MTG Top 10 - The People You Don't Want to See at FNM

Published 2016-01-28
Everyone loves Friday Night Magic but everyone also comes across these 10 people from time to time. Or maybe some describe you on occasion. Either way, this epic top 10 list of FNM annoyances is not meant to be taken seriously at all, except the top 5. Things get a little darker after #6.

So don't get too offended by anything I say, as I'm not suggesting we actively try to stop 6-10. . It's just meant to be funny and we have to laugh at ourselves and other players' quirks sometimes. Just remember, "Don't be that guy."

P.S. NOOOOOOO I forgot to add the smelly guy! He's #11 and don't be him either, lol.

AHHHH and I forgot the "too cool" people who absolutely cannot be seen to be having fun playing magic whether they're winning or not because it's just too beneath them to be playing such a "geeky" "kids" game. That's honorary 6.5 on the list at least. Don't be that guy either.

Got any other additions? The comment section is located directly to the south.


All Comments (21)
  • @TeamOP2012
    "He flipped the table, then caught the table in midair, then hit the ref in the face with the table..."
  • @Timmy_Horsenutz
    I haven't played magic in person in years, but I really enjoy your videos. Most of the technical stuff flys over my head, but you make me intersted in buying magic cards for the first since I last played in the mid-90's. So WotC should make you CEO.
  • @aexer6892
    My top 5 list: 5. Kid Haters These are the kinds of people who are like, "Oh, he's a kid? This should be easy." They think that every single kid out there sucks at the game, when, if you are smart, this is not true. Now many kids may seem inexperienced, and it's because they are. If they were an adult, they would be inexperienced too. Now, being a kid myself (obviously) I haven't noticed this too much. This is okay if it is minor, but I'm sure there are people who think kids suck no matter what. 4. Try Hards These people never let you go back on anything, even in a casual event. Sure, if it is a tourny, I get it. But just sitting down. playing casual commander should not be the place to tryhard. The stupidest things, like drawing before untapping, and they get all ragey. 3. RAGERS "WTF!!! I SHOULD HAVE WON THAT!!! *Flips table 2. Convincers These are the people that try with all their might to distract you to the fullest. Playing Grixis Delver (A complicated deck) in the finals against Abzan? They talk about their dog. Trying to make a crucial decision? "You should do that!" Just playing and your opponent misses something that is reasonable to not tell them about? "You forgot to do that." 1. Cheaters Do I have to explain this?
  • @7MukuroRealm
    My locals has the top table matches on stream for the other players to watch. You'd be amazed at how quickly the cheaters moved to another shop.
  • @thedoctor559
    Number 1 will be those people who grab your deck off the table and flip through it and are like, "bro just scoop you're gonna lose"
  • Cheaters may be bad, but if you ever steal someone's cards you may as well be wearing a sign around your neck that says "hey, just fucking spit on me!".
  • In order to deal with try hards, be a troll. Do everything that seems like you don't even care about the game. It will make them angry and they will make mistakes, and maybe even scoop em up.
  • @sarbe6625
    sooooo basically its be a decent and reasonable person?
  • @Xildatin_ethan
    On number 2, when you said "steal their decks", i kinda got a little teary eyed because last year i had constructed this brand new, homebrew zombie deck and it won a game here and there and then i heard of relentless dead (i was getting back into mtg) and i bought one and threw it in, eventually even bought a invocation card to make the deck flashy. And lo and behold, my deckbox got stolen while i was doing a fnm draft the next week and i didnt even get to play the deck w/ the new cards. I have nothing wrong against your video, just hit me hard to where i kept screaming in my head #1 has GOT TO BE deck thieves. Well now that i got that out of my system, just wanted to say 2 more things: 1, i really enjoyed your video, so keep up the great work; and 2, my fingers are now really cramped because i typed this on a flip-phone.
  • @wheeliebro6017
    I just turned thirteen and I play mtg but I live in a small town so there's no fnm so we made the teachers give us periods every day to play magic
  • @redfeildre349
    I knew what #1 was going to be because that is my #2. My number 1 is thieves. I have some old MtG cards that a ripped from packs back in the day and are now worth money. I actually HATE that they are worth money because now I'm afraid to play them anywhere. As the value of MtG cards continues to endlessly go up, a more unsavory element has made itself known more and more. I've lost hundreds of dollars in cards from thieves. It's to the point I don't want people to look at my deck because I'm afraid people are going to switch out my cards. I started running purple sleeves so no one would mistake my cards for theirs and now everyone is running purple sleeves. It's getting to be a real problem.
  • @Monliego
    I just found your channel and subscribed :) you do nice videos, looking forward to see more! Kind regards from Spain!
  • @jlawsl
    I would say- Smelly Obese Neckbeards: clog the tables and walkways, smell, if they fart, clear the room. The Smart Assed Know it All: They always know the better card, the better deck, the better play. One of their favorite quotes,"Then you would really hate my xxxx deck, it does xxxx by turn x and kills you". The Alpha of the Betas: The guy that has the girlfriend with him, she isn't there to play so well, mixes Smart Assed Know it All with weird conversations with his girlfriend about their sex life. Forms a dynamic duo with-The Loud Fat Girl or the Whiner. The Whiner/Witch: This is that girl or woman that plays obnoxious decks, especially in two headed giant or commander. They are fun and smile when everything goes their way, but don't be the guy that sees their growing table threat and starts in on counters/removal or attacks. All of a sudden, you are the bad guy at the table when you hear the cry,"Why are you attacking me!" When you continue to, fits will be throws and names will be called. Also look out for the pouts and rages. Can also be male. See-person that plays a Purphoros deck in commander, has been trolling the table with Norin the Wary, then resolves a Thopter Assembly. Then, Purphoros gets exiled, Thopter Assembly destroyed and about 25+ swing damage coming their way. They have single handedly dropped the table at least 60 total life points in a matter of turns. They then say,"Why are you attacking me? I haven't attacked, I haven't done anything! Stop it!" The Loud Fat Girl: She is the neckbeard of female gamers and her thunderous laugh is heard all night. May be seen with Alpha of the Betas. She may be jolly, but boy does she break concentration by boisterously laughing at EVERYTHING. The Poor Sportsman: Can never admit a loss. Throws fits if he loses even one match to someone, or a deck he does not deem worthy, usually a Net-Decker and and a Try-Hard. Also mixes with Smart Assed Know it All. Don't be the guy or gal without a tier one deck that beats this guy. Its always that he was mana screwed or you were lucky or he had a horrible hand(Even if you did have to mulligan). The Net Decker: Not that it can be bad at all times, but this guy hasn't had an original idea in years. When he says he is thinking about making a new deck, you know its gonna be off of a Pro Tour top eight list. He says he likes playing the decks, when in reality, he is just a vessel for the decks to play themselves. Almost anything that doesn't fit into a net deck category leaves him on slow plays, always checking your cards and generally thrown for a loop. If he loses, he can turn into the Poor Sportsman. 9/10 times, he is also a Try Hard. The Try Hard: This guy acts like he lives and breaths cardboard. Winning means everything. It's not a game anymore folks. This guy doesn't let a thing slip. But do be aware of this guy's pride getting to him and he turns strait into the Cheater. He will make sure that, no matter who his opponent is, that their deck is smashed. There is nothing casual about the game to him. Usually a control/combo player. Their decks are as painfully annoying as the players-See Ensnaring Bridge Deck. The Cheater: This is the guy that peaks cards, double draws, free scrys, mana weaves or strait up stacks his deck. He will take advantage of newer players by missing triggers. He will misquote rules. He is the guy that always has his deck ready when you walk up to play and just taps yours and you tap his back. He then goes about getting the perfect mana curve and every answer in his deck. Has many traits of a Smart Assed Know it All and Try Hard. Usually a Twitch as well, as his cheating is his high. He probably gets more off of getting away with a cheat then he does winning. The Twitch: This guy has had too many Monsters and is doing the hand shuffle/flick...all of the time. He plays with his lands, they are never in the right position. He vibrates his cards when he attacks like they are some kind of live action JRPG. He taps lands, then second guesses, then taps, then takes it back. He looks at the table with great intent-Tapped out, no cards in hand, tapped creature on his side. You play a creature. He stares at it, plays with his lands, shuffles the cards in his hand, straitens his lands again, then says,"Ok, that's fine". As if he had an answer to begin with. Usually a Try Hard. Well, those are my tops. I can deal with casual beginners and kids(as long as they know what they are doing to some extent). I can deal with people that build good decks. Heck, I can deal with people that Net Deck, but then turn the deck into something of their own. Its all about the attitude(or hygiene).
  • @novaflame3945
    I'm super new to Magic, as in 2-3 months new. Could you make a guide to a players first FNM? I have yet to attend one. Love your videos, keep up the great quality!
  • @shadowles5
    I remember my first FNM. I managed to win the first two rounds and i was really happy. Third round i ended up against a complete prick. I was still very new, and i had no idea what 99% of the cards did, and i remember this guy would play a card, and then silently start moving the board around, playing tokens, moving counters, and i had no idea what was going on. I lost the first game pretty hard, then the store owner waved me over and literally told me to pay more attention and call the judge if i think he's cheating, because the guy had a history in the store. So halfway through second game, i notice that he stacks all his land cards on top of each other. He doesn't spread them out, nope. Flat on top of each other. So after he played a couple spells and a creature, i called the judge over. Turns out he was played 8 mana worth of cards, with only 5 lands on the field. Even though it was super minor, the judge DQ'd him because he'd been caught cheating in the exact same way several times (at the same store).
  • @zach_attack2324
    love your stuff. keep it up. brand new to magic haven't even gone to 1 fnm. any suggestions for new players?
  • @DelawareFishing
    The Rage Guy, this is my favorite. I have been playing off and on for the last twenty years. Yeah I'm old and do not have as many good cards as you may think. I would always come back and play every once and awhile and if I was lucky enough a casual player like myself would beat one of these too good to lose guys. I have seen a few world class fits which resulted in people storming out of stores. Great video
  • Funny and great content brotha. Keep on keeping with the videos.
  • @GustoLeaf
    I love your vids! Keep Chungin along your channel is great!