Publicado 2022-06-02
An (almost) complete guide to growing on tik tok, from posting to algorithm basics to myths and misconceptions! Feel free to comment any other questions you might have!


Tik tok view counter:


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#twitch #tiktok #radstads

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @peythemusician
    me taking studious notes listening to this "Hmm yes, so tik tok doesnt actually have anything to with clocks. I see..."
  • @stabbtv
    my tiktok never used to go anywhere before I saw this video. now I’m a billionaire!!! Thank you mister radical stadical
  • @saucysphinx
    i do tiktok content that's less in the "content creator promoting in other platforms" category and more in the "tiktok content creator" category, and i wanna see if there's any differences/ similarities between our experiences and if i have any good outside insight even though my content is kinda niche and i don't consider myself an expert: warning long ass comment and also i'm not trying to pretend like i'm some all knowing being, this is just my personal experience 1. the 1:4 like to view ratio thing is generally true in my experiences, although over the past few months i've found that videos that tend to do well if that holds true in the first hour, doesn't matter too much after that 2. the hashtag logic is really good, but if you're going for a broader audience and you think your content might do well in a more normie setting, how trending the sound is matters more than any description or hashtags. some of the biggest videos i've seen recently have no description and no hashtags, but are on an audio with all the top videos on it being within the week. i think somehow it takes data from the accounts that interact with you already to judge what kind of category your content is and then promotes it that way rather than using the hashtags. i use that as an excuse to not make videos because my ideas are hard to execute in a timely fashion while the audio is still trending sometimes but that's just me. 3. tiktok likes to show you things that the people you follow interact with and specifically comment on- i feel like there's something going on there algorithmically? but i can't really put my finger on exactly what's happening. on the reverse side of that, tiktok also recommends your video to people to people who interact with the same accounts you interact with. 4. THE MOTION AT THE BEGINNING THING IS SO TRUE if there's a zoom in/out on the first 10 frames of a tiktok it does better somehow. don't know why. adding onto that, if there's something happening that holds attention through every second of the video, it does better. think mr. beast style fast paced editing. this can also be replaced with a caption or text on the video referencing something happening towards the end of the video which will keep people around if the video is a little longer 5. i've found that if you have a distinct human face or body (well lit and high quality) in the first second of a video, it does better. i deadass think there's some ai that detects faces and bodies and promotes things it considers human at first glance because a significant number of the top creators are dancers and influencers who are promoting how they look rather than attempting to be entertaining. all in all, well lit videos with a full body figure in it do weirdly well in comparison to other videos by the same creators 6. making stuff that's blatantly share-able is a good tactic for drawing people in, just make sure it aligns with the rest of your content or else people won't interact with your stuff when it pops up on their fyp because they interacted with the first video. like, bait people into tagging and sharing with people. but don't do it too blatantly. because then it looks cringe. 7. making people fight in your replies is good LMAO people will read the whole fight on occasion, or feel the need to contribute. like half of all of my comments sections is just "omg women aren't funny" and then people replying to them like "that's stupid don't say that" and its just a major boost because two people are commenting rather than one. also, giving people multiple things to comment on is good. making people want to open the comments section to be like "did anyone see that???" is good, because most likely someone has already commented on it and now they're searching for that specific comment and spending time watching in the background 8. hearing you say that joining the creator fund doesn't really affect your view count/interactions is interesting to me. i have interacted with a couple dozen people privately (most of who never talked about it publicly/in their content) who have said the creator fund affected their analytics severely. honestly, it might be because they had a change in mindset about their content after joining and started trying to cater more to the algorithm and a wider audience rather than the niche of people that already follow them. maybe that experience changes from genre to genre of creator? no idea. still an interesting thing to think about 9. i have... never seen overtly intentional sexual content on my main account. i create new accounts randomly just to poke at the algorithm on occasion, and i've seen them there for sure, but i've found out that how you deal with seeing kinds of videos that you don't want to see matters. when you hit "not interested," i'm pretty sure it does absolutely nothing to prevent you from seeing that kind of content again, and if anything you'll see that kind of content/the account posting it more because you are likely to interact with it or something. if you just scroll past it as soon as you don't like it and just don't interact with it at all (and don't scroll back to it) you won't see it again. i think. that works for the most part for me. i wish tiktok had a better system for choosing what kind of stuff you don't want to see. but they don't. and that sucks imo all in all your video was really swag i learned some stuff and you're cool n all that jazz sorry if any of this sounded preachy or if my grammar was off in places. just wanted to draw some comparisons! hope ur doin rad radstads (and anyone else reading this)
  • @ByPepo
    I just finish the hole video. it was really nice. now I´m going to experiment with all the things that Radstads and see how it goes. tysm for this mini class pd: idk if in the future you can make one for instagram reels or instagram in general c:
  • @TEK-
    Currently doing my Master's in Marketing right now and this is god-tier advice, thanks for making a video!
  • @Mudan
    this is just a straight up free tik tok masterclass, ty for the great insight 🙏
  • @Yoso_tv
    I started to catch on to the hashtag optimization stuff the past week but not fully, hopefully this pushes all my toks over 1k
  • @microman900
    thank you based radstads. I posted a simple twitch clip to tiktok while watching this and I just sat there and was like....that was so easy. Thanks again!
  • @Nandre
    Great advice for a theater kid
  • @RezonixTV
    Aye, learning editing and trying to grow and this has helped me a ton. Really appreciate the time you took to make this! <3
  • @mvqan
    hey! i watched this video one night and decided to try some of the tips you recommended to see if it would help and although my videos get views, they’re ALWAYS stuck at around 210-300 views (400 if i’m lucky) and i don’t know what to do anymore. it makes me feel so unmotivated. maybe my videos aren’t good enough for the algorithm but i’ve tried doing the recent trends to fit my niche but it feels like nothing works. if you or someone who has tips for me could reply that would be great, thanks!
  • @MoreOhDough
    Thank you for this good sir o7, a question I have is if you're partnered on lets say youtube and twitch does that do anything for you in getting partnered on tiktok?
  • @PurpleThunderNE
    Super great video! I've been posting on tiktok for a while with a decent amount of videos pop off but it's always hard to track why some will be successful and others won't. I think this video has given me much more insight though. Do you think it's worthwhile to mess around with longer form videos since they allow vids up 10 minutes? I've tried doing some super lazy youtube video reuploads there that are multiple minutes long with some doing really well but mainly those that were already doing well on youtube.
  • @kiiogato
    this was a cool video but my tiktok split has still not improved. still getting red. any advice welcome
  • @hellotide
    really good watch. your are so based radstads <3