Yom Kippur 2023 ... Or is it?


コメント (21)
  • The lord's timing is always perfect ☝️🙏☝️🕊️💯♥️
  • Most importantly--THIS (today) is the DAY the LORD has made---I will be glad and rejoice in it!!
  • Приятно видеть вас вдвоём ❤❤ Да, действительно, календарь запутан, смотрим вверх и ждём Господа в своё время!🙏😌
  • @Youra331
    Day of atonement and i made Jesus a cake in his name. ❤
  • @robmills7611
    All I know is that at least in 2014-2015 the modern Hebrew calendar was spot on because of the 4 blood moon Tetrad lined up PERFECTLY with the 4 consecutive Jewish Feast days, so if that calendar IS off then it has happened SINCE 2015
  • Remember it's God's will be done not ours we serve the living God and his son Jesus christ and are forever redeemed
  • The modern Gregorian Calendar we use has 365/366 days in a year. The calendar that was used used in Biblical Times, the time of Jesus and earlier, had 360 days in it. Thus, events may not seem to happen at the exact time as expected.
  • @fieryfaith
    Genesis 8:22 - “While the earth remains,Seedtime and harvest,And cold and heat,And summer and winter,And day and nightShall not cease.”
  • Do if the new moon following the Equinox establishes the new month, Tishri 1 will begin on Oct 14th, yes? Thus Yom Teruah?
  • @endtimes2028
    Agreed We need to keep in mind that our FATHER YAHWEH calendar is different to ours, the fall feast days are supposed to start in the fall not summer, it's still summer in Israel , and the next new moon will start in the fall of Israel on the October the 14-16 mankind calender is mix up just like we are, and the Jubilee year from Ezekiel vision of the FATHER YAHWEH temple to LORD YESHUA death, to LORD YESHUA bringing HIS Anointed children into HIS KINGDOM must aline, for our FATHER YAHWEH appointed times, through HIS given moon cycles THAT remains until the new heaven and new earth comes.
  • @mbrown6837
    The 7the Day Sabbath TODAY is the SAME as in Messiah's Day. We can prove it from the Bible and the Jewish people from around the world as they came back to Israel beginning in the late 1940s, No matter where they returned from, even those cut off from main stream Judaism, i.e., the Ethiopian Jews, as well as the Israelite Samaritans who are STILL TO BE FOUND LIVING IN ISRAEL, all keep the same 7th Day Sabbath. The day before SUNDAY/the 1st day of the week. Fast forward to today, the Sabbath closes the next day is the FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK, as in: Luke 23:56 And they returned and prepared spices and ointments, and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment. Luke 24:1 On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the tomb. The Christian church neither East or West has forgotten when the 1st Day of the Week occurred have they? Back up one day and there you have identified the 7th Day Sabbath. Even Islam when they came on the scene, they knew of the Sabbath keeper and the Sunday keepers, and they chose Friday. Even in over180 languages, the 7th Day of their week, phonetically sounds like Sabbath. So there are too many ways we can historically identify the 7th Day of the week, today. YHWH would never instruct a day to be kept holy, then allow that day to be forgotten. So to summarize you can identify the 7th Day Sabbath by: 1) The Bible itself, in the succession of the days of the week, comparing it to: 2) The Eastern Orthodox & Western Christian Churches selection of Sunday for worship. 3) The Jewish people from around the world who have never disputed which day was Sabbath. 4) The Muslims who knew of Sabbath and Sunday keepers, their days back to back. 5) The name of the 7th day of the week in 180 languages, phonetically sounds like Sabbath. THE SABBATH ACROSS THE CENTURIES http://www.projectrestore.com/library/timejoy/tjoych11.htm
  • @scottpringle
    2026-2070 though really high watches could be from 2033 onwards
  • @Roads241
    The Wailing Wall or Western Wall
  • @fieryfaith
    You do know Yahuah only gave us 2 seasons right?