Ed Miliband infuriates Green party by calling out co-leader's NIMBYism

Ed Miliband called out the Green party co-leader Adrian Ramsay's position on planning in an exchange in the House of Commons.

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コメント (21)
  • @ricesnot
    I sense the chaos aura... his powers have been dormant for too long
  • @DanKeatis
    “Am I tough enough? Heww yeth I’m tough enough!”
  • 30p Lee was the funniest. He stood up and said that GB Energy had already been tried in Nottingham and was called Robin Hood Energy and it cost the government £50 million. Ed Milliband stood up looking confused and said that Robin Hood Energy was an energy supplier you pay your bills to, GB Energy is an energy generation company that supplies energy to distributors. He then said 30p Lee needs to read Reforms election pledges as they asked for it.
  • Too right. You can't go on about wanting wind power and then want wind power built away from your yard. Electricity doesn't get to your house by magic fairies. It attenuates over large distances.
  • I'm just delighted we've got 4 green MPs and government that is not actively hostile to green policies. Glad to see these kinds of exchanges, not least because they both have a point.
  • Miliband is right. The greens for all their merit, have not allowed many renewable projects due to either too much private investment or just nimbyism
  • So weird seeing Miliband at the government despatch box. Feels like a 2015 fever dream in which he won the election
  • NIMBY: There aren't enough houses for everyone. Government: We will build more houses. NIMBY: Not near me.
  • @lewis9159
    not mentioned in ed miliband's comments is the fact that the local labour party in that area also opposes the pylons...
  • The thing is Carla Denyer is spot on, and that's what the current plans look like under labour for GB energy, seed money to get major private investment but then we lose control. She didn't like being called out as a hypocrite though when her co-leader is vetoing electric pylons and new infrastructure to de-carbonise the grid in his area
  • @keegan773
    OMG how much of this drivel are we going to put up with.
  • Now just think about what Ed says and think for yourself if it’s actually sensible to not think about infrastructure first? It’s actually quite mad - it’s obvious when you think for yourself that plonking projects randomly in a panic without thinking of infrastructure first is just thick as pig shit.
  • What doesn't add up the lack of recognition by those with the levels of power in this sector that it is not WHETHER they are doing something to tackle it but HOW, WHY AND WHAT they are doing to Tackle it and the consenquences of certain methods of doing so. E.G Allowing 'back door' private running of the infurstructure as is being pointing out here. Which is a genuine concern when for so long private companies are what got us into this mess.
  • @Valee_7
    Half the cabinet opposed developments in their constituencies, maybe add some context? Labour act like they’re YIMBY’s but they’re not, they’re actually worse seeing as they’re opposing developments whilst in govt (and therefore actually have the power to stop them, unlike one green MP - Labour are only attacking the greens because they’re scared of them)
  • Didn't realize Ed Miliband was still in government... Denyer makes an excellent point. This is the problem we saw with Blair and the NHS - privatisation by a thousand cuts