Hogwarts Legacy Review (Spoiler Free) - It's All You Wanted

Published 2023-02-06
Hogwarts Legacy Review - It's All You Wanted hogwartslegacy.wiki.fextralife.com/Hogwarts+Legacy…
In this Hogwarts Legacy Review we’ll be taking a look at the highly anticipated Open-World RPG developed by Portkey games, and published by Warner Bros. Games. Fans want to know: How is the World? How is the character customization? And does the game lives up to the hype? In this review, we’ll answer all those questions and more.


0:00 - Hogwarts Legacy Review
0:53 - The Immersion
3:09 - World Setting
6:47 - Graphics and Performance
9:13 - In-Game Store
10:00 - Final Thoughts

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All Comments (21)
  • It's incredible. It's almost like no two pieces of furniture are alike. The level of detail is mind blowing.
  • @zahreel3103
    I'm so pleased this game turned out to be so good. Kudos to the developers for delivering on their promises and gifting us this wonderful title. The future of this franchise is bright
  • @squidward3333
    In the future, if they release DLC, I'd like quests around Halloween and Christmas. To see Hogwarts decorated for Christmas? Magical. Can't wait to get a PS5 and this will probably be the first game I play.
  • @Luke101
    Been playing exclusively on fidelity mode. I can honestly say it hasn’t taken me out the experience at all, it’s quite the contrary. A huge reason why me and many other people bought this game was to feel like you’re actually in this world. Fidelity mode makes the world look absolutely breathtaking. Flying around on the broom exploring and taking in the scenery at sunset, wandering the castle examining the fine details of the design, the way light bounces off objects and reflects realistically. It’s pure emersion and I’m absolutely loving it
  • @resra45
    Thank you so much for the spoiler free review. The only review i watched without skipping to the verdict.
  • @mindgamemax
    Just a quick clarification portkey is not a studio but a sub title for every project in the wizarding world. The devs are Avalanche Software, they been releasing title since 1996. They were mainly known Disney Infinity and WB pick them up when Disney kill the gaming division.
  • Gonna be honest. Probs a skip for me. I've never particularly cared about Harry Potter or its world, and the lack of itemization is a huge deal breaker for me. Despite not being a Souls gamer, Elden Ring managed to draw me in and scratch a pretty significant itch that very few games do. Being able build a character either through optimization or theming is very important to me. It's why I love things like DnD, Elden Ring, Monster Hunter, etc.. The freedom to find, create, and optimize a build that fits you like a glove is THE most important thing to me behind pure cosmetic customization. Having a REALLY good character creator is usually my biggest hook, even if you don't end up seeing your character's face for a good majority of the game... Elden Ring.
  • PC player here! The performance issues are my only issue I uncapped the framerate to see how much I could get and would get upwards of 150 in moments with settings on high. I keep 60 fps for the most part, but during CSs and new area loads I drop to 20 even 10 fps. Maybe there will be a fix for this later and honestly it's not unplayable it doesn't mess with my combat or anything just the exploration. Everything else I'm just loving I'm 14 hours in and don't want to stop
  • As a Harry Potter fan I really love the feeling in this game, I can live my Hogwarts fantasy. I am not that far into the game yet, but so far the story is pretty good too, fits very well into this universe.
  • @allenpost3616
    I never could get into the series, but I love detailed open world rpg's so I'll be giving this a go in a few months once any bugs are patched out and there's a good selection of mods to add in. Looks amazing.
  • @MilMin203
    @4:29 Even though a lot of the activites are repetitive to me it works, I think they did a good job thinking systems through. Theres enough variety in activities to keep a good rotation and not having level or spells make it so that you have to mix it up. Also complete activites are directly tied to getting more powerful in some way. Completing a single activity also doesn't overstay its welcome so if its something you dont like doing, you can prob get it over with in 1-2 min.
  • As a mild HP fan but a big RPG fan I’m going to have to try this game for myself
  • @Verendus0
    This might sound weird but I feel like I'd almost prefer if the items didn't have any stats at all? Like, it doesn't fit with the world super well, it makes the game feel more like the dozens of other loot collectathons out there, and considering it's a game about a student attending school I think them being purely cosmetic would make a lot of sense.
  • @AKA-Latromi
    Minor correction. Portkey Games is not a studio, it is a publishing label. Avalanche Software (not Studios!) Is the developer in this instance. It is not their first game, but it is certainly their first game as ambitious as this one. (They were responsible for Disney Infinity and many Disney licensed video games for many years prior.)
  • You guys might find this interesting. I'm also playing on PS5, but I'm playing in fidelity mode with ray tracing. So far I have gotten 0 frame drops, 0 pop in, no door swirls & only one minor bug. There are 3 possible reasons for this (or it may take all 3, idk for sure.) 1st, I turned off motion blur. I always do this because lowering performance to do something my eyes do already is silly. 2nd, I turned off depth of field. I do this because it's more realistic. If I look at a distant mountain my eyes will see all it's details. Depth of field will give a more cinematic effect, but it's not my preference & if you want the game to look more like The Witcher you should turn it off as well. The performance boost is just a bonus for me. The 3rd possible reason is the added 2tb ssd the game is loaded on might be a bit faster than the the original. Regardless, the 30 fps so far has been stutter free 100% of the time. I think the graphical boost is worth trying at least. You might be pleasantly surprised.
  • Great review. There are a few things I wish you had mentioned and I hope you can answer those: 1. Do you over-level quests and enemies, making combat trivial later on? 2. Can you customize the HUD? (Like remove the outlines, enemy health, etc) 3. Are the combat missions open ended? Can you decide how to approach them? (stealth or combat) or does the game force you into combat or only have a few missions where you can stealth them? 3. Are there random encounters in the open world outside Hogwarts? (I mean roaming enemies in the woods and encounters between different factions) or is every single encounter you get is scripted to appear in one spot and is a one-time affair? Thanks for a fantastic review.
  • @tb1235
    Established studios have destroyed franchises while underrated studios are doing an incredible job with AAA titles. History of work is important but not the end all, be all and this proves that.
  • played 6 hours so far and loving it! Story is fun, level design is amazing. It is clipping a little on Series X but to me so far it is a 9 out of 10
  • @skalapunk
    Friendly reminder that the proper response to being called a insert whatever-phobe is not "No, I'm not.", but rather "I don't care".