Yeah, right. Well, the list is called that way.
  • @GreciaVillar
    Your channel should be called "with JOhn Trent" xD