NINETEEN DOLLARS!! absolutely insane business decision! WHY DOLLAR TREE…WHY?

This is how you ruin a good thing! Take a profitable business model and price hike yourself out of existence! I’ll enjoy Dollar Tree while they last, but selling $19.00 items is CRAZY!!

コメント (21)
  • Thanks to everyone leaving respectfully framed comments. Even if you disagree with my position in this video, I appreciate the respectful way in which you’ve expressed your disagreement. ‼️FOR THOSE OF YOU lacking manners, respect and decency, you are wasting your time leaving your distasteful comments on this video…because no one will ever see them‼️ I’ll pray that you are blessed with the desire to be a better human.
  • I so agree, Sherry, with the “water testing” theory! We need to boycott and absolutely NOT purchase anything more than $1.25 at Dollar Tree.
  • $3 and $5 was testing the water and it worked. Now they are pushing to see how far they can go. You're right, "Jumping the shark." Goodbye, Dollar Tree, it was nice knowin' ya!
  • I totally agree If dollar store prices go to 19.00 they lost me as a customer!
  • @elistia
    The fact that I saw a price check scanner in an aisle at my nearby Dollar Tree today threw me off. I think you're right. They're gearing up for a shift.
  • @justtere
    No way. And they have definitely jumped the shark. Even the $3 items cost too much.
  • I am still mad that they have their items at $1.25. I never buy anything that's higher that the $1.25 and never will. They will lose me as a customer if they continue raising their prices.
  • My daughter and I walked into our local Dollar Tree store. And she had a fit saying, the same exact thing,as you. " What? This is a Dollar Tree! This is $19. They need to change their name because they are not a dollar anymore!" It is truly a shame in my area. Because I live in a rural area where there are a lot of people on disability and on social security. They have a fixed income.
  • I remember the stores that used to be called “Five and Dime” long AFTER they started selling things that were well above those prices.
  • Unbelievable! I hope they rethink this because I won’t shop there anymore if they continue. Even $1.50 sounds ridiculous. It’s the “ DOLLAR “ tree!
  • The biggest problem: People in a higher income bracket WILL pay the asking price and THAT keeps the price high, but in turn, it makes it hard for low income people to buy essential products 😢😢. Dollars don't grow on trees!
  • I applaud you for this, people need to be made aware of how companies "test the water" and to NOT fall prey to these purchases.
  • I still remember the days when dollar stores actually sold dollar items. That's pretty disappointing :(
  • about 2 months ago, one of the managers at a dollar store was speaking with corporate and, from what I overheard he was not happy. Shortly after his conversation I nonchalantly said: "sounded like a heated conversation". He shared with me that there's gonna be some changes and he was wondering "where is corporates head at...up their butts??? He also mentioned that there's gonna be changes. Yup...there's "changes". My favorite coffee flavoring is no longer sold. The coffee they were selling is no longer there and replaced with - i think - 4 oz of Jack Daniels Coffee. Many of their seasonings are no longer there and I did happen to notice that 19 dollar box fan as I was walking out empty handed... Remember 5 below??? Well it's now 5 and up! Shame shame shame...
  • Sherry you are so correct. Dollar General sells very few things for a dollar. Most of the groceries are $5 and above. Then there are home accents that can be as much as $40. Their craft are is not cheap. I have depended on Dollar Tree to be inexpensive and a place where I can get good deals. My dollar tree has an area of $5 to $10 items. This just seems like a disingenuous way to get you used to paying more
  • @MamaVee74
    I think they are taking items that were sold at Family Dollar and because they have closed so many of the Family Dollar stores, they are now plugging those items into the Dollar Tree stores. I agree with you. If they are going to start offering items more than $5, they should consider changing their name or at least letting the public know what their intentions are. It would help us understand it a little better.
  • I'm so happy you addressed this. Saw the fans at one of the stores near me and it blew me away to see $19 fans in the store as well. Very disappointed as well as discouraging.😔
  • They've closed a lot of their Family Dollar stores. I suspect the higher priced items are inventory from those stores. However, if they sell, it does open the door for DT to add higher priced inventory. I think they had one foot over the shark when they increased their prices to 1.25. At a dollar, I bought often without really tallying the cost. 🙂 At a 1.25, I started watching my purchases a little more carefully. I suspect I'm not alone in my buying behaviors. If so, it means DT lost sales volume and I doubt that extra .25 made up for it. I absolutely refuse to purchase anything from their DT+ section and if they raise their prices to 1.50, I'm done with them completely. I'm still peeved because my local DT had a great craft section. When they added the DT+ section, they reduced the craft section to about 1/3 of what it was. No more yarn for my crochet projects among other things. :-( It saddens me because now that I'm a disabled senior living on a fixed income, I relied on DT for some purchases that fit within my shopping budget.
  • You are so right Sherry, they are testing the water. Hope every one will boycott those items!
  • I agree with you- a double digit item doesn’t belong at The DOLLAR Tree! It’s the end of an era. I see them going out of business. I know I don’t buy as much there as I used to.