Top movie moments, when reinforcements arrives (Part 2)

Published 2021-12-04
Excerpts from the movies Zack Snyder's Justice League, Avatar, Star Trek Picard, The Chronicles of Narnia, Kingdom of Heaven, Game of Thrones.

All Comments (21)
  • The best part with the GoT scene was it really showed how chaotic being a infantryman is when you're in the middle of a cavalry charge or if you get knocked from your horse.
  • @Nizhonibearcreek
    Owen Wilson getting his reinforcements in behind enemy lines is a pretty epic scene .
  • @stanburk7392
    The Mandalorian when Skywalker arrives is my favourite. "oh great, one X wing. we're saved."
  • @DinsRune
    I forgot, the Narnia movies had pretty kick-ass action sequences for kids movies.
  • @ereynolds72
    What I love about Kit's acting there is you can read everything, his fear is quikcly outpaced by his sense of defeat, probably moreso of losing the war,and knowing the dead will win, than himself dying. But then he has a slight nod to himself, his determination comes forth as he realises there is no way out, and he simply stands, and waits, ready to die killing Boltons.
  • @alecdeter1999
    Riker was very "Fuck around and find out." And I was happy
  • @nitin8308
    Jerusalem has come is giving goosbumps the music and the arrival damnnnn
  • @GutzOverFear
    I like the uniqueness of Superman's entrance. Typically you'd think "Just one man??" But since it's Superman, it's more than enough. 😊
  • @Wenum32
    Kingdom of Heaven is such an underrated movie its unbelievable. Truly a classic film. Sad that the days of great cinema are long gone.
  • @Ragnar06
    "Day of the Siege" (Battle of Vienna 1683) had an amazing LITERAL arrival of the cavalry to save the day. A historical piece that is still amazing to this day
  • @laurafontana435
    I know she is evil, but I think that the fact that jadis can fight both with and without magicia quite admirable
  • @spitcatTV
    Ill be honest, the scene from Dunkirk could be on these, the fact it actually happened and civilians not solders showed up is amazing.
  • @Kalah_
    Here's some other ones: Saving private Ryan, final battle scene; Top Gun Maverick, when Hangman enters at the end; James Bond Moonraker space battle; and my personal fave: The hunt for Red October, when USS Dallas intervenes between the Konovalov and the Red October.
  • @faizanraza255
    Every other movie, armies and armies arriving. in ZSJL it's only Superman and he's enough. one man army.