Skyrim: 5 Things They Don’t Tell You About The College of Winterhold in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim

Skyrim is a game that features a variety of joinable factions, from the Dark Brotherhood to the Imperial Legion, there’s no shortage of different causes for the Dragonborn to join in The Elder Scrolls 5. The College of Winterhold represents a particularly unique organization, as rather than being an army of cabal of criminals, it’s an academic institution dedicated to the arcane arts. But like any of Skyrim’s factions, the College of Winterhold is full of dark secrets and fascinating Easter Eggs that can surprise even the most dedicated of players. So today we’ll be taking a look at five things they don’t tell you about the College of Winterhold in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim.

コメント (21)
  • @ShorseyLP
    "Savos Aren "..." is a highly respected wizard and regarded as among Tamriels most gifted in the arcane arts." And then comes this random dude along who can barely cast Candlelight and replaces him. Skyrim logic at its finest.
  • @JaelaOrdo
    Oblivion: “You want into the Arcane University? First go to the Mages Guild hall in each city and get a recommendation from each leader. Then we’ll talk.” Skyrim: “You wanna get into the College of Winterhold? Ok cast this simple spell.” “I don’t know that spell.” “Ok, I can teach it to you for 30 septims.” “Ok.” “Congratulations, welcome to the College.” (sometimes I swear the college of winterhold questline was written by EA)
  • Guard: "I've got a lot of respect for the Restoration School. Skyrim could use more healers." Colette Marence: "Finally! Somebody that respects restoration magic!"
  • Remember that lesson you got during your first class in the College of Winterhold? Well it's quite an important class since you can use a Ward Spell to block the Paralysis spell that Ancano casts at Tolfdir, allowing Tolfdir to stay in the fight and making the Fight almost a cake walk since Tolfdir can simply blow Ancano a new one with his Fireballs.
  • @nemilyk
    "The College is yours to command, now go find me this book."
  • I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your hands only. A like for your video... not sure who from. He wouldn't say. Just that he was a friend of yours.
  • Nate: hit the like button and i'll come to your house and narrate your life Me: don't do that, don't give me hope
  • skyrim: septimus signus nate: 😏 skyrim: dont. nate: septimus singus
  • Doesn’t Hermaeous Mora mention that Septimus had “reached the end of his usefulness”? Maybe the Prince had kept him alive for those thousands of years?
  • Neloth: Ha, Savos? I'm so much better than him Divayth Fyr: Hold my Sujamma
  • @ecwoodrow
    The picture in the Oghma Infinium is likely a model of the Mundus. Nirn is in the center surrounded by 8 plane(t)s and the Sun. In fact if the image resembles anything on Nirn it would be the Imperial City as it was built to resemble the Mundus so that the Ayleids could "pluck the strings" of the world.
  • I mostly play Warriors. So whenever im at the College its like your Grandma when she discovered the Internet. "Ouh so you can do that with it?" "Wait what has that done?" "Where am i?"
  • you know how every teacher offers you one final test when you've almost mastered their school of magic? I want that for the warrior and thief schools as well, it doesn't have to be a new power for every one of them, at-least include a unique item, like the false skeleton key for mastering lockpicking. but they should all involve a challenge that involves said skill, weather it be a boss for the offensive and defensive skills, sneaking into a hold without killing anyone, you get the idea.
  • @Paddy656
    Your pronunciation of Septimus' last name made me Septimus Cringus.
  • @Bakrain
    "I had you figured for a mage."
  • As for Septimus being referenced in the Shalidor pages. There have been many theory's in the past that link together into this. As the theory goes that the Eye of Magnus was supposed to transport the player back in time/make time itself unstable. This leading to the player actually triggering the Great Collapse while trying to stop the Orb of Magnus (a very explosive power that combined with time fracturing ended up destroying most of Winterhold, Winterhold itself remaining mostly unharmed due to the barrier created by Ancano while trying to drain the eye of more power. Its likely the player might have ended up being send even further back in time, and gained the help of Shalidor to restore time/fix the eye and send you back to your time, but of course being one fo the greatest mages in his time, ended up researching the time anomaly and glimpsed quite some future events himself. I like this as a theory as it sounded quite grandiose, but I can see that (if this was indeed the case) why it was cut in favor to the Psiijic ending, as it would otherwise far overshadow the main quest.
  • My theory for the Septimus thing, assuming it is still lore viable; This Mage was clearly extremely skilled, and possessed incredible knowledge. I think by some means (perhaps elder scrolls), he could see into the future to a certain extent, and he was writing in prophecy. Considering we as the player can see back in time, and Alduin was lost in time as a result of an elder scroll; it seems very likely that he possessed one and he started to write all the knowledge he obtained from it; including this prophecy of Septimus and the iceberg. This elder scrolls knowledge could also explain the use of an unknown language.
  • Serana wouldn't stop attacking ancano once. Let's just say, I haven't been there in a while. Also why do the middens be looken like the house you get in riften? Lmao