Lost Media That is Completely Lost II

Sometimes there are pieces of lost media that are so rare that all of its contents are missing, so there's nothing viewable from it. Today let's take a look at this very lost content.

コメント (21)
  • I love how the Nick executives in 1990 were like "having a mean boss is unrelatable to kids". 9 years later, the most iconic show in Nickelodeon history has a mean boss as one of the lead characters.
  • adding to the bit about 4kids outtakes. I heard in a panel once Eric Stuart had said an engineer would take everyone's filthy outtakes, remix them into christmas carols, and then give them out to the cast or something like that. That was another thing he said he won't release until he retires. I want to hear these so bad.
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Awakening was an alarm clock. If you tried to hit the snooze button, Silver's voice would play saying "it's no use!"
  • Saw the Carnage costume from Universal Orlando and clicked on immediately
  • I love that footage of the HHN event is getting more popular in the lost media community. They have SO much content that is quite literally lost to time. Very rarely will you get footage or pictures of houses, zones or events from around 2008-back. Thanks for covering Carnage!
  • @PrinsaVossum
    Dan Green: "The tapes are too naughty to be released." Also Dan Green: "CLUCK LIKE A CHICKEN!!!"
  • @Poyostar
    I never thought I'd say this, but in the immortal words of a certain sea sponge... 8:48 THERE I AM GARY, THERE I AM! LSuperSonicQ, I am absolutely ECSTATIC that you decided to feature an old discussion post of mine detailing the long lost Kirby call service from 1993 in this video! It may be lost forever, but it's super heartwarming to know that my attempt at making such obscure Kirby knowledge known has proven fruitful with time. Thank you so much for featuring me! Oh, and since I'm indulging in one of my few hours of true internet fame at the moment, lemme plug something for your viewers real quick (if that's alright with you, of course!): if you like platformers with an emphasis on story that are easy to pick up and play, then if you haven't done so already, buy Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series! I promise you that you'll fall in love with these games just as much as I have!
  • I'm so glad you're signal boosting the HHN lost media. Myself and other HHN regulars have spent years scouring the internet for footage from that event. I'm sure someone out there has pictures and video just sitting in their house somewhere waiting to be rediscovered.
  • @ThatMatt85
    If you go to anime conventions you see a lot of outtakes like that for anime. Usually not from 4 Kids, possibly because they don't want stuff like that released with their kid friendly image, but also they usually don't go to anime conventions. I don't think they see anime as being any different than any other children's content they produce and aren't aiming for a niche of fans like that go to anime conventions, but the general children's audience.
  • @otaking3582
    I found about the Maximum Carnage thing thanks to Yesterworld's video years ago. The most likely explanation for why there's no footage/photos is because the more violent elements were only during a cast preview, where employees will go through attractions to make sure that they work properly and get any necessary feedback (like that a headless Spider-Man might not sit well with some people).
  • @ill_hex8103
    6:34 I feel like after seeing multiple other va bloopers from other works, it's one and/or two of the following: Dated humor/language that most people made at that time and regretted… Or explaining who was in Paris.
  • The Marvel event at HHN was so metal. They really just said “what if all the superheroes were dead?”.
  • Here's a fun story that might have lost media. When I was younger, the supermarket my family goes to used to have a giant standee for one of the Ice Age movies. This standee was a promotion with Kellogg's. I wonder if there were any Kellogg's commercials that were tied-in with the movie promotions, and if so what Kellogg's products were involved.
  • We do know some swears that were removed from Shadow the hedgehog were in pre-release material. Notably, the opening had Shadow say "What the hell was that about?" but in the final it was censored to be "What was that about?" hilariously, the lip flaps were not edited iirc, probably because this cutscene was done in CG rather than real time. There's also the fact that the blood was originally purple and red instead of the much more tame blue and green of the final version. A prototype of Shadow the Hedgehog hasn't surfaced yet. At least not when I last checked anyway, so it's possible some of the swears Jason Griffiths mentioned were in these prototypes as they were originally going for a T rating as E-10+ didn't exist. Close to the end of production, the ESRB had created E-10+ so Sega decided to tone the game down to meet the requirements for E-10+. iirc, Shadow the Hedgehog was the first game rated E-10+
  • 17:45 yeah, as someone from the UK this guy is just yapping. Cex doesn't sell LCD games or toys in general. It's just a regular second hand video game retailer. He's probably confused it with the Go Go Crazy Bones DS game that actually is available to buy there.
  • @PhotoFinn
    Are we sure Sonic Awakening is a game? It could possibly be supplementary material, like a short film, which they eventually did with Unleashed. If something like that is the case, it seems way more likely that they'd have the voice actors do some lines early on
  • @itsemily2039
    Pete is a really cool guy and is super nice! He said he was gonna be at my local con again next year so I’ll have to remember this and ask him next year.
  • I've been getting over a shitty stomach flu in the last few days, really glad to see an LSSQ upload in this trying time
  • @Zulf85
    Technically ONE outtake exists for 4Kids pokemon, albeit in a bizarre form - they used James' VA mockingly saying "Leo Burnett and 4Kids are the devil" in a bitter response to some unpaid work and reversed it for a scene during a running gag when he's trapped in the mouth of his weepinbell pokemon. I remember laughing pretty hard when I heard it, and looking quickly I see it's still up on youtube.