What Is the Point of Spirituality?

Publicado 2019-05-08
A lot of people are - rightly - very sceptical of what goes on under the word 'spirituality.' But might there be something of value nevertheless in aspects of what people call the spiritual? A short guide to what a highly rational mind might learn to appreciate within the concept of 'the spiritual.'

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“The word spirituality has a capacity to divide people like few others. For some, it’s an innately beautiful touchstone, the designator of a special kind of experience that is so valuable, it is best left reverentially unexplored and pure, lest one disturb its ethereal mysteries with the cold hand of reason. For others, it’s nonsensical bunkum of appeal only to adolescent dreamers, the underemployed and the weak minded. But precisely because ‘spiritual experiences’ are so often either worshiped or derided, it pays to try to submit them to dispassionate and sober examination, not in order a priori to crush them or honour them, but so as to make them more intelligible, to friend and foe alike. Whatever our suspicions, spiritual moments are capable of being pinned down, split into their constituent elements and assessed with due regard. One should – and can – get respectfully rational about spirituality.”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Natalia Biegaj

Title animation produced in collaboration with

Vale Productions

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Do you consider yourself spiritual? Let us know in the comments below and to join your fellow School of Life audience members, be sure to download our new free app: bit.ly/2H2Co9p
  • @takchengsze4719
    I am spiritual but not religious. I like to take a long walk along the beach and in contact with nature. I found it more spiritual in nature than in churches. Our materialistic culture based on the ego system. For example, a mansion, sport car, fancy cloths, jewellery, watches. These are all items to build up our ego. Leading a spiritual life cleanse out a lot of material desire. We only need the necessary to be fulfilled and happy.
  • @annakozlova4559
    “A spiritual experience is neither ineffable nor absurd; the term refers rather to a deeply sustaining interval of relief from the burdens and blindness of being us.” Wow this is beautiful
  • @aakkii2123
    “Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there'' David Bowie
  • @animprovement
    The cool thing about spirituality is quite often people are on the same page.
  • @sarceg.2580
    I enjoyed the explanation that a spiritual moment coincides with a temporary escape from the ego. To me that is a lot of what spiritualism is - living in the moment, looking beyond the self, and seeing the beauty in all things/people.
  • Literally to the 1% who's reading this, God bless you, may all your dreams come true, may you be successful in all spheres of life, stay safe and have a wonderful day :)
  • The point of spirituality is to see the reality as it is, without any judgements.
  • @kingsmerte3629
    I've never been spiritual, but now that you've explained spirituality so well, I can be more empathic with people who have a use for it
  • @HumansOfVR
    Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • @jofussh.2103
    Spirituality in a nutshell: Say no to excessive materialism and yes to higher things.
  • @Moomoo-11_11
    "We can imaginative participants in the entire cosmic drama." Beautiful. Just beautiful.
  • The practice of FOCUSING on your breath in a tough situation, and in calm times, is a simple practice for those who don’t believe in “woo-woo” stuff.
  • @stevengagne3400
    "...we might find ourselves loving, that is appreciating and delighting, understanding and sympathizing with; with a family of dung beetles, or a moss covered tundra..." God, I love you School of Life!
  • @rain0069
    "we make sense of nothing when there's nothing to make sense of"
  • @leonardowerk
    I relate so much to that. Finding one's way from radical, angry atheism to understanding and experiencing spirituality for oneself is a rewarding and liberating journey.
  • @minervaloves
    "We may never be properly loved or appropriately appreciated". So true and so sad
  • @sukhsandhu8995
    Spirituality seems like the right or correct method of reaching true freedom and requires the work we all should focus on. To me it seems worth giving the effort of discipline and selfless hard work which we all have the potential to do in our own way and at our pace! Hopefully the universe/God will reward us even a little at a time so we know we are going in the correct direction🙂🙏🏾
  • @peacewillow
    to the atheists i would like to say, all life on earth descended from one cell, ergo, we are all one. when people say they "feel god", they are actually feeling the oneness of all life. it's a beautiful feeling.
  • @specialkender
    This is one of the most accurate description of those moment i've ever heard, and your animations are AMAZING. BIG PROPS, your work is art.