Go Vacation - An Unpolished Paradise

Publicado 2023-03-18
Go Vacation has so much to enjoy, from the open world exploration to the vacation themed mini games. But there's also some unpolished rough edges that bring down the experience a bit. But at the end of the day, I can't help but love this game for everything it gets right. Thanks for Watching!

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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • Put about 1500 hours into this game as a kid. Still play it fairly often to this day. Game has one of the best soundtracks of any game of all time
  • @barley2262
    I think you somehow manage to capture this niche of gen Z comfort gaming in every video you make. Never stop my dude. One of my favorite passion channels ever
  • @DipperGames
    My friend and I have a tradition of playing Go Vacation every time she visits. We stay up late for hours just talking about life while we explore the resort. It never gets old, we love this game so much. The Wii-era graphics are super charming, and the sound design is exquisite. Sometimes we just sit on the ski lift and listen to the in-game radio, it's so relaxing and perfectly captures the minutiae of a vacation. Funnily enough, this was apparently one of the main goals for the developers. Not many people know this but there was actually an Iwata Asks interview for this game, which is just so unbelievably cool!
  • @Matewoo_LKB
    I don't know how many hours my best friend and I played this game as kids. The atmosphere of the game was on the one hand totally relaxing and decelerating, but could also be exciting and thrilling. The great thing was that you could always do what you wanted to do. For us, the activities were not in the foreground. Exploring was more our thing, even if we knew the complete map by heart. The only limit was our imagination. Since we are from Germany and therefore played the EU version, I can say that the music differs in some places from the US version. Personally, I think the soundtracks of the EU version are better, but that's probably because I grew up with them. I can't say much about the Switch port, I still think the Switch version seems kind of "lifeless". Especially the light in the different resorts looks much brighter and warmer on the wii. At least that's how I remember it. Finally, I can only say that we are now both adults and have not played the game for ages. There are so many emotions attached to this game, I can't even describe it. I would do anything to get back to that carefree time. Thank you so much for this little trip back to our childhood, when the world was still in order. ❤ Best wishes.
  • @peachloover
    The best part for me was the secret areas—especially the snow resort hidden crystal/mushroom/lava cave that took you off the map! My sister and I would also spend hours trying to get up to the top of the mountain resort castle. We definitely rage quit that multiple times.
  • @maanorchidee
    My sister and I played this all the time back on the Wii, and when our cousins came over, they'd join in. I purchased the Switch one and when my cousin saw it, she was like: "is that the skiing game?" (she loved the Snow resort the most as a kid), and yes, yes it is. I fully agree that this game is a lot of "make your own fun", which is fine. We did a thing called "penguin wrestling". You can have multiple villas, so all of us also had a penguin wrestling villa apart from our main ones. That means we only put a bunch of dining tables to make a "ring" and then we'd dress up in the penguin outfit and try to push each other off the ring. Ah, good times.
  • @HgordoX
    i hope nintendo makes an open world wuhu island one day :c
  • @GetMadz
    The menu music on Wii was actually totally different for EU copies - we never had that groovy tune back in the day! Great video as always and thanks for covering one of my favorite games :)
  • @dosneygaming
    This game is awesome it's definitely one of my favorites. I'm glad it's getting more credit that it deserves
  • @konch7567
    This game looks like exactly what my hopes were for Nintendo Switch Sports! Imagine being able to freely explore Wuhu Island, or heck, even Spocco Square with the minigames having the same amount of polish we've come to expect from the Wii sports series. Such a thing could probably be a true follow up to Wii Sports Resort, but unfortunately it doesn't look like we'll get that any time soon...
  • @dannykosuke6917
    Man, I remember my niece and I playing the crap out of this game when we were kids. We could spend hours trying to go to the red dot on the map for the sport events while creating our own story along the way. Kind of playing house in each resort. Always found this game very underrated and it's great to see people still enjoy it.
  • @WiiMii2.0
    Exactly! Such a shame we still don’t have something like this with Wuhu Island…
  • @-LG_
    This game looks like a dream come true with how an open world wii sports game could have been. They just need to remake this game with modern qualitys and it would be a hit
  • @ILikeSalamanders
    10:12 Nuh uh getting gold keys is my favourite memory of the game. It’s so fun trying tricky challenges to get a cool villa
  • @britney3334
    I played this game on the wii when i rented it on redbox and i was so obsessed my dad bought it for me for my birthday. This game was my childhood and although some gameplay values aren't great, It's still one of my top favorite wii games!
  • @xRubby
    What an incredible game! I've spent so much time back in 2012! Now i'm playing it on Nintendo Switch.
  • @urbanjahts
    I actually really missed the gold key challenges from the new version. I loved grinding to 100% the wii version as a kid and switch version shifted away from a more completionist style of game. I was also very sad to see they didn’t expand the city resort but i still love both games 💖
  • @Brnanabird
    I first saw this game when I got a news notification from my switch. When I first saw what this game was about, I immediately knew I had to get it. And when I booted up the game Christmas morning, I couldn't stop playing.
  • @Acid_Ash
    There are no words to describe how much I love this game. It was the second game I picked up on switch as I couldn’t get enough of it as a kid. It’s just so adorable and is a perfect fuze between animal crossing and wii sports. Not to mention it’s a hidden gem. You never hear anyone talk about it