April Universal Yums! España! Otherwise known as Spain.

Published 2018-04-21
Today I go solo in the tasting of the April Universal Yums box. It was treats from Spain. Having EoE makes it hard for me to taste some, if not all, of the treats. C'est la vie. Don't forget to subscribe, hit the like button, and leave a comment. You may drop me an email at [email protected]

All Comments (3)
  • Yummy the almond nugget! Oh my goodness a Mary Jane was my absolute favorite. So yummy! I can’t wait for your live stream. I’m needing some of that right now. Just too brighten my days😁💕bye bye Otis precious doggy. 👋🏼
  • I love those types of boxes! I love the world and I love food, so obviously 😄