Why Wookiees Were a Much More Sinisiter Race Than the Movies Would Have You Believe

Published 2022-07-22
“It’s not wise to upset a Wookiee.”

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🎬Video Credits:
Narrators - Cam
Editor - Giorgi
Writers - Alex


0:00 Intro
0:58 The peaceful People of the Trees
3:59 Temper Tantrums and Berserker Rages
6:59 Madclaws - Wookiees Gone Wild

All Comments (21)
  • "There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man."-Patrick Rothfuss
  • Wookiee’s like species in the Galaxy have had many bad apple within their history, and the Mad Claws are not just criminals who sought to cause harm to others, but they are a reminder to all their race of how close they really are to their inner beast that lives within all of them. Mad Claws are Wookiee’s that have gone absolutely insane or have abandoned all forms of honor within their species, and though some become little more than hired muscles to criminals, but a select few they become absolute monsters that will haunt the nightmares of their people and those across the Galaxy.
  • @SCaptian458
    I think the takeaway from the whole thing with the concept of Mad Claws can be summed up from how both Zalbar and Hanrarr took the titles personally. Zalbar when it was placed on him, he quickly realised what he did and even though he did quickly pull back after that episode, it still left a negative impact on him and made feel ashamed. With Hanrarr, it was the complete opposite he took the whole concept with pride thinking of it as a badge of honor in a sense because of how much of a sociopath he was.
  • When you’ve trained for years to be an elite shock trooper of the Galactic Empire and you get your arms ripped off by a Wookie who then uses them as clubs to beat you to death
  • Well, even the most nice and peaceful species can have a few bad apples that reflect how dark they can become if they are not careful, but that doesn't affect how a majority of them are good-natured and strive to be better than the worst of their species.
  • I’m suddenly amazed that the Sith never considered exploiting the Dark Side of Force Sensitive Wookiees. If they weren’t so Human-centrist, there would’ve been tons of power thrown around among their ranks.
  • @mRibbons
    Yoda:"fear leads to the dark side lol." Also Yoda: hangs out with Wookies that everyone fears
  • @Lttl3G26
    I could only IMAGINE what the wookies would be like if they were ALL hostile towards anything that wasnt their species, kashyyk would be banned from anyone traveling to it i feel like
  • I will never forget Hanrarr. He was the most hardcore wookiee in history.
  • @n8ivspat3n56
    I actually feel kinda bad for that one trandocian. Dude was tryna drunk and have some fun and someone walks up rips his arms off and kicks his ass six ways to Sunday
  • MadClaw sounds like a cool name for a Wookiee Sith just imagine how brutal they would be
  • @TheFeyWild
    We need more Wookiee characters! Love them 💚
  • @kingnamor7777
    I heard a rumor in legends. That the Empire enslaved Wookiee's. And forced them to build the Death Star.
  • @kingnamor7777
    I wouldn't gamble with a Wookiee. I'll just watch behind the scenes. Seeing how they play their strategy.
  • Geets, this vid did nothing but just make me like Wookies more and inform us about infamous pieces of poodoo. Thank you!!😁
  • Could you do a video about the Falleen species next? I always wanted to know more about Prince Xizor's species.
  • @DannyHeywood
    ''Using your claws is too violent and animalistic! Just rip their arm off or something.''
  • @baldrian22
    have you made a video on the wooki that traveld with raven? if not can you do it, it sounds like a interesting story
  • @FastTquick
    I wouldn’t take the risk of gambling against any Wookiee. Beating one and taking his/her credits wouldn’t be worth it if I have to replace one of my arms.